Apple music event set for Sept 7



  • Reply 41 of 78

    Originally posted by melgross

    They should buy it just to get out of the restrictions, and then sell off the company, as they shouldn't be in the business of owning music. Maybe Pixar should buy it.

    Oh, I wonder what it's worth. I don't remember, is it a public company?

    Apple should totally get in the business of owning music. Why you ask?

    1. The idiot labels do not get the internet and digital distribution. However, they hold the power in this area. Look they want to raise the price and do all kinds of stupid stuff. Apple has power but fundamentally little power to stop this. By owning the largest label they can pioneer the way. I would not suggest Universal become part of Apple. Rather (and this is just dreaming) Apple Computer would merge with Apple Corp. and Universal. The name of the new corporation would be Apple Corp. Apple Corp would own Apple Computer and Universal Records. Universal would take on the Beattles catalogue and largely operate l;ike they do now. HOWEVER! if Steve wants to sell somngs for 99 cents forever he doesnt have to ask. And if he owns the largest label I bet Sony and the rest will not sell their songs for more than 99 cents when the largest label sells them for 99 cents.

    2. Apple would have power over the other Music stores. I am not sure they could deny Napster and the rest the Universal Catalogue. But they would have the threat of it. Oh hell- if M$ can get away with it why couldn't Apple. By the time the Justice department sues wins etc Napster will be dead as Netscape.

    3. In the vary long run Apple could use Universal and iTunes to move the whole music industry away from the current model. Currently the labels waste huge amounts of money trying to distribute music they think will sell. Adds, product placement etc... They pay for this by taking huge cuts from the successful artists. Imagine Apple thru Universal starts to actually use digital distribution to save money and let consumers decde what they like. It would save all the waste current lables go thru and allow Universal to offer artists a greater cut. In turn more artists want to sign with Universal and in turn Apple gains more power.

    Its all really beautiful!
  • Reply 42 of 78
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by ThinkDifferent

    I would be SHOCKED if Steve showed off the ROKR for the first time, this is mostly a MOTO thing, I think...

    PLUS the ROKR just doesn't seem to be anything special, certainly not to be compared with the original iPod...

    This is just foggy memory, but I thought that I read that Jobs would be at the announcment whenever it would be made.
  • Reply 43 of 78
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by salmonstk

    Apple should totally get in the business of owning music. Why you ask?

    1. The idiot labels do not get the internet and digital distribution. However, they hold the power in this area. Look they want to raise the price and do all kinds of stupid stuff. Apple has power but fundamentally little power to stop this. By owning the largest label they can pioneer the way. I would not suggest Universal become part of Apple. Rather (and this is just dreaming) Apple Computer would merge with Apple Corp. and Universal. The name of the new corporation would be Apple Corp. Apple Corp would own Apple Computer and Universal Records. Universal would take on the Beattles catalogue and largely operate l;ike they do now. HOWEVER! if Steve wants to sell somngs for 99 cents forever he doesnt have to ask. And if he owns the largest label I bet Sony and the rest will not sell their songs for more than 99 cents when the largest label sells them for 99 cents.

    2. Apple would have power over the other Music stores. I am not sure they could deny Napster and the rest the Universal Catalogue. But they would have the threat of it. Oh hell- if M$ can get away with it why couldn't Apple. By the time the Justice department sues wins etc Napster will be dead as Netscape.

    3. In the vary long run Apple could use Universal and iTunes to move the whole music industry away from the current model. Currently the labels waste huge amounts of money trying to distribute music they think will sell. Adds, product placement etc... They pay for this by taking huge cuts from the successful artists. Imagine Apple thru Universal starts to actually use digital distribution to save money and let consumers decde what they like. It would save all the waste current lables go thru and allow Universal to offer artists a greater cut. In turn more artists want to sign with Universal and in turn Apple gains more power.

    Its all really beautiful!

    I don't think so. Once Apple does that it's down the slippery slope. Why should they have artists in Washington hearings pointing out that they aren't fair? Why should they have to worry about CD sales? Or signing artists? Apple doesn't need to be caught up in some payola scheme, or drug bust. Or suing teenagers or grandma's. Besides, despite what artists and those who would rather steal their music want us to believe, the music companies aren't as unfair as we seem to want to believe.

    No sir. The music business doesn't make enough profit these days to make any of that worthwhile. And then they would be a competitor instead of a partner.

    No no no.
  • Reply 44 of 78

    Originally posted by melgross

    This is just foggy memory, but I thought that I read that Jobs would be at the announcment whenever it would be made.

