Let's play a Game!!! Who has the most Oil in the world?



  • Reply 61 of 83

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    I thought I was the designated the only smarmy jackass allowed on this site. I don't like my role being usurped by giant at all.

    This used to be my job. And you have the gall to complain that you have been 'usurped'.
  • Reply 62 of 83
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    You know what's really interesting? Alcimedes only sources so far have been a) a company that has been selling off major oil shale assets (Suncor) and b) a partnership between two comapnies that are unprofitable and trying to justify their existance (for example: "Jim McFarland, has been on a world roadshow telling investors that the dream is not dead.") Of course, Suncor seems to think it is dead:


    The two companies have been savaged on the stockmarket since the shock departure in April of a key strategic partner, Suncor of Canada. This was seen as a sign that Suncor had lost patience with the twin companies' dream of extracting oil from shale using new technology.

    Note that these quotes came from an article I linked to before your last post in which you praised the failing venture, Alcimedes, which shows that you are either not willing to inform yourself or you are willing to ignore facts in order to try to decieve the lemmings.

    Looks like y'all's little circle jerk was a little premature.
  • Reply 63 of 83
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    12. But I'll respond to brainless alc post #2505 and then I'm done:

    Oh yeah, i guess this one's wrong too

    you can't even listen to yourself.

    you're a joke and don't even know it.
  • Reply 64 of 83
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    Go on living in fantasy-land. All you did was show that nothing you say can be taken seriously.

    Anyway, I'll take you calling me a joke as a compliment, considering everything you say is the opposite of reality. Bring on more insults.

  • Reply 65 of 83
    This is not a fair fight. It's something like watching the precision-guided, daisycutting, nightvisioned, tankbusting, clusterbombing, well-trained and well-paid Forces of Liberation bearing down on a division of Iraqi conscripts.

  • Reply 66 of 83
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member

    Note that these quotes came from an article I linked to before your last post in which you praised the failing venture, Alcimedes, which shows that you are either not willing to inform yourself or you are willing to ignore facts in order to try to decieve the lemmings.

    Looks like y'all's little circle jerk was a little premature.

    Hmm, reading doesn?t seem to be your strong suit giant, maybe I should try with straight pictures?..

    I?ll try words one more time just for kicks. See if you can piece this one together.

    My sole point in this thread:


    i had no idea the US had that much oil, i always thought we didn't have any which is why we import so much.

    From that one statement, you?ve extracted the following.

    1. Something political/war related.

    2. I want to run the entire US off of oil shale.

    3. I was referring to Esotania as an example of what we should do with oil shale.

    4. Oil shale is a source of revenue.

    5. I want the wholesale adoption of oil shale as our fuel source.

    Flat out 100% wrong statements you?ve managed in one thread.

    1. It is impossible to extract oil shale, and is akin to living on the sun.

    2. The technology to extract oil shale is 100-200 years off in the future.

    3. Oil shale extraction will never happen.

    4. Highly unlikely there will ever be a reduction in waste.

    5. By the time the technology will be here to extract oil shale petroleum fuels will no longer be in use.


    Jordan has specific strategic reasons that make it worthwhile for them to pursue oil shale.

    Yeah, Jordan wanted to stop relying on Iraq for oil. What a unique situation there.

    You?ve managed to entertain yourself by creating your own arguments then proving why you?re wrong. Although an impressive exercise in delusion, I?m not sure you really have a point.

    Try this.




    The only hint of a leg to stand on would be where I said the Australian company was making money off of oil shale. By this I meant that they extract it for less than then they sell it for. The initial costs are high for exploration etc, but this is often the case with new technology.

    Once in place, they extract oil and sell it for a profit. It would take time for them to recoup the initial costs, and they would have to stop spending money on additional exploration of future sites for it to happen. If they were to stop everything and just sell the oil they can extract now they would have made just a hair over $15 million in 2002. (it would be even more in 2003, as they?ve greatly increased their output)

    But hey, if you want that one, it?s all yours.
  • Reply 67 of 83
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    Here is the thread as i have seen so far.

    Alcimedes: The US has way more oil under the soil than I thought. Wow, neat fact eh? (used the word reserves to describe it, uh oh here comes the Giant flamer.)

    Giant: you are all a bunch of idiots, I don't like mining oil shale and since I don't like it anyone who says they do is a flaming idiot.

    Bunge: Oh yeah, me too!

    NoahJ: Hey it could work, people do cool stuff all the time and figure out how to make hard things easy (lists things that used to be impossible)

    Giant: Idiot, fooish little man. how dare you disgree with me you warmonger. You obviously are stupid since you support the war.

    NoahJ/Alcimedes: War? Where did that come from

    Bunge: Well how did you tow figure this had anything to do with war? you silly people. Oh yeah, me too, whatever Giant says!

    Giant: why don't you silly people ride your unicors to the moon and then take a UFO ride at Roswell?

    Alcimedes: Look here is a link to people who can mine oil shale profitably. Wohoo! We can live on the sun!

    Giant: Erm, idiot, that disagrees with me. All my prior arguments stand, even though this is new information.

    Alcimedes: But htis is new information, and here is another link to back it up

    Giant: Silence fools. You are all lemmings!

    Bunge: Yeah! Me too!

    Hassan: Hah! This is great! Why am I here again?

  • Reply 68 of 83
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by NoahJ

    Here is the thread as i have seen so far....

    Would that be because you might be a blind fool?
  • Reply 69 of 83
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Would that be because you might be a blind fool?

    Actually..... no.

