Apple prepares for Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro ramp



  • Reply 81 of 107
    Originally Posted by Chucker

    What terrible external hard drive doesn't have two FireWire ports?

    It might be a question of power draw. The camcorder and hard drive may consume a lot of power of their own, so it may be more efficient to pack a hub that can directly supply power to both.

    While I'm at it, I'd like to chip in predictions of my own for the new MBP based on what we know now:

    15-inch 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo

    * 1GB of memory

    * 8X dual-layer Superdrive

    * 100GB hard drive

    * 128MB Mobility Radeon X1700 (it exists!)


    17-inch 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo

    * 1GB of memory

    * 8X dual-layer Superdrive

    * 120GB hard drive

    * 256MB Mobility Radeon X1700


    (Note: 256MB of video RAM, up to a 160GB hard drive, and a 2.33GHz processor would be options where relevant)

    This is a bit out there, but I think it's the way Apple's headed. The iMac was an indication that the processors are cheaper - but also that the company doesn't see much benefit in making a 2.33GHz chip anything more than an option right now. Let users who want a high-end 15-inch model custom order it (as with the Mac Pro) since the difference is going to be relatively small.
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  • Reply 82 of 107
    aiolosaiolos Posts: 228member
    Originally Posted by Commodus

    It might be a question of power draw. The camcorder and hard drive may consume a lot of power of their own, so it may be more efficient to pack a hub that can directly supply power to both.

    While I'm at it, I'd like to chip in predictions of my own for the new MBP based on what we know now:

    15-inch 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo

    * 1GB of memory

    * 8X dual-layer Superdrive

    * 100GB hard drive

    * 128MB Mobility Radeon X1700 (it exists!)


    17-inch 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo

    * 1GB of memory

    * 8X dual-layer Superdrive

    * 120GB hard drive

    * 256MB Mobility Radeon X1700


    (Note: 256MB of video RAM, up to a 160GB hard drive, and a 2.33GHz processor would be options where relevant)

    This is a bit out there, but I think it's the way Apple's headed. The iMac was an indication that the processors are cheaper - but also that the company doesn't see much benefit in making a 2.33GHz chip anything more than an option right now. Let users who want a high-end 15-inch model custom order it (as with the Mac Pro) since the difference is going to be relatively small.

    well, I'd have to say that those are probably quite accurate, though I would like to see the 15 inch maybe down to 1899, because as users (according to your model) will have to upgrade the video card and processor to get a sweet 15 inch, that'll bump them past the 17 inch price.

    Also, I'd like to say that 4GB or Ram are upgradeable and that the base models are with 1 SO-DIMM. (hopefully if this is true, apple's upgrade to 2 gigs of ram will be less than a staggering 300 bucks, lol).

    And, hopefully, 1 or 2 firewire 800 ports and 2 usb ports.

    And, finally , the upgrade from 2.16 to 2.33ghz will be 250 bucks, like the iMac.

    hopefully not the dreams of a crackpot
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  • Reply 83 of 107
    gargar Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by Commodus

    While I'm at it, I'd like to chip in predictions of my own for the new MBP based on what we know now:

    15-inch 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo

    * 1GB of memory

    * 8X dual-layer Superdrive

    * 100GB hard drive

    * 128MB Mobility Radeon X1700 (it exists!)


    17-inch 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo

    * 1GB of memory

    * 8X dual-layer Superdrive

    * 120GB hard drive

    * 256MB Mobility Radeon X1700



    Where is my 15" MBP with standard FW800, 2.33Ghz Core2Duo and 256MB GPU at $2,499 ???

    Oh, and while I am on it: Black One, please.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 84 of 107
    philbyphilby Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by gar


    Where is my 15" MBP with standard FW800, 2.33Ghz Core2Duo and 256MB GPU at $2,499 ??? Oh, and while I am on it: Black One, please.

