Anyone getting a Wii?



  • Reply 41 of 96
    Actually get two Wii controllers attached on dumbells and you could have some realtime feedback on your upper-body workout as you blast through the burn and push the reps.
  • Reply 42 of 96
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Isn't the nunchuck like required to move in FPS games?
  • Reply 43 of 96
    Woooooooooooooo I'm ahead of Placebo in post count now YEAH 8)

    Back on topic, please hold, googling [Insert Requisite Beachball Spinning]
  • Reply 44 of 96
    Originally Posted by Placebo

    Isn't the nunchuck like required to move in FPS games?

    Not required, it's just an idea floating around at this stage:

    Q: What does the nunchuck analog/trigger unit do?

    A: The small, ergonomic peripheral attaches to the bottom of the pointer by way of a short cable, and is easily grasped in one hand. The device features a single analog stick on its top side and two triggers, labeled Z trigger 1 and 2, underneath. The unit extends the functionality of the pointer and really shows its usefulness in certain genres, particularly first-person shooters. Imagine the possibilities. With the analog stick in one hand, users move Samus Aran around the environments in Metroid Prime 3, freeing up the pointer to act as the heroine's gun. The result is a level of control so responsive and accurate that its closest rival is a PC/mouse configuration. Incidentally, Retro Studios created a demo of this very setup that was at TGS 2005 previewed to a select group of editors, IGN included, and it was very impressive.
  • Reply 45 of 96
    By the time you get say an additional Wii pointer, the nunchuck, and controller crade (image below) ... hmmm it adds up cost-wise....

  • Reply 46 of 96
    Wow just realised that is totally cool how at the bottom of each controller it "knows" what number it is and the 4 bars will light up accordingly. Hmm... the Wii may end up too smart for its own good and settle into a niche but rabid fan base while the PS3 and XBOX360 duke it out in the main console war.
  • Reply 47 of 96
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Wow just realised that is totally cool how at the bottom of each controller it "knows" what number it is and the 4 bars will light up accordingly.

    Yeah, it's pretty cool how the Xbox 360 controllers have been doing that for almost a year now.
  • Reply 48 of 96
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    WTF does the nunchuck do? Or, what do you do with it? Is it worth the extra??

    The nunchuck has a 2 extra trigger buttons, it's own motion sensor (like the PS3 controller), and the analogue stick.

    For example, in Zelda you slash with the remote in your right hand for your sword, and you can jab the nunchuck forward with your left and Link will jab his shield forward and stun the enemy.

    Another example which I thought was cool was in rayman- you activate a pump with your left hand by moving the controller up and down and spray carrot juice at the enemies using the pointing functionally of the remote in your right hand. It was in this weeks 1up show. The guy playing was going nutz.

    Also, from what I've read the controls on Metroid Prime 3 are amazing- 99% that of a keyboard and mouse.

    Hands on Metroid at the NYC Nintendo Event

    The controller shell image above is a fake made by IGN. The real "classic" controller looks much different.

    This will mostly be used for the virtual console classic games (NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, Turbo Graphics). Although they also said it would be used for Smash Brothers Brawl too.

    I guess I don't really care about the non-HD part of it all- to me 480p widescreen looks good enough. Metroid and Zelda both look amazing for the size and price of the Wii.

    To me, it just looks like a lot of fun- and that's what I want out of a console. I don't care about graphics, violence, how many pixels it can render, HDMI 1080p, Bluray, bla bla bla. It's about the games- and a lot of the Wii's games look like a lot of fun (especially Wii Sports which is a pack-in when you buy the system).

    I do own a GameCube and PS2 (I just bought the PS2 a month ago). My biggest gripe with the PS3 is the price. $600 for a console is insane. I do like a lot of the games Sony has, but not for $600. This is why I'll be getting a Wii on day 1 and possibly a PS3 5 years later when it's $150.
  • Reply 49 of 96
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    An LCD with component inputs would be a great solution - but yeah like you say doesn't the image say at 480p enlarged onto 17", 19", or 24" make things look a bit harsh? Fully animated and detailed, but it would look hella pixelated on big LCD displays..?

    No, that's not what I said.. at least that's not what I tried to say. It's NTSC and PAL that look like crap. 480p looks quite good when it's either computer generated (tested with Soul Calibur) or a good DVD. The HD resolution destroys poor DVD's.

