Jobs says Pixar sale means more time for Apple



  • Reply 21 of 54

    Originally posted by zpapasmurf

    Hey... at least he doesnt work for "Dikshit"... no joke... the name is bad enough... but do you really have to name your company that too?

    Try saying you work for "Dikshit" with a straight face.

    In elementary, my principal's last name was Crappaschitts. His first name was Chuck.
  • Reply 22 of 54
    geo06geo06 Posts: 19member


    quote:Originally posted by zpapasmurf

    Hey... at least he doesnt work for "Dikshit"... no joke... the name is bad enough... but do you really have to name your company that too?

    Try saying you work for "Dikshit" with a straight face.

    In elementary, my principal's last name was Crappaschitts. His first name was Chuck.

    I had a teacher named Dickcock
  • Reply 23 of 54
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    How did this go from "Jobs says Pixar sale means more time for Apple" to "Most diabolical name ever" discussion?

    Must be the unforeseen conclusion that Steve will have more time for Apple now that he has sold his other business... Like... Duh!!!! Let's see, yes: "Steve Jobs becomes the CEO of Disney and Apple.

  • Reply 24 of 54
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Does this mean that Pixar films will be of lower quality than their superb blockbuster, well-thought-out stuff?
  • Reply 25 of 54

    Originally posted by Sekio

    Why would anyone vote against this? How much money is it going to lose the already rich shareholders to put a bit of money into environmental protection? Hell, it would probably make them more as it would put Apple in an even better light than they already are!

    Fucking Capitalism!


    Mainly because the announcement last week/two weeks ago to recycle computers on the purchase of a new one makes Apple on of the most environmentally friendly computer companies there is.
  • Reply 26 of 54
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by polyester

    In elementary, my principal's last name was Crappaschitts. His first name was Chuck.

    A guy's (in Highschool) last name was Ficken (in German "ficken" is a

    vulgar word of "to have sex") . This guy had a tough time actually.
  • Reply 27 of 54
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by iPeon

    How did this go from "Jobs says Pixar sale means more time for Apple" to "Most diabolical name ever" discussion?


    This is not that far fetched, is it? Any thread can u-turn

    at any time soon, if you don't mind.
  • Reply 28 of 54
    bengt77bengt77 Posts: 47member

    Originally posted by geo06

    I had a teacher named Dickcock

    In the Netherlands we have a police tv series where the two main characters are named De Cock (last name) and Dick (first name; his last name is Vledder). Quite the duo, for the English speaking crowd...
  • Reply 29 of 54
    bengt77bengt77 Posts: 47member

    Originally posted by wilco

    So, it's gotten to the point where you're replying to your own posts?


    Originally posted by the_snitch


    Originally posted by DeaPeaJay

    That's not funny, it's just petty. Am I missing something?


    Originally posted by Flounder

    Are you kidding me? That was post of the week material right there!

    Agreed, big time!
  • Reply 30 of 54
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
  • Reply 31 of 54
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally posted by gregmightdothat

    Mainly because the announcement last week/two weeks ago to recycle computers on the purchase of a new one makes Apple on of the most environmentally friendly computer companies there is.

    Basic tenet of environmentalism: the world is fucked and whatever action is taken is always not enough.

    Just mucking around here, there are other more "positive" views of environmentalism and more "hopeful" Gaia perspectives..?
  • Reply 32 of 54

    Originally posted by sunilraman


    No! Not until I point out
  • Reply 33 of 54
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by gregmightdothat

    No! Not until I point out

    HOLY F**** hahahhahaahaah roflmao
  • Reply 34 of 54
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member

    Originally posted by Ireland

    Huh? Your not serious right! You mean you didn't hear the news about what's coming! It's huge

    Yea, a mac built into a TV!


    now, where's my sandwich?

  • Reply 35 of 54
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by TednDi

    now, where's my sandwich?

    <soup nazi> NO SANDWICH FOR U..!! </soup nazi>
  • Reply 36 of 54

    Originally posted by geo06

    I had a teacher named Dickcock

    I knew a girl with a last name "woodcock."
  • Reply 37 of 54
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I guess running Apple has grown in to a full time job, with the massive increase in size. And can't those environmentalist scum use someone else's meeting as a publicity vehicle please?
  • Reply 38 of 54
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member

    Originally posted by ascii

    And can't those environmentalist scum use someone else's meeting as a publicity vehicle please?

    Totally! Why don't they do something more productive with their time, like posting on a computer-related discussion board?

    Why so bitter, did a dingo eat your baby?
  • Reply 39 of 54
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Originally posted by wilco

    Why don't they do something more productive with their time, like posting on a computer-related discussion board?

    The difference is I do not interupt shareholder meetings to read my posts out. If they want to preach their nonsense let them do it on their own time, not Apple's.
  • Reply 40 of 54
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member

    Originally posted by ascii

    The difference is I do not interupt shareholder meetings to read my posts out. If they want to preach their nonsense let them do it on their own time, not Apple's.

    It was a "meeting". The environmentalists "proposed" something. Apple "rejected" the proposal. The meeting continued.

    That's how share-holder meetings work. Pull your head out of your a**.
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