Which dual did YOU buy?



  • Reply 141 of 207
    jerombajeromba Posts: 357member
    [quote]Originally posted by superfula:

    <strong>Evidence shows the Quicksilver DP 1Gig or the Quicksilver DP 800 are the sweetspots.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I've got a Dual 800... and I have ordered a Dual 1.25 that's 50% more speed with more RAM, more HD space, more room for expansion etc.

    I remember a few years ago, I've upgraded from a 7100/80 to a 7500/100. Just because the case was better, more upgradable, etc.

    This time is the same. This Mac is perfect.

    In fact I can tell from reading some forums that this very Mac is the first to be completely build for Mac OS X Jaguar. That sounds great !

    [ 08-26-2002: Message edited by: jeromba ]</p>
  • Reply 142 of 207
    why do you think it is that i have still not recieved my new 1ghz duel yet...and i orderd it on the morning of the release.. the only things i changed on it was i added an airport card, geforce4 ti, 120gb hard drive and 1gb of ram...i know others with this exact config and they got theirs 4 days after they ordered.

    whats up?
  • Reply 143 of 207
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member
    Bummer. Keep calling Apple and poring on the heat. That's an awful lot of extras. Maybe they were out of one of those things.
  • Reply 144 of 207
    Banjo Billy, I feel your pain! I ordered a Dual 867w/Radeon 9000 Pro, the day they were announced, and it still says "being assembled". I got their standard "we are short on parts" e-mail which told me that it could take another 5 business days. Well, tomorrow will be the fifth day so I'm going to call them in the morning and try to get some answers. I went to a local reseller and played with one for a few minutes and I have to say that I was more than impressed with the speed!! The thing absolutely flew through every test I put it through. Return to Castle Wolfenstein was perfect with the GeForce 4 MX(all details and textures set to high), and I ordered the better vid card so I'm even more excited now!!!

    -Dual 867
  • Reply 145 of 207
    Banjo Billy and company: I'm in the same waiting boat. I ordered my dual gig on the 13th and was told last week that my machine wouldn't be assembled until this week. (My only upgrade was 512 MB of RAM instead of 256.) How long can it take to switch a memory card?


    Growing Impatient in Nashvegas
  • Reply 146 of 207
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    hm I received my DP 1.25GHz today...and then I woke up and was very dissapointed.

    Bah only 4 weeks to go.

  • Reply 147 of 207
    Well, another shipping deadline passed, another call to Apple. Yesterday, the guy I talked to swore that my computer was going out that night(hmmm, just like when he said that a week ago ). Well, according to the same guy this morning, my machine may not ship for another 10 business days!!!! wtf is wrong with this picture? All I ordered was a Dual 867w/Radeon 9000 Pro. We have people here ordering the GeForce 4 Ti and receiving it a week after the actual order was placed. And I am still waiting and will be waiting until mid-Sept. for my damned computer to ship.
  • Reply 148 of 207
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    [quote]Originally posted by Sybaritic:

    <strong>Banjo Billy and company: I'm in the same waiting boat. I ordered my dual gig on the 13th and was told last week that my machine wouldn't be assembled until this week. (My only upgrade was 512 MB of RAM instead of 256.) How long can it take to switch a memory card?


    Growing Impatient in Nashvegas</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I have a friend who works for a specialist and deals directly with manufacturing and distribution. Apple is out of Radeon and GeForce Ti's if you can believe that.

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 149 of 207
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member

    YES THEY ARE! No question.

    But... In the relative terms of 'Best Mac Value', the DP867 is it! Anyone thinking of getting an iMac Superdrive should move up to a BASIC DP867 and not bat an eye. In a year's time superdrives will be cheap enough to get a flea market. In 18 months DDR RAM will be cheaper to get than SDR RAM. Cheap, big, INTERNAL, drives are plentiful now. You'll not want for PCI expansion or GPU upgrades. And you can make do with a good CRT for now, then in a year or so treat yourself to a reasonably priced NON-APPLE LCD!.

    You'll easily get twice the life out of a DP867 than you will out of an iMac.
  • Reply 150 of 207
    Ordered a dual 1 Gig with 512 of Ram and the GeForce4 Ti on the 13th. Should have it by tomorrow.

    So at least some machines are making it out of Apple.
  • Reply 151 of 207
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    I'm always amazed how Apple never fails to screw something up. Really never, either they deliver new hardware at a totally ridiculous price/performance ratio (Cube) just to end up having tens of thousands on stock, or they make decent hardware and fail to deliver it, until the next generation is already due.

    I'm not complaining, my machine isn't due before in 4 weeks anyway, but I definitely do expect it to ship within the projected timeframe, or I will be seriously mad.

  • Reply 152 of 207
    Hope for the best...Prepare for the worst. Now my order status has actually gone BACKWARDS!!!! It went from "being assembled", to "being reviewed" this morning.

    Whatever... <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 153 of 207
    kalikali Posts: 634member
    Matsu, what did you buy ?

    What comp are you on ?