    OR IF THE FRACKING Wii HAD DVI/ HDMI-to-DVI output...!!

    So here's the bottom line: I get a Wii, I find a component-to-DVI or component-to-VGA adapter. But wait, actually I am getting my panties in a twist. On Wikipedia it says: "Up to 480p and will work with a computer monitor as well as any TV or projector[16]" -- which means a VGA out? Hurrah! My 17" LCD has both a DVI in and a VGA in. Which would be excellence because I can swappy swappy from DVI (WindozeXP and stuff) and VGA (Wii) with the LCD controls easily. The only question now is how does the 480p-over-VGA-connector-into-upscaled-1280x1024 look? This would be the litmus test. Half-Life 2 and latest games at mid-to mid-high quality at native 1280x1024, or 480p-VGA-fully animated, rich, detailed gaming on upscaled-to-1280x1024.

    I predict trouble and/or poor quality with external scalers - I tried that with the PS2 and a CRT, and it was hell. Even more since the 17" displays have the weird 5:4 ratio. If Nintendo were to offer a real, direct VGA out cable without conversion, or if they had it inside but hidden so that a 3rd party could dig it out, that would be the ticket.

    Or maybe it's easier now that everything is progressive picture.

    If there is no chance of direct VGA out.. do you have a regular TV? If you do, it's seriously not a bad choice to play on SD for now, and sometime later when you upgrade screen, pick one with component.

    A roomy screen is totally worth it in other use, too.

    Sadly, where my rig is, in Malaysia, there be no eBay in those parts. Even in Australia eBay simply does not have the massive audience salivating for my 6600GT that I would find in the eBay USA marketplace. Shipping worldwide out of Malaysia is just a ridiculous pain in the a55, if that's your next suggestion...

    Well, I do not have access to eBay either, but I'm sure there are used-parts markets, auction sites, free post-ads sites and computer magazines that operate in Malaysia. I know it's no problem selling parts here in my home area of about 0.5M people, or by mail in Finland that has 5M population.

    Also, I have developed a sentimental attachment to the MSI NX6600GT, and I feel upgrading it with SLI is just, well, FUN..! The 7900GS, yeah, it kinda kicks ass, but it's a stripped down 7-series (I feel I don't get the "oomph" emotion of a "GT") and it's US$50 more expensive than another 6600GT.

    When you look at the benchmarks, it's still pretty oomphy. Both this and the X1900XT are good value right now - just like the 6600GT was, and stayed that way long after it came out. I'm buying a gaming computer around January but if I was buying right now, I'd have no problem picking the GS. It actually runs most games well in HD - that is not very "stripped down" behavior. I think some site showed it has power comparable to the 7800GT.

    And then of course the DX10 generation of cards is closing in fast.
  • Reply 50 of 96
    Warning: Console Lovers do not take the following too seriously. 8)

    Originally Posted by tacojohn

    The nunchuck has a 2 extra trigger buttons, it's own motion sensor (like the PS3 controller), and the analogue stick.

    For example, in Zelda you slash with the remote in your right hand for your sword, and you can jab the nunchuck forward with your left and Link will jab his shield forward and stun the enemy.

    PCGamer: Pfft. Yet another hack and slash button-mashing console nonsense game.

    Originally Posted by tacojohn

    Another example which I thought was cool was in rayman- you activate a pump with your left hand by moving the controller up and down and spray carrot juice at the enemies using the pointing functionally of the remote in your right hand. It was in this weeks 1up show. The guy playing was going nutz.

    PCGamer: WTF? Pumping carrot juice at enemies? What are we, 5 years old or something? The only thing we should be pumping are bada55 looking weapons and rockets and lasers or rockets that fly and shoot lasers at the same time and explosions and stuff.

    Originally Posted by tacojohn

    Also, from what I've read the controls on Metroid Prime 3 are amazing- 99% that of a keyboard and mouse.

    Hands on Metroid at the NYC Nintendo Event

    PCGamer: Yeah, guess what, keyboard and mouse are 100% that of keyboard and mouse.

    Originally Posted by tacojohn

    I guess I don't really care about the non-HD part of it all- to me 480p widescreen looks good enough. Metroid and Zelda both look amazing for the size and price of the Wii.

