Of course its not at ugly as the spy photos. But on a serious note, how about "dualie". Think about it, it has 2 full optical bays, 2 USB in back, 2 Firewire in back, 2 G4s, 2*2 air holes in front, and lets not forget 2 display connections.
Sawtooth, Quicksilver...apple likes, and we have choosen one word names, not hypenated or long things to say. And with 2 being the magic number for this tower...
BiMac (almost fits with the 'i' hardware from apple)
BiSilver (almost fits with the 'i' hardware from apple)
You can tell i'm not an expert at this!
Yosemities revenge I like, but maybe Yosemitie2 or something of that nature, I would think of 2 being in there, and relating to a previous name maybe.
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
Of course its not at ugly as the spy photos. But on a serious note, how about "dualie". Think about it, it has 2 full optical bays, 2 USB in back, 2 Firewire in back, 2 G4s, 2*2 air holes in front, and lets not forget 2 display connections.
<img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
[ 08-14-2002: Message edited by: Leonis ]</p>
Power Mac G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors)
<strong>this is the real name :
Power Mac G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors)</strong><hr></blockquote>
...i personally like Sleekstack, not Sleestack
"The Gulfstream"
based on its appearance AND the Gulstream V that Apple gave Steve for coming back!
Good call!
BiMac (almost fits with the 'i' hardware from apple)
BiSilver (almost fits with the 'i' hardware from apple)
You can tell i'm not an expert at this!
Yosemities revenge I like, but maybe Yosemitie2 or something of that nature, I would think of 2 being in there, and relating to a previous name maybe.
I mean, one is good too, but why Bi, unless you get at least a pair?