    Yeah, but to have ROKR be the center of Steve's big media event??? This is MOTOs big thing, not Apples. But this doesn't mean that Steve won't be there when Motorola unveils is FINALLY, just to show his support...
  • Reply 45 of 78
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by ThinkDifferent

    Yeah, but to have ROKR be the center of Steve's big media event??? This is MOTOs big thing, not Apples. But this doesn't mean that Steve won't be there when Motorola unveils is FINALLY, just to show his support...

    I'm wondering if this isn't as important to Apple as it is to Moto. Possibly even more important.

    The word these days is that eventually most songs will be downloaded to phones rather than iPods. How many phones are sold a year 100 million?

    If Apple gets on that bandwagon and can get a phone to a Cingular which is the biggest Cell provider here, then it might get the other companies to pay attention, if the phone does well. Otherwise Apple might get squeezed out.

    I know a lot of people here will say no way, but I just bought my daughter a phone that plays music, has a memory card, does video and stills, etc.

    Apple can't afford to get cut out of that market. It won't be AAC Fairplay. Apple has to get people thinking that if they want to do this on a phone then it had better be a phone that Apple has a stake in.
  • Reply 46 of 78
    webmailwebmail Posts: 639member
    Steve isn't going to show off the motorola phone. Honestly nobody is very proud of that product. Motorola was told to hold off scheduling any announcement on this product, because Apple was scheduling another event for September.
  • Reply 47 of 78
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by webmail

    Steve isn't going to show off the motorola phone. Honestly nobody is very proud of that product. Motorola was told to hold off scheduling any announcement on this product, because Apple was scheduling another event for September.

    And you know this from?
  • Reply 48 of 78
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member
    Sounds like it's going to be 1,000 videos in your pocket.
  • Reply 49 of 78
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    1000 Diddy music videos?

    1000 episodes of Survivor?

    1000 copies of The Phantom Menace?

    Inquiring minds want to know... is this to be measured in kilo-, Mega-, or Giga-craptaculars?

  • Reply 50 of 78
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    1000 Diddy music videos?

    1000 episodes of Survivor?

    1000 copies of The Phantom Menace?

    Inquiring minds want to know... is this to be measured in kilo-, Mega-, or Giga-craptaculars?

    Well, for someone like me, it's a boon. I have almost 700 videos.
  • Reply 51 of 78
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    1000 Diddy music videos?

    1000 episodes of Survivor?

    1000 copies of The Phantom Menace?

    Inquiring minds want to know... is this to be measured in kilo-, Mega-, or Giga-craptaculars?

    IF they will be selling music video's I can understand. But even then, what is the venue these are expected to play in? I read that it may have a 3" 640x480 screen. Ok, I guess for take it anywhere fun it'll work.

    But the old objections are still valid. Even if Jobs says it's here, the old objections are still valid.

    You can't walk and watch, you can't drive and watch, you can't study and watch (at least if you're normal), you can't work and watch, etc. Those are some of the most used areas of iPod usefulness. In fact, there is hardly any other time left.

    So why would you buy a video? To watch on the computer, to watch on your TV or home theatre.

    Is 640x480 good enough for that? Maybe for TV. We can always fill the screen on our computer. It's not bad then.

    But if it's a movie, 640x480 most likely isn't enough. H.264 requires a good cpu to work. Will the iPod have one? Will it use H.264? What about the higher rez's? Are we going to get a movie done in 2.23/1 as a 640x287 download? That's crap.

    There are so many questions, and no answers as yet.

    Whatever it is, it will surprise us, happily or not.
  • Reply 52 of 78
    hkbaqhkbaq Posts: 58member
    wall street journal just released an article saying that cingular would be the carrier.

    after reading all of your coments i mixed them up and though of this conspiracy theory

    first Steve will introduce iTunes 5 with fully integrated video, new interface and featuress and the all new video store, including subscription for videos(hard drives are not that big so, buy music, rent videos)

    second jobs shows the video ipod. There is content, therfore portable player= vPod. create a necesity and then a solution to that necesity in a few minutes.

    third the anouncement of the all famous iPhone. that will also be able to stream video, play music.

    by doing this they completely refresh their holidya season lineup for the music segment of the business

    then they just leave the computer refresh including the all new iMac G5 with something cool and new for paris expo
  • Reply 53 of 78
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by ThinkDifferent

    I would be SHOCKED if Steve showed off the ROKR for the first time, this is mostly a MOTO thing, I think...

    PLUS the ROKR just doesn't seem to be anything special, certainly not to be compared with the original iPod...

    i'm with thinkdifferent on this one. if this is just the crappy moto ROKR, i am going to shoot someone in the ****s.

  • Reply 54 of 78
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by webmail

    Steve isn't going to show off the motorola phone. Honestly nobody is very proud of that product. Motorola was told to hold off scheduling any announcement on this product, because Apple was scheduling another event for September.

