Apple unveils faster iBook with built-in wireless networking



  • Reply 41 of 68
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by tonton

    The dot pitch of a 12" screen at 1024x768 is fine. It doesn't strain my eyes the least bit. I'm farsighted and I can see little itty bitty tiny tiny dots. I think the 14" iBook is dumb because it costs so much more with almost no benefit (only processor speed, which is not worth that price difference IMO), and has the added disadvantage of being much bigger and therefore less portable. I fully expected to see higher 14" resolution with this update, and I'm honestly shocked that there wasn't any.

    Well, its Apple and the iBook, they didn't want to increase the resolution and risk losing some powerbook business.

    But I have to disagree with you on the 14" model. You get a larger screen, which is easier to see/read. It has the same resolution, but it is larger. Its no less portable than the 15" pbook (I've not heard people complaining about that being too big). Some people like small for ease portability, esp. if you're moving it around alot (read: traveling, taking it from office to home and back, etc). But consumers usually haul their laptops around the house, not around the world. Portability to them means being able to take it to the kitchen, not so much of fitting into a briefcase. Just because it doesn't fit your needs doesn't make it a bad deal for others.

    [FWIW, I own a 12" iBook because I was looking for something that was easy to haul around on travel in my carry-on bag (which is usually so full of food and other crap there isn't much room for anything else).]
  • Reply 42 of 68
    ionyzionyz Posts: 491member

    Originally posted by Louzer

    Its no less portable than the 15" pbook (I've not heard people complaining about that being too big).

    You must not be reading the right threads , because I see gobs of people saying "Sure the 15" is great, but for portability its 12" or nothing" to paraphrase. The 14" *should* have higher resolution, but doesn't. Oh well. \
  • Reply 43 of 68
    My girlfriend and I picked up a new 12" iBook last night in Cambridge, and it's pretty great. No, not as fast as a G5, but I was impressed with the general performance, even with just 256MB of RAM! I'm ordering another 512MB, but wasn't going to buy that from Apple. Anyway, so far it seems like a great deal. $949 edu price, includes AP Extreme, and plenty fast for most of what me or my girlfriend would do 'on the road'. I'll still be buying a PowerBook when the next revision comes out, at which point the iBook goes exclusively to my gf.

    I'd be willing to bet that most users (aside from gamers or graphic designers) would be quite happy with the new iBook. I think it's funny when my friends scoff at the iBook as a viable computer, but are still holding on to their 867MHz TiBooks.
  • Reply 44 of 68
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member

    Originally posted by concentricity

    My girlfriend and I picked up a new 12" iBook last night in Cambridge, and it's pretty great.

    Do you know if there's any cosmetic changes? I heard somewhere that the latch was now white, not silver anymore.
  • Reply 45 of 68
    God dangit. This is the only reason i hate apple...

    I just bought my iBook 12" at the start of the semester... late-August.

  • Reply 46 of 68

    Originally posted by NOFEER


    why even buy a PB 12? or even the 15 sounds like an upgrade of the PB is in the wings. Hmmmmmm

    Hmm... does anyone here know anything about "the next lineup" of mac-labtops? I had a plan of bying an iMac G5, but I figured I'd save the money and check the market when a new lineup of labtops were available? Any info/rumours on the subject?
  • Reply 47 of 68
    chagichagi Posts: 284member

    Originally posted by cubedcompanies

    God dangit. This is the only reason i hate apple...

    I just bought my iBook 12" at the start of the semester... late-August.


    In fairness, I think you're still in pretty good shape with the iBook that you picked up before starting school.

    Sure, the new model is a bit cheaper, includes Airport, and is slightly faster, but it's not an enormous update that has made your older iBook obsolete.
  • Reply 48 of 68

    Originally posted by kanogil

    Hmm... does anyone here know anything about "the next lineup" of mac-labtops?...



    ...I had a plan of bying an iMac G5, but I figured I'd save the money and check the market when a new lineup of labtops were available? Any info/rumours on the subject?

    Perhaps this Board will suit your needs.
  • Reply 49 of 68
    The 12" powerbook should still be faster then the current 14" ibooks. But, it won't be noticeable. The ibooks have a 133 Mhz FSB while the 12" pbook has 167 Mhz FSB. That should make it faster but, average Joe won't notice.
  • Reply 50 of 68
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member

    Originally posted by Gon

    Not much of an upgrade, but price/performance is better than the old model's, which was already very good. Considering how misery Apple is with both price and specs on every desktop, iBook is the best "switch" advertisement.

    They could quit crippling the video spanning feature though. Every other laptop has it, even the cheapest ones. This is especially annoying as iBook's screen size and quality are not exactly stunning. If I bought one I'd want to attach it to an external monitor for sure.

    This was my major reason for going with the Powerbook 15" ... but then again maybe that is what Apple wanted. I think the iBook IS the switcher form of a big iPod, that the kid can take to school or parent can replace the 2 year old Gateway ... IF the iBook would run the 17" monitor that went with the Gateway.

    Gotta leverage the installed Hardware base if you want to make switching easy.... and gotta leverage Mac OS candy to make switching fun! So far one out of two.
  • Reply 51 of 68

    Originally posted by satchmo

    Do you know if there's any cosmetic changes? I heard somewhere that the latch was now white, not silver anymore.

    none that I can tell. I was never too intimate with the previous iBooks, so I can't say for sure. but this one still has a silver latch release. One thing I hadn't noticed before that is really cool is the iBook-end of the AC has two little LEDs in it I guess, so the end glows amber while the iBook is plugged in and charging, and then glows green when the battery has been fully charged. Maybe all the *Book AC adapters do that now, I'm not sure.

    p.s. YAY RED SOX!!!!
  • Reply 52 of 68
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by dfiler

    It is good that Apple has some slow/cheap models.

