Jobs talks up Apple cell phone



  • Reply 21 of 93
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    If it's a flip phone, I'm nearly sold. If it's also an unlocked international phone, then I'm sold.

    Yeah sure, the company that does not sell anything cheap is gonna give you an unlocked phone. I guess you'll never be sold!!!. (maybe if they offer the unlocked phone option at $1000 bucks, then you'll be sold?).

    Heck, verizon, cingular, etc all have phones over $400 and those are phones that are locked and subsidized by the carrier!!!!.. Can you imagine the price of an unlocked overpriced apple phone?
  • Reply 22 of 93
    Originally Posted by wnurse

    Yeah sure, the company that does not sell anything cheap is gonna give you an unlocked phone. I guess you'll never be sold!!!.

    Locked and unlocked has nothing to do with Apple or Nokia etc. That's the networks subsidising a phone - and in doing so they want to make sure you use their network.
  • Reply 23 of 93
    Originally Posted by hkbaq

    bring it on jobs....we've been waiting for the last 2 years for this product

    this would be a huge slap on Bill Softies Zune piece of "South Harmon Institute of Technology"

    i want to stop seeing the chocolate comericals on this blasmey.....please

    BURN!! That's an awesome line there with the South Harmon Institute....
  • Reply 24 of 93
    bdj21yabdj21ya Posts: 297member
    Originally Posted by mariofreak85

    as do i....... sigh. \

    I like flip phones better.

    I feel the same. As I child I was always fascinated by that snappy little click open/close you get from a jewelry box. I would have opened and closed it for like an hour straight if my mom would've let me. Now that I'm grown, I would look like an idiot carrying a jewelry box with me everywhere, but I can carry my flip phone and no one is the wiser.
  • Reply 25 of 93
    Originally Posted by 1984

    Monday, October 23rd 2006.

    You should change that to the 24th, because then it'd be a tuesday.
  • Reply 26 of 93
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander

    Locked and unlocked has nothing to do with Apple or Nokia etc. That's the networks subsidising a phone - and in doing so they want to make sure you use their network.

    Duh.. of course the carriers are subsidizing the phone.. that was my point!!!. Do people really know the cost of an unsubsidized phone, espicially one from a company that routinely charges a premium for it's products (and yes, apple will not be selling you the phone directly but guess who has to pay exhorbitant prices for apple phones before selling them to you, yeah, the same carriers you expect to sell you the phone unlocked). Imagine what the price of an unsubsizided blackberry would be and then tack on another 200 for the apple phone. No thanks!!!.. I'd rather apple made the phone available to all carriers and then they can subsidize the phone to whatever margin they see fit.
  • Reply 27 of 93
    chromoschromos Posts: 191member
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander

    I too would get an Apple iPhone

    However, I have a Nokia N70 and it syncs flawlessly with OSX Address Book and iCal. I'm very happy with it. It also sends and receives IMAP based mail which is very effecctive. I would like it more if it synced post-it notes, auto transferred some of the low res pictures the phone takes, and synced my inbox and sent mail.

    Hmm, I just spent a whole day researching an upgrade to my aging SE T610. Now I guess I'll have to wait some more to see what our favorite Fruit Company puts out.

    I agree that it'll have to sync flawlessly. But I wonder if they'll allow it to be used as a bluetooth modem without exorbitant data usage fees. I can currently use my phone as a (slow) modem using the cheapo $5/mo T-mobile add-on, but I only do it in emergencies.

    Also, will they stay off of Salling's "turf", or come out with Clicker-like functionality?
  • Reply 28 of 93
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Originally Posted by wnurse

    Duh.. of course the carriers are subsidizing the phone.. that was my point!!!. Do people really know the cost of an unsubsidized phone, espicially one from a company that routinely charges a premium for it's products (and yes, apple will not be selling you the phone directly but guess who has to pay exhorbitant prices for apple phones before selling them to you, yeah, the same carriers you expect to sell you the phone unlocked). Imagine what the price of an unsubsizided blackberry would be and then tack on another 200 for the apple phone. No thanks!!!.. I'd rather apple made the phone available to all carriers and then they can subsidize the phone to whatever margin they see fit.

    Why do think it would be overpriced? It will be priced to sell with a a 20 - 25% margin as all Apple products are, and Apple is competitive in every sector these days. I imagine it will be around $400 unlocked ~ however, its likely that it will be tied to an Apple virtual service so that the user experience can be controlled. The service is the key; if they get it right the iPhone will sell by the gazillion.
  • Reply 29 of 93
    mordakmordak Posts: 168member
    So they are pushing the iphone.... what about the "true" ipod video? have we all forgotten?
  • Reply 30 of 93
    19841984 Posts: 955member
    Originally Posted by scottie924

    You should change that to the 24th, because then it'd be a tuesday.

    The 23rd marks the 5th anniversary of the iPod though. It was announced on a Tuesday of course but the anniversary falls on a Monday. There is no real rule though. The WWDC keynote took place on a Monday and gave us the Mac Pro.

  • Reply 31 of 93
    Originally Posted by bdj21ya

    I feel the same. As I child I was always fascinated by that snappy little click open/close you get from a jewelry box. I would have opened and closed it for like an hour straight if my mom would've let me. Now that I'm grown, I would look like an idiot carrying a jewelry box with me everywhere, but I can carry my flip phone and no one is the wiser.

    True AI confessions...?

  • Reply 32 of 93
    1973...The cell phone is invented and so is Johnny Mozzarella(Thanks Mom!)

