Jobs declines to write foreword to Wozniak's autobiography



  • Reply 41 of 67

    Originally posted by Anders

    I just think he is the kind of guy that would piss you off unless you had somehting he wanted.

    I very probably have something he (Jobs) want's but he ain't goin to get it. Well, not until he decides to stop this litigation madness. ijust cant $*Yk'n stand it!, what's happened to him? (Jobs) has the iPod and iTunes gotten to his head?

    Chris. J
  • Reply 42 of 67
    godriflegodrifle Posts: 267member
    As a developer, I'd be rebooting between Windows XP and Mac OS X continuously, for testing purposes. I think you're imagining that people spend large amounts of time in one OS or another. That would not be my main use, and probably others making the same complaints.

    Think of it as waiting two minutes each time you launch a certain application you want to use... if you're using it a lot, each instance *is* a big deal.


    Originally posted by ecking

    Why does everyone act like a reboot is so friggin' hard?

    It's less than 2 minutes out of your life!

    This guy is brilliant but thinks working "slowly" in VPC is more convinient and easier than simply rebooting?

  • Reply 43 of 67
    godriflegodrifle Posts: 267member
    But that would imply a bit of journalistic background, wouldn't it? ;-)


    Originally posted by Hiro

    That's when you put a "[sic]" after the original mistake. Then everyone knows you aren't creating the mistake, but the original source did. And as a conscientious citizen you recognized it and correctly reported it.

  • Reply 44 of 67
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    I guess we'll find out when the book comes out what may have offended Jobs' sensitivities.

    Its not like he's an angel so if the book is moderately honest its going to have some less than stellar ancedotes about him.

    Given the comments he staffed reading the book, they came back with a few excerpts that he didn't like and he elected to decline. Eh. If Woz is going to tell about youthful indescretions (just a guess) he can't really expect someone as sensitive as Jobs about image to play along with a foreward.

    Saying a book about Woz isn't also about Apple and Jobs is rather narrow. Few are likely to buy a book about post-Apple Woz. Not even me and I enjoy the heck out of things like NerdTV.

    The first one is Apple related (Andy Hertzfeld) and worth a watch/listen.

  • Reply 45 of 67
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally posted by vinea

    I guess we'll find out when the book comes out what may have offended Jobs' sensitivities.

    Its not like he's an angel so if the book is moderately honest its going to have some less than stellar ancedotes about him.

    Given the comments he staffed reading the book, they came back with a few excerpts that he didn't like and he elected to decline. Eh. If Woz is going to tell about youthful indescretions (just a guess) he can't really expect someone as sensitive as Jobs about image to play along with a foreward.

    Saying a book about Woz isn't also about Apple and Jobs is rather narrow. Few are likely to buy a book about post-Apple Woz. Not even me and I enjoy the heck out of things like NerdTV.

    The first one is Apple related (Andy Hertzfeld) and worth a watch/listen.


    Woz is very direct in his interviews, and he's not usually sensitive or diplomatic when stating his point of view. Just check out some of the recent "TWiT" (This Week In Tech) with Leo Laporte podcasts. Some times Woz seems like a vengeful child, and he is well-known for his clever, but evil, pranksterism. All part of his unique genius, I'd reckon. \
  • Reply 46 of 67
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,434moderator

    Originally posted by sjk

    If I used Boot Camp I'd safe sleep OS X when restarting Windows and hibernate Windows when restarting OS X to preserve the session state of each OS. Of course any "stateful" activity (e.g. network traffic) would be interrupted when switching OSes.

    I always sys-suspend my Solaris box and can resume my previous session state just as I left it even after several months of stasis.

    How do you do this with OS X? I always wondered if there was a way to do that.

    On the subject of SJ turning down Woz's offer, I think it was reasonable. Maybe he didn't like what he read in the book or the way he was portrayed or that he would be endorsing a book with questionable subject matter. Maybe he doesn't have the time. Although a foreword is short, it's important not to sound like a prat and that can take time to get right. In the end, it's not a big deal. I'm sure brothers will respectfully decline an invitation to be their Best Man at their wedding for example and there's no harm in it.

    Also, as people have said, SJ and Woz are more friends via their media portrayal. I'm sure we all should know that the media doesn't equate to reality.
  • Reply 47 of 67
    gamoguygamoguy Posts: 24member
    Jobs probably got too high a dosage of truth after reading parts of the book. Oh whatever, let someone else write it then. Hmfn!
  • Reply 48 of 67
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by Anders

    Hitler DID build those Autobahns, didn´t he?


    Do you actually think Hitler has had any strategic abilities?

    Those autobahns are build by smarter people, who did the math.

    Hitler was good with manipulating people.

    He had his own RDF.

    But those autobahns would have been build without Hitler.

    Without a war.

    Just because, after a while, progress and economics needed it.
  • Reply 49 of 67
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    It's hard to write something insightfull enough to be interesting.
  • Reply 50 of 67
    Steve Jobs is a pompous asshole, what else is new?
  • Reply 51 of 67
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by BWhaler

    ..., Woz was an incredible guy, etc., etc.

    WOZ was ? Hm...
  • Reply 52 of 67
    danmacmandanmacman Posts: 773member

    Originally posted by Alias789

    I'm no fan of Windows but it would be nice if they integrated the fast user switching and Boot Camp. Could that solve the problem of different instructions sets for apps? I'm just asking so don't flame me for my naivete?