    It is good that Apple has some fast/expensive models.

    It is good that Apple's OS takes advantage of whatever hardware you have chosen to purchase.

    Feel free to feel victimized though... simply because Apple doesn't put the exact same GPU in every single machine they sell.

    That's not the point either. The point is Apple wont make everybody that does not use an iBook wait for Tiger once it's ready for release if iBooks have not been updated. Why would they? The next iBook probably wont make it scream either, but that does not mean Apple is going to wait for iBooks w / G7 processors to release it.
  • Reply 53 of 68
    Finally, the current iBook is a no brainer!!!

    A nearly fullfeatured Apple Laptop, for 999,- ? (and $ too). Lordy, what a wunderful world we actually do live in. 999 ? or bucks or what, man, i do not want to hear any rants any time soon.

    This is the most affordable Apple Computer ever.

    And no, the graficcard is just fine for most thinkable purposes. Though...
  • Reply 54 of 68

    Originally posted by Stoo

    The 9200 doesn't have as large a set of programmable pixel operations (aka pixel shaders) as the GeForce 5200/Radeon 9500 and up. Pixel shaders are what are used by CoreImage/CoreVideo when it's running on the GPU. The GPU hardware requirements for full CoreImage/CoreVideo compatibility corresponds to what Micorsoft's DirectX 9 calls Pixel Shader 2.0.

    Tiger will run on a 9200, but CoreImage/CoreVideo may have to place more emphasis on the CPU.

    Hmm... Im considering buying an iBook but now with all this talk about whether or not Tiger will run on it is making me reconsider... One of the main reasons I'm getting a mac is the swankiness of the OS, I dont want to miss out on Tiger when it comes out next year, but then again... even if I do shell out extra and get the powerbook (and it is an awful lot more for what is essentially a GPU upgrade) they are releasing a new powerbook before Tiger right?


    <Rock> me <Hard Place>

    Excuse this dumb question.... are the GPUs built in or are they on separate boards ala AGP slot/PCIe ?
  • Reply 55 of 68
    ionyzionyz Posts: 491member

    Originally posted by ripkord

    Hmm... Im considering buying an iBook but now with all this talk about whether or not Tiger will run on it is making me reconsider...

    Tiger will run on it. One of its most advanced features will not be run in the GPU but more likely by the CPU. Even those with compatible GPUs won't run things 100%. Load 3 dozen Windows and flip on Exposé. A Radeon 9800 will handle it better then an GeForce 5200 and AFAIK the same will happen with the iBook. The effects will be slower but they will still work.


    Originally posted by ripkord

    Excuse this dumb question.... are the GPUs built in or are they on separate boards ala AGP slot/PCIe ?

  • Reply 56 of 68
    g2gg2g Posts: 39member
    I was just at the Apple store in Atlanta...Wow first time ...i am geting ready to switch to an ....ibook ....or pb....used both side by side and they 1.33 ibook...15 pb...seem very close ...I would like to see a shoot out between a 1.33 with 512 ram ver's a pb 15 with 512 ram and 64meg see how they stack up ...I want to use my ibook/pb...for my business ...running Quicken premier home and bis win version using Virtual Pc ....7.0 ...and starting to get ride of all my cd's and put them on the HD....itunes etc... using iphoto dvd etc... and surfing...after using the new ibook i really like it alot i just wonder about dvd play back and if it will run slow using Virtual pc 7.0 ...not sure if i need to spend the $$$ on a pb 15.....any way seeing and using them were so much fun ppl at the Apple store and in Atlanta were so nice ...i wish i could get it today....btw the 30inch display was way cool .....still on the fence I have to wait till the first of the so I will keep looking reading and learning
  • Reply 57 of 68
    Thanks IonYz, I suppose in a way I'd rather have the better performing overall, even if it is just the GPU that makes the difference. Can you upgrade the GPU on a powerbook? If so then that for me is a dealbreaker.

    Actually just been reading that a powerbook g5 may be available early next year.. I might as well wait
  • Reply 58 of 68
    gongon Posts: 2,437member

    Originally posted by ripkord

    Thanks IonYz, I suppose in a way I'd rather have the better performing overall, even if it is just the GPU that makes the difference. Can you upgrade the GPU on a powerbook? If so then that for me is a dealbreaker.

    Actually just been reading that a powerbook g5 may be available early next year.. I might as well wait

    No, you can't upgrade the GPU on a Powerbook.

    From the impression I get of you, I'd say just get the iBook right now. If you like it, and want more power, upgrade to the G5 Powerbook which will likely be out around same time as Tiger. You won't lose much when you eBay the iBook, but you will have learned the OS and what to expect.
  • Reply 59 of 68
    Hmm, Might just do that

  • Reply 60 of 68
    I managed to get the last rev of the iBook 12" (1Ghz, no airport)for cheep and yes the graphics card isnt the best but you can still play some games ok, nothing to write to the press about but it is better then doing work in class

    Also as a iBook user I don't really care if i can't use core image/video in Tiger just as long as i can run Tiger
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