    PCGamer: You know, those screenshots show the Wii graphics are not that great. 480p and that's all it can do? Please, my 6600GT does those two screenshots 40fps easy at 1280x1024. And look at that aliasing on the 2nd image. *shakes head in disbelief*

    Originally Posted by tacojohn

    To me, it just looks like a lot of fun- and that's what I want out of a console. I don't care about graphics, violence, how many pixels it can render, HDMI 1080p, Bluray, bla bla bla. It's about the games- and a lot of the Wii's games look like a lot of fun (especially Wii Sports which is a pack-in when you buy the system).

    PCGamer: Fun? 4xAA 16xAF is fun. Shader Model 3.0 is fun. Violence is hella fun, especially shooting Combine soldiers in HL2. I only need 1280x1024 pixels to be rendered because that's my native screen res. 1080p, HDMI, Bluray are all very nascent, almost stillborn-but-surviving-in-the-baby-intensive-care-ward technologies. Okay, maybe not HDMI. But certainly HDCP, 1080p, and Bluray are irrelevant for at least 1 year to the average PC gaming enthusiast. Fun? Using the shotgun on enemies in F.E.A.R. is fun, their legs blow off when you shoot at them at close range. And the blood and freaky The Ring type girl and stuff and blood and stuff is quite a nice note added to the symphony that is the PCGaming Survival-Horror genre.

    </pc gamer>

    <sunilraman> Yeah, I'm just stuffing around here. I've been very very selective in the games I've played, I thought HL2, FEAR, and UT2004 were good and fun, Quake4 okay, StarWars BattleFront2 okay but stopped playing after a while. I'm still working out my gaming feel and I'm trying not to play too much games. That's why I like fiddling with and talking about overclocking and pixels and stuff, it takes time away from playing games, and reduces the chance I'll get addicted.</sunilraman>
  • Reply 51 of 96
    Originally Posted by Gon

    ...Well, I do not have access to eBay either, but I'm sure there are used-parts markets, auction sites, free post-ads sites and computer magazines that operate in Malaysia. I know it's no problem selling parts here in my home area of about 0.5M people, or by mail in Finland that has 5M population.When you look at the benchmarks, it's still pretty oomphy. Both this and the X1900XT are good value right now - just like the 6600GT was, and stayed that way long after it came out. I'm buying a gaming computer around January but if I was buying right now, I'd have no problem picking the GS. It actually runs most games well in HD - that is not very "stripped down" behavior. I think some site showed it has power comparable to the 7800GT...

    The X1800GTO is actually holding its own alongside the 7900GS, yea, there's a good article on that at TomsHardware. 1280x1024, that's all I need, these two cards and of course the X1900XT kick a55.

    There's probably one main website where I could sell my 6600GT but I just don't feel I'd get a good price on it. At the end of the day I just don't want to part with it.

    Call me curious, I just like the sound and feel and emotion of SLI'ed 6600GTs with those cool slim heatsinks.
  • Reply 52 of 96
    Through 1991-1998 I played waaaay too much computer games - probably on average less than a lot of y'all, but since 2000-2004 I had quite a life and did not really play much games. Except in 2001 or 2002 I think I watched "The Others" (Nicole Kidman) in the evening with some work/ex-work friends. I could not dare to sleep that night, I just played ReturnToCastleWolfenstein multiplayer the whole night until morning came, then I went to work...!

    Since 2005 I've been pretty much jobless and recovering from bipolar, so I've tentatively got into various PC games after building my own Rig mid-2005. The PC games have been a bit hit-and-miss, for example StarWars:Empire At War was way to complex and just like WTF-how-do-I-play this. FPS has been more satisfying, HL2, FEAR, Quake4 somewhat. NeedForSpeed:Most Wanted was very engaging, until the super-high levels (#8 on the blacklist and onwards) got really hard. TombRaider and PrinceofPersia were just waaay too hard as platform games, the camera angles and hidden ledges and all that are just too painful. And TombRaider boss levels are fiendish. I have no idea how anyone figures that stuff out without a walkthrough. Plus playing TombRaider:Legend at standard def, I have NO IDEA how you would be able to see the hidden details that hide the ledges and secret passageways and stuff. Anyway, like I said, StarWars:Battlefront2 was fun for a while. RPG, I know Oblivion is up on the ratings, but anyway StarWars:KnightsOldRepublic2 was really quite good, I'm not normally into RPG. RTS: Battle for Middle Earth2 was quite good, but the campaigns were so dissapointingly short. It had so much potential to be the StarCraft of this century in terms of a sweeping, epic single-player campaign. These day's RTS's are so much about multiplayer and not the storytelling style of as mentioned StarCraft and WarCraft1 and Command and Conquer, Command and Conquer:Generals. Multiplayer RTS is all, click-click-click how fast can you click, build build build fight fight fight -- all too fast for an old codger like me especially with crap Itarweb connections in Malaysia and yes, even in Australia (especially if playing with US or Europe online opponents...)