    Agreed on all points, but please: don't forget Upgradeability to 4 GB of RAM.
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  • Reply 85 of 107
    and dont forget the magnetic lid please

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  • Reply 86 of 107
    doh123doh123 Posts: 323member
    Originally Posted by Brian Green

    I've read elsewhere that the Core2Duo is cooler than the CoreDuo. Does anyone know just how much cooler they are? I know my MBP actually benefits from the cooling abilities of aluminum. I could see them anodizing aluminum to make the MBP have colors, but I think that would only lessen the visual distinction between pro and consumer models.

    Actually max usage is higher than the Core Duo, but the average use is slightly lower. Its all so close youll really only notice measuring it. The Core 2 Duo does not have a noticable difference.
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  • Reply 87 of 107
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by ShamrockTattoo

    If you could make a list of all the new and upadated features you'd like to see in the new MacBook Pro that's coming out soon, what would they be???

    Here's what I have so far... please make comments and add on to my list...

    * faster chips (new core 2 duo chip)

    * support for 4GB of memory

    * MacBook type keyboard

    * new video card

    * firewire 800 (15" model)

    * 3 USB 2.0 ports (15" model)

    * longer battery life

    * 802.11n

    * new enclosure

    Macbook type keyboard

    after using MB Black (current) and my ex PowerBook 12", IMHO Alu PowerBook/MBP keyboards are better than MacBook keyboards ... anyone feel the same way???... here i am not saying Macbook Keyboards are bad...
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  • Reply 88 of 107
    mzaslovemzaslove Posts: 519member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam

    Macbook type keyboard

    after using MB Black (current) and my ex PowerBook 12", IMHO Alu PowerBook/MBP keyboards are better than MacBook keyboards ... anyone feel the same way???... here i am not saying Macbook Keyboards are bad...

    Night and day for me (and I don't think there's anything wrong with the MacBook keyboards) -- the PowerBooks and the MBP's keyboards let me type 8 hours straight and want more. My favorite keyboards, and I used to get custom keyboards back in the day (since most of the time I'm doing scripts, or novels). The PowerBook keyboard was one of the main things that got me to switch back again (and those 17" PowerBooks were sexy). Please don't change to the MacBook keyboards.
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  • Reply 89 of 107
    doemeldoemel Posts: 75member
    Originally Posted by Chucker

    Here's an excuse: it's the biggest drive available in reasonably high supply and speed. There are a 160 GB ones which are slow and not widely available, and there's a 200 GB one that has been announced a long time ago and still doesn't seem to be out, plus it's ridiculously slow.

    Wrong: There's a 5.4K 160GB drive avaliable which is not slow. I happen to have one in my MBP and while it might not be able to keep up with a 7.2K drive it must surely beat the crap out of the slighly larger 200GB 4.2K drive I have seen so far.

    If you need high performance HDDs (say, if you're in video editing) you'll have to get a desktop anyways. You can't do everythins as well with a portable.

    Though you're right with the following:

    Originally Posted by Chucker

    This has nothing to do with Apple; all other laptops have to deal with the same. Some do so by putting two drives in rather than one, but that's a clunky solution at best, and obviously only works for big laptops.

    3.5-inch drives are not a solution at all. It's not just the thickness and weight. Battery life would be measured in minutes, not hours.

    There is nothing for Apple to accommodate to. Technology just isn't there yet, period.

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  • Reply 90 of 107
    abhayabhay Posts: 45member
    According to an article on, it seems like macbook pro's might get a new graphics chip but the new macbook pro's might be delayed.

    "Intel's Core 2 Mobile (Merom) processors are coming to the MacBooks at up to 2.33GHz along with other changes including a powerful new nVIDIA mobile graphics chip in the high-end MBP's.....but the update could be even further off than some rumor-mongers have been predicting. Full Article" It seems like macosx is updating the website and so when you click on full article, it gives an error message.

    Obviously noone really knows when will the new macbook pro arrive but now, it seems like its been ages...have been waiting since August....
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  • Reply 91 of 107
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by abhay

    According to an article on, it seems like macbook pro's might get a new graphics chip but the new macbook pro's might be delayed.

