Terrible Nasty iBook



  • Reply 21 of 33
    I believe they are [email protected] and [email protected], but I could be wrong.
  • Reply 22 of 33
    Does anyone know for sure?
  • Reply 23 of 33
    taqtaq Posts: 76member
    I got a dual USB mac (the fancy one) in August. It rocks, and is "rock" solid. I've dropped it twice....by accident of course, and it runs beautifully. When I've had problems with it I've called tech support and they've been awesome. They Spent about an hour to figure out that my problem was with third party software and showed me how to fix it. Me thinks the problem is with you grasshopper. good luck, and insist beyond reason, until you're happy. That Usually works for me.
  • Reply 24 of 33
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Well, I have become sort of an expert at dealing with companies that are a pain. Gieven what you have already done:

    1) Call Customer service when it opens to reduce wait time

    2) Get a tech on the phone. Explain the situation calmly. Tell them all the remedies Apple has tried.

    3) Tell them that they have tried all these things and it is worse than before. Tell them that given the circumstances the only option you will now accept is a replacement machine. They will say no, but you must persist. Tell them you are seriously thinking about switching to PC. Ask to talk to the person's boss.

    4) Keep your request consistent. When they offer you other fixes, simply state that those are "unacceptable" and repeat your demand for a new machine....calmly.

    You may need to invest a bit of time. Whatever you do, DO NOT hang up until you get what you want. If someone tells you he/she will get you a new machine, tell hime/her you want his/her full name and department.

    If you get to the point where you have spoken to, say, five people and no one will help, threaten the last person with:

    1. e-mailing Steve Jobs. (say you will mention the person's name you are talking too.....of course, you must get his/her name first).

    2. Say you contact the Better Business Bureau and will report Apple to every consumer agency you can find.

    3. Tell them you are frequent poster on Mac web sites and tell them you RUN a Mac web site (you are Khack, right?). Tell them you will inform everyone you know of your experience.

    4. Your last option is to follow through on the threats. E-mail Jobs, write letters (hell, I might even threaten legal action).

    Be calm but very firm and you will probably win. I finally won with SprintPCS after months and months of problems. You just have to get to the right person. If you get irate, they will dismiss you as a freak and not really do anything.
  • Reply 25 of 33
    [quote]Originally posted by Taq:

    <strong>I got a dual USB mac (the fancy one) in August. It rocks, and is "rock" solid. I've dropped it twice....by accident of course, and it runs beautifully. When I've had problems with it I've called tech support and they've been awesome. They Spent about an hour to figure out that my problem was with third party software and showed me how to fix it. Me thinks the problem is with you grasshopper. good luck, and insist beyond reason, until you're happy. That Usually works for me. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Heh heh - I have never even banged my iBook, let alone dropped it (gasp), and mine has all these problems. However, people who drop their iBooks don't have problems. Isn't this ironic?
  • Reply 26 of 33
    [quote]Originally posted by SDW2001:

    <strong>Well, I have become sort of an expert at dealing with companies that are a pain. Gieven what you have already done:

    1) Call Customer service when it opens to reduce wait time

    2) Get a tech on the phone. Explain the situation calmly. Tell them all the remedies Apple has tried.

    3) Tell them that they have tried all these things and it is worse than before. Tell them that given the circumstances the only option you will now accept is a replacement machine. They will say no, but you must persist. Tell them you are seriously thinking about switching to PC. Ask to talk to the person's boss.

    4) Keep your request consistent. When they offer you other fixes, simply state that those are "unacceptable" and repeat your demand for a new machine....calmly.

    You may need to invest a bit of time. Whatever you do, DO NOT hang up until you get what you want. If someone tells you he/she will get you a new machine, tell hime/her you want his/her full name and department.

    If you get to the point where you have spoken to, say, five people and no one will help, threaten the last person with:

    1. e-mailing Steve Jobs. (say you will mention the person's name you are talking too.....of course, you must get his/her name first).

    2. Say you contact the Better Business Bureau and will report Apple to every consumer agency you can find.

    3. Tell them you are frequent poster on Mac web sites and tell them you RUN a Mac web site (you are Khack, right?). Tell them you will inform everyone you know of your experience.

    4. Your last option is to follow through on the threats. E-mail Jobs, write letters (hell, I might even threaten legal action).

    Be calm but very firm and you will probably win. I finally won with SprintPCS after months and months of problems. You just have to get to the right person. If you get irate, they will dismiss you as a freak and not really do anything.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I have already tried some of this, but if Steve doesn't reply in a few days I will try the rest Thanx
  • Reply 27 of 33
    This guy sounds like he is just yankin peoples chains. Balh, blah blah
  • Reply 28 of 33
    [quote]Originally posted by BungHole:

    <strong>This guy sounds like he is just yankin peoples chains. Balh, blah blah</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey - there is no reason to animadvert this thread. So back off!
  • Reply 29 of 33
    OMG - you wouldn't believe what just happened!!! I got this phone call this morning from someone from the Apple executive place, and they are sending me a box Monday to have it repaired. She said they would make sure it is repaired correctly, and in a timely manner, and they will fix everything that is wrong with my iBook!!!


  • Reply 30 of 33
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member

    good for you freshapple, now maybe you can stop complaining... or do you need a timeout like macintosh
  • Reply 31 of 33
    good. will you stop whining about it now
  • Reply 32 of 33

    I'm not in the camp that is going to accuse you of personally destroying yoru iBook. If you say you haven't taken it apart or dropped it, I'll believe you.

    However, you simply cannot take your experience as representative given how tremendously unusual it is. The feedback people are giving you on this board is in direct contrast to your experience. All that means is that you got dealt a rough hand, these things happen. It definitely sucks to have spent $1,800 on a product that does not live up to its promises.

    But don't try to formulate an argument against Apple based on your own experience if you are talking to people who have had more positive ones. I, for example, have a single-USB iBook for which I have never called Tech support. The Psychology department uses a fleet of 15 single-USB iBooks that have never had a problem. The people on this board have reported their iBooks have had few problems. What conclusion does this lead to? You got a bum deal, it sucks, but it's not typical.

    If you want to go waste $1,800 on a PC, go right ahead. But that decision will be based in precisely zero analytical thought.

    - Pook
  • Reply 33 of 33
    [quote]Originally posted by PookJP:

    <strong>If you want to go waste $1,800 on a PC, go right ahead. But that decision will be based in precisely zero analytical thought.


    No way am I going to do this after Apple called me, and I was actually able to speak to a person that was very professional and knew what she was talking about. And I appreciate what they are doing for me. So I say, screw PCs!!! If everything goes as planned, I will basically be left with a new computer. :cool:
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