    Sorry for being off topic.

    I dont know if current gen Intel chips can do this, but I may be wrong. My understanding is that, when the Merom chips come out in the PowerMac replacement, we will see virtualization at full speed. Merom can dedicate different cores to different processes for virtualisation. How Apple goes about implementing it is a different guess. I am hoping for a fast-user switching style myself. I want my Mac to be a Mac, and Windows to be Windows. I dont like the idea of intersecting them.
  • Reply 53 of 67
    ryaxnbryaxnb Posts: 583member

    Originally posted by mdriftmeyer

    Mr. Jobs doesn't need to grow up. Either you have worked under/around him and have a firsthand impression or you take third hand words as first hand experience.

    Wozniak as a "brilliant" engineer lamentation is getting tiresome.

    This gossip is befitting of The Star or The Inquirer.

    Get over it. Nothing at Apple we see today has any "touch" of Wozniak in it.

    If you want to thank some brilliant engineers than start with the ones that bring you the products you constantly critique.

    Woz was at least half of Apple in the early days. Maybe not now. But back when Apple I and Apple ][ were king (1976-1985) Woz was da man. Without him there would be no Apple.
  • Reply 54 of 67
    ryaxnbryaxnb Posts: 583member

    Originally posted by mdriftmeyer

    Mr. Jobs doesn't need to grow up. Either you have worked under/around him and have a firsthand impression or you take third hand words as first hand experience.

    Wozniak as a "brilliant" engineer lamentation is getting tiresome.

    This gossip is befitting of The Star or The Inquirer.

    Get over it. Nothing at Apple we see today has any "touch" of Wozniak in it.

    If you want to thank some brilliant engineers than start with the ones that bring you the products you constantly critique.

    Woz was at least half of Apple in the early days. Maybe not now. But back when Apple I and Apple ][ were king (1976-1985) Woz was da man. Without him there would be no Apple.
  • Reply 55 of 67
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member

    Originally posted by Chris_jerome

    This is Steve Jobs arrogance at it's highest, really used to admire and like the guy, but i'm beginning to think he is a jerk. An arrogant childish nasty blooming jerk, with some wierd ideas about things and people, if it were not for poor ol Woz, Steve Jobs would not be were he is today. This is sad.

    Or, being the salesman that Jobs is, maybe he told Woz, "Hey man, think of the publicity you'll get when the media finds out I said I wouldn't write the forward for your book!"

    Anyone think about that one? I'm sure reserved copies at Amazon rocketed up once it hit all the news services.

    Steve did him a favor... and since it doesn't come out until the holiday season, 'things could change.'
  • Reply 56 of 67
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Originally posted by sandau

    Or, being the salesman that Jobs is, maybe he told Woz, "Hey man, think of the publicity you'll get when the media finds out I said I wouldn't write the forward for your book!"

    Anyone think about that one? I'm sure reserved copies at Amazon rocketed up once it hit all the news services.

    Steve did him a favor... and since it doesn't come out until the holiday season, 'things could change.'

    That's an interesting theory, and something Jobs seems capable of doing.
  • Reply 57 of 67
    danmacmandanmacman Posts: 773member
    Jobs is indeed. However my, albeit it very limited knowledge of Woz, he doesn't strike me as a person who likes to attract that kind of attention to himself purposefully.
  • Reply 58 of 67
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member
    Didn't Jobs lie to Woz about the money he got from Atari for Breakout? Woz didn't find out about this for years but in some interview he talks like it cut him pretty deep. I think it was like $5K which for people working in a garage in the late 70s would've been decent cash. So even in Jobs' "hippy days" he was out to screw people.

    From what little I know of Jobs from press releases, interview and movies, he seems like a total prick. From things like screwing Woz out of the Breakout money to abandoning his daughter for years to yanking books out of his stores because of a bio he just seems way too full of himself and way too full of screw everyone else.
  • Reply 59 of 67
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Originally posted by PBG4 Dude

    [..] abandoning his daughter for years [..]

  • Reply 60 of 67
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Whats with woz? not to speak ill of him, but he had one huge breakthrough and success 30 years ago, and another like 29 years ago with the apple][, since then he has been...playing polo?...talking on tv/radio/netcasts?

    What has Jobs ben doing in the mean time...leaves Apple, buys pixar, turns it into a billion-dollar-movie-megapower...founds NeXt, builds great products for the time, they would prove to be ahead of their time, so he got aquiered by Apple, where he took the reigns and spearheaded the switch to OSX, a quantum leap from the pile of shit that was MacOS ~1994-1999(7.5-9.x), pushed the iPod, got the iTms off the ground and revolutionised the idea of music purchasing...

    so in conclusion, the last thiry years:


    designed and built the Apple1 and Apple][

    told jokes

    pulled pranks

    bought up odd phone numbers

    bought a Segway and a hummer and took up polo

    so essentially, one could say that WOZ retiered in the early 1980s

    Meanwhile jobs has:

    Helped found and build apple

    founded and/or built 2 other billion-dollar companies

    took back over at apple...and shows no signs of stopping

    Me think Woz may be getting down to the last of his apple monies...soooo...we get the book...
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