    It was more because I am tired of this thread. If you don't think it was funny, then fine. I did. You can't be the only one posting rotten jokes on this forum.
  • Reply 70 of 83
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by NoahJ

    You can't be the only one posting rotten jokes on this forum.

    Can't I at least try?

    (sorry if the humor eluded me when I read it...)

    EDIT: (or sorry if the humor eluded you when you wrote it! )
  • Reply 71 of 83
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Can't I at least try?

    (sorry if the humor eluded me when I read it...)

    EDIT: (or sorry if the humor eluded you when you wrote it! )

    It was meant to be very dry. Thus the humor was somewhat hidden. I almost missed it myself at first.
  • Reply 72 of 83
    Pretty funny post NoahJ.

    I am sometimes amazed how many sources of energy that is left untapped.

    We are a nation of 5 million people living in 40000 sq km. Thats 120 people per sq km! Pretty dense population (no jokes okay?). But nonetheless we pump more oil up than the energy we need in total. But despite being blessed with all that oil we produce 20% of the energy used from wind turbines (not an alwful lot of places to put them with our high population density).

    And we even manage to grow enough food to feed a population five times our own size.

    What I am trying to say: With all that land in US you have all the room you need to be able to produce enough energy from other methods than those involving oil soemwhere in the equation.

    Is this post coherent at all or am I just blabbling?
  • Reply 73 of 83
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    As you say, this is your sole point:


    Originally posted by alcimedes

    i had no idea the US had that much oil, i always thought we didn't have any which is why we import so much.


    Should I point out that there is no oil in oil shale now?

    So, no, we don't have that much oil.



    Alcimedes: Look here is a link to people who can mine oil shale profitably. Wohoo! We can live on the sun!

    I thought the following sentence from alcimedes' own link was pretty clear:


    As the company is not profitable, its shareholders are long suffering.

    I think that pretty much sums up what you have contributed to the discussion.
  • Reply 74 of 83
    chweave1chweave1 Posts: 164member

    Mybe you guys are missing the point: why would any person or company in their right mind try to use oil shale as an energy source when it makes a lot more sense evironmentally, politically and financially to develop other energy sources like, oh I don't know, fuel cells? Have you not noticed that no technology is going to change the fact that massive amounts of waste are produced, the environmental consequences of mining, or the fact that it is still a hydrocarbon fuel? Oh well. Apparently you guys are so commited to arguing with me that you've left rational thought at the door.

    You attack everyone for saying that there is a possibility that, in the future, oil shale could be a viable source of energy. You then go on to BRILLIANTLY cite the fuel cell as a wonderful energy alternative.

    Where do you think Fuel Cells get their energy from? Do they create it out of nowhere?

    You might want to acknowledge the fact that fuel cells generate electricity through a chemical reaction that utilizes hydrogen and oxygen.

    Currently, the most economical source of hydrogen is petroleum/natural gas. So, it really isn't the new source of energy you say it is, after all.

    Instead of directly combusting petroleum derivitives in a car, you will break petroleum/natural gas down at a centralized plant, generating LOTS of pollution to extract the hydrogen. And once we exhaust petroleum/natural gas as a source of hydrogen, we can move on to Coal, the next-cheapest source of hydrogen (Although pollution is a major concern in this case). Water is currently an expensive (inefficient) source of hydrogen as it takes more energy to extract the hydrogen than you will actually get from the hydrogen itself. Hopefully this will not be the case in the future.

    I am not discrediting the fuel cell. I am a HUGE FAN of the fuel cell. But I refuse to label it as a new energy source when it will generate electricity ultimately from the same sources that we generate it from now.

    Now, I am not saying that oil shales are better than petroleum or coal. I never said that. Giant just came out and attacked me and many others because we said that there was a POSSIBILITY that oil shales could be a source of energy in the future. Apparently acknowledging that we do not know what technology in the future will allow us to do shows our stupidity. I thought it showed the open-mindedness and intelligence that Giant wanted us to apply to all situations, such as the war(which has no place in this thread, but he decided to rant about it here anyway).

    Here are some links. If you read them, thats fine, if you don't, thats fine too. I do not claim them to be the ultimate and only legitimate source of information. I only provide them for convenience.

    Fuel Cells

    Hydrogen Now

    The Hydrogen Economy

    DOE Research
  • Reply 75 of 83
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    Behold! The future is now!


    Cool part though was that they found a way to do it without any strip mining. Progress is a great thing.
  • Reply 76 of 83
    omegaomega Posts: 427member
    Nice bump.

    It only took me until page 2 to realise the dates of the earlier posts.

  • Reply 77 of 83

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    Behold! The future is now!


    Cool part though was that they found a way to do it without any strip mining. Progress is a great thing.

    Sounds like snake oil.
  • Reply 78 of 83

    Originally posted by giant

    This technology you speak of that will handle that amount of waste and enable proper and enviromentally sound mining is at least 150-200 years off, when petroleum fuel will have gone the way of the horse and buggy.

    Things have a way of changing, most everything that can be read about oil was printed before this year.

    Notice the slope of the chart at the end. Several things can become cost effective. Giant is that for giant moron, or like large butt head?? Always good to know for future reference. As for the future of a great many things look no further that the burgeoning area of materials science that appears to be breaking new ground almost undetected.
  • Reply 79 of 83
    Oil Shale? new process to draw the oil out just recently tested, and very successful... forgive me if anyone brought it up... here is the link


    it is interesting to say the least
  • Reply 80 of 83

    Originally posted by Omega

    Nice bump.

    It only took me until page 2 to realise the dates of the earlier posts.

    Got me too.
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