    Thursday, April 1st 1976...Apple introduces the Apple I personal computer

    Tuesday, January 24th 1984...Apple introduces the Macintosh

    Saturday, March 24th, 2001...Apple releases Mac OS X

    Tuesday, October 23rd 2001...Apple introduces the iPod

    Tuesday, October 17th 2006... My contract with Cingular expires

    Monday, October 23rd 2006... Apple introduces the iFün
  • Reply 33 of 93
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by vinney57

    Why do think it would be overpriced? It will be priced to sell with a a 20 - 25% margin as all Apple products are, and Apple is competitive in every sector these days. I imagine it will be around $400 unlocked ~ however, its likely that it will be tied to an Apple virtual service so that the user experience can be controlled. The service is the key; if they get it right the iPhone will sell by the gazillion.

    $400 unlocked?.. are you for real?.. apple competitive with a 20-25% markup?.. how is that competitive?. if this phone is even less than $400 locked, i'd be shocked. Apple is competitive as a BMW 325i is to a Corolla. Secondly, if this will be an apple service, why would it be unlocked?. What would the purpose of that be?. Why would apple sell you an unlocked phone meant to work with their service?. A better deal would be for apple to sell the phone to carriers and let them subsidize the phone themselves.. How long have you been around apple?.. since when do they subsidize a product (any product) that could then be used on a competitor service (does the ipod work with any other music service?). You are being unrealistic. Apple is in the business of making money, not building products that people can then buy and use with a competitor service. You bet your pretty dollar that the only way you getting an unlocked phone is if someone bought it and then unlocked and resold it at a premium (imagine, phone regular price is $600, but get it with apple service for $350.. i buy the phone, lose it on purpose, wink, wink.. get another one for $350, unlock the "previously lost phone" and sell it for $500).
  • Reply 34 of 93
    How about $300?
  • Reply 35 of 93
    I believe that MVNO for the US market is a very good way of going as it lets Apple design the mobile the way they want it, not the way an existing carrier wants it. I use Cingular and am stuck with their horrid menu and limited no-cost features.

    Apple has the potential of redefining what a mobile phone should be, while remaining within the general GSM environment. For those in the US MVNO gets rid of the locked design and for those overseas with unlocked mobile it provides a great option. I have a mobile for Australian business trips and only have to switch out the chip when I go to the UK. That should be the goal of an Apple iPhone.

    The other interesting part is the ability to integrate the iPhone with the Macs (Windows versions would probably be a bit more limited.) Integrate with AddressBook & iCal. Add iLife integration for music & pictures. Throw in Notes, Calculator, etc. Add a camera, but bump up the resolution to a decent level and integrate it with iPhoto.

    That ends up almost being an OS X "oriented" device. Might even have a HD if the costs work out in its favor. If this is how the iPhone ends up then it would be very interesting to see how developers come up with add ons, in the same vein as they develop a lot of very interesting freeware and shareware for the Macs.
  • Reply 36 of 93
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by vinney57

    Why do think it would be overpriced? It will be priced to sell with a a 20 - 25% margin as all Apple products are, and Apple is competitive in every sector these days. I imagine it will be around $400 unlocked ~ however, its likely that it will be tied to an Apple virtual service so that the user experience can be controlled. The service is the key; if they get it right the iPhone will sell by the gazillion.

    For educational purposes, allow me to quote the prices of high end LOCKED phones so as to give folks an idea (and you bet the ipod phone or whatever you call it will be priced at upper range).

    Verizon wireless

    Samsung SCH-a990. $349 with discount (with two year agreement) , one year, it's $499.. and no contract and unlocked?.. Arm and leg plus firstborn child.


    Cingular 8100 (locked) 879.99 - 90 discount (for longer plan) = 789.98

    Non-PDA phone (pda's are all in the 700-900 range)

    LG-CU500. 379.99 base price (2 year service agreement)

    Samsung D807 499.99 (with 2 year agreement)

    Any of these phones unlocked from cingular (if they were to offer than option)

    Your mother, first born and all future earnings (just kidding).. expensive ok?


    Non-PDA phones

    fusic by Lg . 329

    You get the point..

    bye bye!!
  • Reply 37 of 93
    Originally Posted by wnurse

    $400 unlocked?.. are you for real?.. apple competitive with a 20-25% markup?.. how is that competitive?. if this phone is even less than $400 locked, i'd be shocked. Apple is competitive as a BMW 325i is to a Corolla. Secondly, if this will be an apple service, why would it be unlocked?. What would the purpose of that be?. Why would apple sell you an unlocked phone meant to work with their service?. A better deal would be for apple to sell the phone to carriers and let them subsidize the phone themselves.. How long have you been around apple?.. since when do they subsidize a product (any product) that could then be used on a competitor service (does the ipod work with any other music service?). You are being unrealistic. Apple is in the business of making money, not building products that people can then buy and use with a competitor service. You bet your pretty dollar that the only way you getting an unlocked phone is if someone bought it and then unlocked and resold it at a premium (imagine, phone regular price is $600, but get it with apple service for $350.. i buy the phone, lose it on purpose, wink, wink.. get another one for $350, unlock the "previously lost phone" and sell it for $500).

    Why do you exist? Why are you here?

    I haven't read a single post of yours that wasn't flamebait.

    Fuck off.
  • Reply 38 of 93
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat

    Why do you exist? Why are you here?

    I haven't read a single post of yours that wasn't flamebait.

    Fuck off.

    funniest reply this year
  • Reply 39 of 93
    Originally Posted by mariofreak85

    cuz my phones generally get thrown around a lot, and in a flip phone the screen is better protected.

    That and I feel so snazzy when I flip my phone open

    ...Non-flip phones generally get more cracked/scratched screens, accidentally dial and are too large to fit small pockets.

    If you like non-flip style it's OK by me, but I wouldn't buy it.
  • Reply 40 of 93
    Originally Posted by othello

    funniest reply this year

    Three cheers for gregmightdothat. Hip, hip... hooray!
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