    Just curious.
  • Reply 154 of 207
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Nothing. My money is too good for most of Apple's current offerings. I'm on an AMD K6-2 300. Amazing, eh?

    I used to regularly use graphite towers under 9.1, DP533 and SP733 (superdrive), but I'm spending less and less time in the dept lab. For my work (mostly writing and editing) I use my home computer and a selection of Office Dells. YAY.

    I'd like a mac, BUT THERE IS NO WAY I'M going to pay what Jobs' thinks is a fair price.
  • Reply 155 of 207
    I decided to go ahead and make the purchase that I've been wanting since January, and especially since a few weeks ago... I picked up a new dual 1ghz on my way home this evening.

    First impressions (having only used this thing for about 20 minutes total so far):

    1. A bigger speed improvement from my dual G4 450 w/ 1gb RAM (even though I haven't added the extra 512mb chip I bought yet) than I had expected, so if it gets even zippier with 768 mb RAM, and especially once I add another 512 next month or so, I'll be ecstatic

    2. Startup time is a huge improvement

    3. Jaguar is smoooooth

    4. The whole system feels better-integrated and more complete than 10.1

    5. The Apple Pro Mouse is attractive and all that, but I can't wait to unplug it and put my Intellimouse Explorer in its place

    6. I had forgotten how much I hate Internet Explorer for OSX -- I'm downloading Mozilla now

    Overall I'm quite happy, though the Photoshop experience will be more telling.
  • Reply 156 of 207
    PS. Matsu, there's healthy skepticism and then there's being a plain old downer...
  • Reply 157 of 207
    Here's a quick "real world" benchmark I did to compare the speed of my old machine (see above) versus my new dual 1ghz.

    One of the things I most often had to wait for when using my old machine -- not a long wait, but frequent enough to be annoying -- was when I was converting an EPS file output from Quark, into a rasterized CMYK in Photoshop, to be saved as a Jpeg. In the course of doing CD package designs, I often create EPS output for proofing purposes -- either low-res output for posting to the web (so the musician could see his CD cover design and send me comments on it) or high-res output so I can evaluate the layout (since Quark displays such a poor-quality, color-inaccurate, low-res image onscreen). So I'm rasterizing this CD-booklet-sized image (9.5 x 4.75 inches) to either 72 dpi or 600 dpi, depending on what I'm going to use the output for.

    On my old machine, rasterizing a sample EPS file that I created, at 72 dpi, took about 7-8 seconds and, rasterizing at 600 took about 45 seconds.

    On my new machine, rasterizing the same EPS file using the same version of Photoshop, took no more than 2 seconds at 72 dpi, and about 18 seconds at 600 dpi.

    Rasterizing different kinds of graphic content gives different results for some reason -- I guess the process of rendering one kind of EPS is different from another -- so I used the same 13.5 MB EPS both times. The rasterized file, when saved as a TIFF, is 62.5 MB in size.

    These tests aren't at all meant to be "scientific" benchmarks, but I just wanted to figure out for myself in practical terms what effect this computer will have in one area that made me impatient with my old one. I don't really care about Quake 3 FPS (I have a PC for that stuff!) so graphics conversions & filters, and audio plugins, are what I care about.

    Oh, and I'm still comparing the new machine using only the 256mb of stock RAM. The doofus at The Computer Store gave me a 512mb stick of PC2100 RAM by mistake, so I'll have to return it and get the right stuff, before I can test this thing out with a decent amount of RAM in it (which may or may not make a difference on a test like this, though I suspect 1.25GB RAM would give better results given OSX system overhead, the RAM used by Photoshop, and the size of these files).
  • Reply 158 of 207
    [quote]Originally posted by Matsu:

    <strong>Nothing. My money is too good for most of Apple's current offerings. I'm on an AMD K6-2 300.

    For my work (mostly writing and editing) I use my home computer and a selection of Office Dells.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Y'know, this explains SO much....

    <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 159 of 207
    kalikali Posts: 634member
    Capt. Obvious :

    "Written documentation is an admission of failure!!


    Man, this is so true !!!
  • Reply 160 of 207
    Banjo Billy, Dual 867, and other Waiters: I hope your long drought ends soon. I'm happy to say that mine finally has. The machine arrived yesterday. As many have said, it's much more impressive in person than in a photo. It looks robust, feels robust, resizes windows with ease, gets hot, has beautiful internal organs (I easily loaded a second ATA hard drive and additional RAM), purrs a bit, and generally behaves like a gentle monster. In short, this is what computing should be.

    I've had enough of Windows XP and a crappy Dell laptop running Windows 98 (death). I have always been more at home on my PowerComputing Power Center Pro, but now that the dual gigger has arrived, this old PowerComputing stalwart is going to do some light lifting. Stopgap or no stopgap, the new machine will last a good three years and do a lot of video and photoshop rendering along the way. By then, Apple will have Power4 competitiveness and a first class platform in every respect. Those are my predictions. I'll be posting a lot less in this forum, however. Too much fun work ahead.


    No Longer Waiting in Nashville
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