    "Intel's Core 2 Mobile (Merom) processors are coming to the MacBooks at up to 2.33GHz along with other changes including a powerful new nVIDIA mobile graphics chip in the high-end MBP's.....but the update could be even further off than some rumor-mongers have been predicting. Full Article" It seems like macosx is updating the website and so when you click on full article, it gives an error message.

    Obviously noone really knows when will the new macbook pro arrive but now, it seems like its been ages...have been waiting since August....

    MOSR is not a source. Next one, please.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 92 of 107
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    Originally Posted by abhay

    According to an article on, it seems like macbook pro's might get a new graphics chip but the new macbook pro's might be delayed.

    "Intel's Core 2 Mobile (Merom) processors are coming to the MacBooks at up to 2.33GHz along with other changes including a powerful new nVIDIA mobile graphics chip in the high-end MBP's.....but the update could be even further off than some rumor-mongers have been predicting. Full Article" It seems like macosx is updating the website and so when you click on full article, it gives an error message.

    Obviously noone really knows when will the new macbook pro arrive but now, it seems like its been ages...have been waiting since August....

    If you enjoy "newspapers" that have stories such as : "My Mother Married a Two Headed Alien From Outer Space", then you will enjoy MOSR.
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  • Reply 93 of 107
    abhayabhay Posts: 45member
    Originally Posted by melgross

    If you enjoy "newspapers" that have stories such as : "My Mother Married a Two Headed Alien From Outer Space", then you will enjoy MOSR.

    Sorry, I am new to this mac world, this will be my first macbook pro laptop or first mac machine ever..I am also very new to these forums and boards and I didn't know if this MOSR is good or not, I just read it so I posted it. I hope they are wrong as I am really waiting for a new macbook pro soon.
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  • Reply 94 of 107
    lhvidelhvide Posts: 68member
    Originally Posted by mugwump

    Any divot / dent / ding in the aluminum MBP enclosure voids Applecare. WTF??

    That is ridiculous.

    But i bet its a great way to demonstrate neglect - you dent it you muyst have dropped it - you drop it, warranty is voided.

    However Apple should get in on the business of iPod/laptop insurance plan, like cell phone carriers.
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  • Reply 95 of 107
    Originally Posted by lhvide

    However Apple should get in on the business of iPod/laptop insurance plan, like cell phone carriers.

    No cell phone is worth $2500. What kind of premium would they charge? I'd drop my MBP every 5 months if I could get an insurance plan on it.
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  • Reply 96 of 107
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    Originally Posted by lhvide

    That is ridiculous.

    But i bet its a great way to demonstrate neglect - you dent it you muyst have dropped it - you drop it, warranty is voided.

    However Apple should get in on the business of iPod/laptop insurance plan, like cell phone carriers.

    I said it, and it isn't ridiculous. My Treo 700p cost me $400 at Sprint. I pay either $4 or $5 (I forget which) a month for insurance for it. How much will you pay Apple for insurance for a $2,000 product? $20, $25, $30 a month?
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  • Reply 97 of 107
    bdj21yabdj21ya Posts: 297member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    No cell phone is worth $2500. What kind of premium would they charge? I'd drop my MBP every 5 months if I could get an insurance plan on it.

    Premiums are frequently set to rise for customers at with more claims
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  • Reply 98 of 107
    Originally Posted by bdj21ya

    Premiums are frequently set to rise for customers at with more claims

    Pardon me?
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  • Reply 99 of 107
    revsrevs Posts: 93member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    Pardon me?

    i.e. the more you drop, the more you pay

    you may start of paying say £100 a year insurance, then you make a claim, and start having to pay 150, make another claim and maybe have to pay 300 a year etc...
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 100 of 107
    Originally Posted by ShamrockTattoo

    If you could make a list of all the new and upadated features you'd like to see in the new MacBook Pro that's coming out soon, what would they be???

    Here's what I have so far... please make comments and add on to my list...

    * faster chips (new core 2 duo chip)

    * support for 4GB of memory

    * MacBook type keyboard

    * new video card

    * firewire 800 (15" model)

    * 3 USB 2.0 ports (15" model)

    * longer battery life

    * 802.11n

    * new enclosure

    They should have a MXM slot
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