My future



  • Reply 41 of 96
    Originally Posted by Placebo

    I wish I wanted to be a dentist, would make my life a whole lot easier. But no, I want to be a game designer or fighter pilot!

    I wanted to be a doctor. I got into med school in Australia. But then I decided that seeing sick people all the time sucked b*lls. So I did a final year in *medical research*. Then I decided that killing mice everyday and doing repetitive lab work in a biohazardous environment sucked b*lls. Actually all along I wanted to be an astronaut, not through flying (fighter pilot would be cool) but through mission specialists - such as phDs who were doctors as well.

    Then in 1999 final year of uni I thought f**k all this shit, I haven't even kissed a girl. End of 1999, okay, sorted. Then 2000-2004 got into web design, project management some web advertising design. Burnt out end of 2004. 2005 did 3 months of lecturing Interactive Media (Flash and conceptual interactive design) to Diploma/Degree-graphicdesign-programme kids out of high skool.

    Somewhere in there I wanted to be a Trance music producer/ performer.

    Yeah, F**K passion and following your dreams, I wish I just wanted to be an accountant. Would make my life whole lot easier and you're bloody employable no matter how good or bad businesses are doing.

    Boo hoo. Maim, do you really really want to be a dentist and look at people's mouths all day 5 days a week 350 days a year every year for at least the next 15 years of your life?

    Apologies for the "downish" nature of my post.
  • Reply 42 of 96
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    I sure hope you've kissed a girl by now.
  • Reply 43 of 96
    Originally Posted by Placebo

    I'm not really into the whole dying young thing yet.

    I'm 28. If the time comes, I say, let's go. But actually it's just the part in between starting to die and actually dying that's very scary.
  • Reply 44 of 96
    Originally Posted by midwinter

    I sure hope you've kissed a girl by now.

    Oh, done much much more since the tragedy of 1999 and before. Other priorities now like supportive partner, sustainable career, enlightenment, etc. Not starting a family though.
  • Reply 45 of 96
    Yeah, I do actually want to be a dentist. I'm very sure. I love people and science. Dentistry seems the right balance of both for me.
  • Reply 46 of 96
    Originally Posted by Placebo

    Heading into junior year here. I'm not really into the whole dying young thing yet.

    I didn't realize that you were a year below me. I was under the impression for awhile that you were older. Has school not started for you yet?
  • Reply 47 of 96
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    Yeah, I do actually want to be a dentist. I'm very sure. I love people and science. Dentistry seems the right balance of both for me.

    Dentistry? Science? PFFT muah hah ha hah hh a ...Ignore me. To me Science is stuff like quantum physics, or molecular biology. Flossing or pulling out wisdom teeth isn't a Science.

    BTW have you all come up with a marching band version of Sexyback?

  • Reply 48 of 96
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Dentistry? Science? PFFT muah hah ha hah hh a ...Ignore me. To me Science is stuff like quantum physics, or molecular biology. Flossing or pulling out wisdom teeth isn't a Science.

    BTW have you all come up with a marching band version of Sexyback?

    You are ridiculous sunil. Molecular biology isn't hard. Besides I don't want to just pull out and floss teeth. I really want to eventually get into endodontics and just do root canals all day. Root canals are amazing. I've had two done on myself and I enjoyed every bit of it. Especially the painkillers.
  • Reply 49 of 96
    Heh. I got nothing to say... except Sexyback is going to be the opening song as Steve comes on stage for the Sep 12 event....!!! ARGHGHGH can't get the song out of my head and it's bloody CONSTANTLY on the radio.
  • Reply 50 of 96
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    I didn't realize that you were a year below me. I was under the impression for awhile that you were older. Has school not started for you yet?

    It started on September 6th for me.
  • Reply 51 of 96
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    I wanted to be a doctor. I got into med school in Australia. But then I decided that seeing sick people all the time sucked b*lls. So I did a final year in *medical research*. Then I decided that killing mice everyday and doing repetitive lab work in a biohazardous environment sucked b*lls. Actually all along I wanted to be an astronaut, not through flying (fighter pilot would be cool) but through mission specialists - such as phDs who were doctors as well.

    Then in 1999 final year of uni I thought f**k all this shit, I haven't even kissed a girl. End of 1999, okay, sorted. Then 2000-2004 got into web design, project management some web advertising design. Burnt out end of 2004. 2005 did 3 months of lecturing Interactive Media (Flash and conceptual interactive design) to Diploma/Degree-graphicdesign-programme kids out of high skool.

    Somewhere in there I wanted to be a Trance music producer/ performer.

    Yeah, F**K passion and following your dreams, I wish I just wanted to be an accountant. Would make my life whole lot easier and you're bloody employable no matter how good or bad businesses are doing.

    Boo hoo. Maim, do you really really want to be a dentist and look at people's mouths all day 5 days a week 350 days a year every year for at least the next 15 years of your life?

    Apologies for the "downish" nature of my post.

    Im nearly 31, and still I have the same thoughts that i did when i was 16 wondering what it is that I want to do in life. I still dont know - and I guess I never will. I've often wished i was dumb and shallow like everyone else and just did the same things everyone else does, I'd probably be doing quite well, have a wife and a few kids, a house and a nice car. But I know now, that I wouldn't be happy unless I was borderline schizo and fighting my was out of a corner everyday.
  • Reply 52 of 96
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Heh. I got nothing to say... except Sexyback is going to be the opening song as Steve comes on stage for the Sep 12 event....!!! ARGHGHGH can't get the song out of my head and it's bloody CONSTANTLY on the radio.