    Steve is definitely not proud of the motorola phone and all the bullshit delays.

    That is my gut instinct, nothing more, nothing less.
  • Reply 55 of 78
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member

    Originally posted by melgross

    IF they will be selling music video's I can understand. But even then, what is the venue these are expected to play in? I read that it may have a 3" 640x480 screen. Ok, I guess for take it anywhere fun it'll work.

    But the old objections are still valid. Even if Jobs says it's here, the old objections are still valid.

    You can't walk and watch, you can't drive and watch, you can't study and watch (at least if you're normal), you can't work and watch, etc. Those are some of the most used areas of iPod usefulness. In fact, there is hardly any other time left.

    So why would you buy a video? To watch on the computer, to watch on your TV or home theatre.

    Is 640x480 good enough for that? Maybe for TV. We can always fill the screen on our computer. It's not bad then.

    But if it's a movie, 640x480 most likely isn't enough. H.264 requires a good cpu to work. Will the iPod have one? Will it use H.264? What about the higher rez's? Are we going to get a movie done in 2.23/1 as a 640x287 download? That's crap.

    There are so many questions, and no answers as yet.

    Whatever it is, it will surprise us, happily or not.

    Well, with that analogy, you can't view pictures while you walk, can't view pictures while you drive, can't view pictures while working. But there's an iPod photo isn't there? The Sony PSP can play movies so I'm sure Steve can handle the technology of playing videos on the iPod. And yes I wouldn't mind a simple portable solution to bringing my videos over to a friends house to hook up to the TV.
  • Reply 56 of 78
    snipesnipe Posts: 97member
    Video iPod is my vote if the invitation is a clue. Note centering on the WATCH Pocket...
  • Reply 57 of 78
    rolandgrolandg Posts: 632member
    The IFA - international radio/television/digital home entertainment fair - is taking place right now in Berlin. One of the hot topics is home media centers and content distribution. It seems all of the shown devices either run Windows XP MCE or are heavily MS reliant.

    The Airport Express was a first step in the right direction for Apple. Its introduction dates quite a few days back now and the product has seen no improvements yet. Nor has the concept been driven anyfurther on Apple's part or the product range been broadened.

    For the ITMS and Apple's music/digital entertainment strategy to further succeed they have do something in this direction and not rely on third parties - ie the "Made for iPod"-programme or Elgato.

    I sure hope the announcements tend to be of that sort.

    P.S.: I hope the introduction of the iTunes phone will bring better cellular synching support...
  • Reply 58 of 78
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by RolandG

    .....P.S.: I hope the introduction of the iTunes phone will bring better cellular synching support...

    get something like a sony ericsson T630 and you WILL have better cell synching support right now. AND you wont have to use that rubbish motorola phone interface [bleaghhhh ]
  • Reply 59 of 78
    ajpriceajprice Posts: 320member
    640x480 on a 3" screen??!! The PSP is 480x272 on a 4" screen and is rated as one of, if not the best small portable screens around.

    As for the 1000 songs in your pocket, here we go again line. How about a 4Gb shuffle, maybe with a screen?
  • Reply 60 of 78
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    My speculation is as follows:

    40 & 80GB iPod Video

    320x208 widescreen display (like on Motorola A1000, P910, etc) or similar

    H.264 encoded music videos available via iTMS.

    From (first link on Google when looking this up), "At a size of 850 by 366 pixels, this second clip has more than three times the resolution of the first clip. This isn't near-broadcast-quality, either. It's actual broadcast quality." [...] "This clip, this one you see right here at broadcast resolution, is encoded at 768 kilobits per second. With audio ? which you'll notice sounds substantially better since I used the MPEG-4 AAC audio encoder ? it comes to exactly 980 kilobits per second".

    1000 Broadcast Quality Music Videos in your Pocket would be around 40GB assuming an average of 4 minutes per video (actually, let's assume that Apple use standard definition DVD resolution video of 720x480, which is slightly more pixels than the above, but maybe they'll drop the quality a smidgeon to compensate). Let's assume that Apple also provides an audio-only version of the file alongside the video when you buy the video, then a 40G vPod will comfortably hold 500 music videos and 5000 songs. An 80G vPod will hold 10000 songs and 1000 videos.

    And it will be done right because of Apples excellence in interface design (although iPhoto's menu structure is rather poor I believe, that is only a single application).

    It makes total sense considering the clues in the article. This ain't the iPhone (well, not solely).

    I hope they will be available to order this soon. I've got this £18 off voucher that expires in the middle of September.

    haha, I can use the scrolling trackpad with quicktime like some kind of video deck.
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