    Boy, a bit of a tragic story, eh?
  • Reply 53 of 96
    Yeah, maybe I'm scared of consoles because of the addiction factor which I am sure some of you are aware of
  • Reply 54 of 96
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    PCGamer: WTF? Pumping carrot juice at enemies? What are we, 5 years old or something? The only thing we should be pumping are bada55 looking weapons and rockets and lasers or rockets that fly and shoot lasers at the same time and explosions and stuff.

    Yeah- because we haven't done that in the 5000 other games before this one...


    PCGamer: You know, those screenshots show the Wii graphics are not that great. 480p and that's all it can do? Please, my 6600GT does those two screenshots 40fps easy at 1280x1024. And look at that aliasing on the 2nd image. *shakes head in disbelief*

    How much did your PC cost?

    How much does the Wii cost?


    PCGamer: Fun? 4xAA 16xAF is fun. Shader Model 3.0 is fun. Violence is hella fun, especially shooting Combine soldiers in HL2. I only need 1280x1024 pixels to be rendered because that's my native screen res. 1080p, HDMI, Bluray are all very nascent, almost stillborn-but-surviving-in-the-baby-intensive-care-ward technologies. Okay, maybe not HDMI. But certainly HDCP, 1080p, and Bluray are irrelevant for at least 1 year to the average PC gaming enthusiast. Fun? Using the shotgun on enemies in F.E.A.R. is fun, their legs blow off when you shoot at them at close range. And the blood and freaky The Ring type girl and stuff and blood and stuff is quite a nice note added to the symphony that is the PCGaming Survival-Horror genre.

    234xAA, 100xAF, Shader Model 10.0, 1094598p, HDMI, Bluray are all irrelevant because they don't make games fun. Game mechanics, level design, character design, etc make games fun. Who here still enjoys Tetris? Or the original Super Mario? Or Donkey Kong? Or Doom? Graphics don't make games fun.
  • Reply 55 of 96
    Originally Posted by tacojohn

    Yeah- because we haven't done that in the 5000 other games before this one...

    Touche. I bet though they havent done rockets that shoot lasers which then morph into more rockets that split into more rockets that then shoot bullets and stuff.

    Originally Posted by tacojohn

    How much did your PC cost?

    How much does the Wii cost?

    I have to have a PC anyway, it didn't cost too much I didn't set out to build a badass gaming rig, I just didn't want to have a crippled machine or integrated graphics, it *had* to be able to deal with games at a great performance/price point (hence the 6600GT in mid-2005)

    Right now I am considering the cost of PC upgrades for the next year and a half against the price of the Wii and accessories. I'd need a bit of help there, also need to see if the Wii games are as fun as you all say they are.


    Who here still enjoys Tetris? Or the original Super Mario? Or Donkey Kong? Or Doom?

    Not me. Played too much of it back in the day. I had dreams of the FireImps pointing to walls in my dorm saying "this needs more texture". I kid you not. Waaay too much latenight Doom. Waay too much.
  • Reply 56 of 96
    I read your DS can hook up wirelessly to you Wii, what does that mean? could you play against someone on a wii while your on a DS?
  • Reply 57 of 96
    Originally Posted by playcrackthesky

    I read your DS can hook up wirelessly to you Wii, what does that mean? could you play against someone on a wii while your on a DS?

    yeah- you can download game demos, use the screens on the DS w/ a game on the Wii, use the touch screen on the DS to control a game on the Wii, etc.

    You'll probably be able to use the build in mic on the DS to control stuff on the Wii too...
  • Reply 58 of 96
    Man this Wii is waay to revolutionary to succeed in the marketplace. Like Apple was in the mid-90s - way ahead of the competition but most people were too scared/ confused to venture into it
  • Reply 59 of 96
    Edit: replace "succeed" with "dominate"
  • Reply 60 of 96
    I'm totally getting one at launch. Wii seems weird, but Nintendo's philosophy behind it certainly sold for the Nintendo DS- it's selling like CRAZY.
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