    You're the one who wanted it back, man.
  • Reply 53 of 96
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    Yeah, I do actually want to be a dentist. I'm very sure. I love people and science. Dentistry seems the right balance of both for me.

    Have you ever spent a day in a dental office shadowing a dentist? You really should. It's very enlightening to see the profession from the othe side. BTW you've got plenty of time to decide. Get a good basic science background while in college, no matter what your major is. It's helpful to have a biology or chemisry major from college but not necessary. If you have any other questions about dentisry PM me, I'm an oral surgeon.
  • Reply 54 of 96
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat

    You're the one who wanted it back, man.

    Honestly I still have no fracking clue what the song is about. Particularly when watching the music video - it's like who's sexy is needed back? Looks like everyone is having sex (well the lightcore-porn style of music videos these days) including JT himself. My sexy is okay, just need to have a bit of a shave this morning
  • Reply 55 of 96
    Originally Posted by MarcUK

    Im nearly 31, and still I have the same thoughts that i did when i was 16 wondering what it is that I want to do in life. I still dont know - and I guess I never will. I've often wished i was dumb and shallow like everyone else and just did the same things everyone else does, I'd probably be doing quite well, have a wife and a few kids, a house and a nice car. But I know now, that I wouldn't be happy unless I was borderline schizo and fighting my was out of a corner everyday.

    I understand you very much. I had a comfortable upbringing, full scholarship for Year/Grade 7 to 10 at a good boarding school in Singapore. Then final year of high skool and 4 years of university, all paid for by my parents, with my pocket money coming from some tutoring to first- and second- year students at university and part-time web design and Cold Fusion (old skool man - CFML and MSAccess DB)

    After my major depression in 1999, since then yeah, I've enjoyed fighting my way everyday - to stay "afloat". But it got too intense and took its toll, with my bipolar eventually getting to me in a big way.

    I don't think people that do the "normal thing" in their late 20s and early/mid-30s are "dumb and shallow". I've seen them, and I've seen them happy and quite settled. I've also seen people like you and me, and if you thrive and are happy with a high level of challenges, that's cool too.

    Certainly some 30-something career-women that I've worked with, they seem to be cool without a man or baby in their life, and 30-something men on the career track or particularly living in major cities, have a partner or are dating around - don't start families till their late late 30s or early 40s.

    It is stunning to me that people can settle in and do something same all the time, looks like you have been moving around quite a bit in terms of jobs?

    For me it's weird, I guess I've always been a bit of an idiot savant, that I can get into something if it strikes me, but the interest does not hold, and overall in terms of regular jobs, besides the 4+ years of getting in the groove of web design, I eventually burnt out of it and now I feel sooo left behind in terms of IT and stuff. With the medication now or just stress I do feel a bit "dumbed" down actually so maybe I soon will streamline into those boring people who do their one job day in day out and have a family and stuff. Maybe this is the "next life" for me, the next level of my spiritual growth - being "boring"

    Good luck mate.
  • Reply 56 of 96
    So what do you do now sunilraman?
  • Reply 57 of 96
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    So what do you do now sunilraman?

    Hi, I can't say too much about this year at this stage, except that I've been trying to get better, and be useful, while living with my parents. This year I have been through a few different treatments for my bipolar disorder, after a not so successful course of treatments with a different psychiatrist in 2005.

    The meaningful thing that I've been happy to achieve is to help my parents in Malaysia sort out a lot of their Australian interests - visa, tax and property. The place I was staying in while I was at university in Brisbane, Australia is now done-up and on the market, to be auctioned on the 30th of this month:

    Currently I will be in Australia for a while as I have a residency visa here, which can be renewed for another 5 years in a few months time. However my parents and I are waiting for the property to be sold and settled over the next month or so.

    I aim to try and look for some part-time work here in Melbourne in the meantime, though this may still be a challenge.
  • Reply 58 of 96
    That's cool. My horn teacher is bi-polar and he is going through a very rough bit right now, because his wife left him a few weeks ago. I think I might look into it a little bit so I know more of what's going on. Do you know of any good sites that I can get good information from? I also hope that you keep getting better.
  • Reply 59 of 96
    Originally Posted by Placebo

    I wish I wanted to be a dentist, would make my life a whole lot easier. But no, I want to be a game designer or fighter pilot!

    really? me too... But after taking flight physiology I decided to be a game designer. ( or programmer in general, because I am most interested in developing good gui for programs ).
  • Reply 60 of 96
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    That's cool. My horn teacher is bi-polar and he is going through a very rough bit right now, because his wife left him a few weeks ago. I think I might look into it a little bit so I know more of what's going on. Do you know of any good sites that I can get good information from? I also hope that you keep getting better.

    Thanks. This Australian site is a good starting off point.

    It has basic information and then a lot of links to global sites.

    I have read up some on bipolar but I'm not going to read too much too fast 'coz I might psych myself into thinking certain things that might not be relevant to me.

    But if you do read it up I am in the "rapid cycling" or "mixed episodes" type. That's so far what I read up and also what I looked into with my new medication I am on since Feb 2006.

    Sorry to hear that about your horn teacher. Wife leaving and all that, not good. Hope he gets extra(?) treatment soon or is already on good medication. He may have to take a break from work, though music is very therapeutic.
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