Apple unveils iPod nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition



  • Reply 41 of 85
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by daBoss

    A great idea and a great looking product. Of course, Apple will NOT be selling these through their dealer network. So sad as not every city/county/country has Apple stores

    Well, between the online and retail Apple Stores, it should be okay.

    I am a little bummed I can't get it through Amazon though.

  • Reply 42 of 85
    Originally Posted by dr_gonzo


    It's just the smugness of people like Jobs and Bono that really pissess me off. Bono especially acts like he's Jesus Christ or something with his false humbleness.

    Imagine that! A Christian acting like Jesus Christ! What will they think of next?

    How many billionaires, rock stars or ordinary people devote as much of themselves to alleviating poverty and suffering?

    The world would be a better place if more people followed Bono's example, or Bono's example's example.
  • Reply 43 of 85
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    just yesterday when someone did a moc up of this i said no way they wouldn't release it with a white scroll wheel because it looks too much like the target symbo, boom they go and do it.

    i think it looks like a freaking target product, they should have kept the wheel red or even done it black.
  • Reply 44 of 85
    Originally Posted by bdj21ya

    Wow. You're serious, that was a real phone call?

    Man that is wierd. Like, I could understand if they were recommending marriage before sex, that kind of makes sense as a public policy, because it's good for the society. Still though, you'd think they would be willing to provide some information and counseling for people who are going to be having sex. Or at the very least say "sorry we don't have information available to help you, please contact such and such organization". But "well then you need to marry a woman or never have sex."! that's like something from a comedy sketch!

    Yep, sadly that is a real phone call. I should have recorded it. While I am an adult it makes me mad that that is the answer they gave thinking I was a teenager.

    Originally Posted by bdj21ya

    huh? What I wrote was clearly saying that the common cold was virtually impossible to eradicate because it is transmitted so easily. How did you miss that?

    Somehow I missed that, sorry guess we are on the same page there
  • Reply 45 of 85
    Originally Posted by minderbinder

    Personally, I think you should be donating 5% of your income to charity. Are you?

    Personally, I think some people should spend less time beating down others opinions and more time learning how to think before hitting return.

    Apple is a company, not one single person. They could afford to take a hit. It's not like they're operating under a blue tarp attached to 4 poles.
  • Reply 46 of 85
    Originally Posted by cwinnipeg

    Personally, I think some people should spend less time beating down others opinions and more time learning how to think before hitting return.

    Apple is a company, not one single person. They could afford to take a hit. It's not like they're operating under a blue tarp attached to 4 poles.

    I'm not singling you out, but the average American can afford to help people out far more than they really do. We waste so much money on ourselves (myself included). If we would just stop being so self centered and stop blaming other people for not helping out, and actually helping out ourselves! the world would be a better place.

    We need to start taking personal responsibility to give of ourselves and our money instead of asking others to do it for us. That's so hypocritical
  • Reply 47 of 85
    Originally Posted by Ireland

    You clearly have no concept of what $10 can do for an African family.

    Actually, the 10 bucks goes to the charitable foundation. The charitable foundation pays lots of staff, pays for advertising and then pays for it's services, usually via a 3rd party, which in turn pays their staff, usually makes a profit and then delivers aid in the form of food (more profit taken by the supplier/producers), medicine (ditto) or skilled workers/teachers (ditto again; at the Nepalese branch of CARE, western consultants are flown out business class and stay at the best hotel in Kathmandu. They're also paid about $100 US per hour, 24 hours/day while they're there.).

    In the end the 10 bucks could be turned into maybe fifty cents or a dollar when it hits the target population (i'm estimating if there are 3 tiers and at each tier 60% is "skimmed" by expenses). A friend of mine recently quit working at United Way in Canada when he found out that only about 30% of money that enters United Way leaves it. He now works for Amnesty which has a closer to 50% figure. And again, that money is on to contractors and other charities which in turn "filter" the donations. Charities and NGOs are an industry, albeit one with a good cause, but also unfortunately they are also very much multi-tiered.

    While i'm in no means saying it's not good to contribute to charity (everyone should give as much as they can, and maybe think twice when buying your 3rd iPod), it would be great if there was some sort of international media watchdog that publicizes how much money actually goes directly to who it's "targeted" towards, as there can be wildly varying levels, and greater transparency could let us know if, for example, Bono's charity foots the bill for his travel expenses to meet with oprah at an iPod launch.
  • Reply 48 of 85
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by Superbass

    ...greater transparency could let us know if, for example, Bono's charity foots the bill for his travel expenses to meet with oprah at an iPod launch.

    Um, yeah. Because multimillionaire Bono's in it for the airfare. Riiiiight.

    Guess no good deed goes unpunished, eh?

  • Reply 49 of 85
    Originally Posted by TBaggins

    Um, yeah. Because multimillionaire Bono's in it for the airfare. Riiiiight.

    Guess no good deed goes unpunished, eh?


    Well, a first class flight ticket, plus limousines, personal security and probably a pretty damn expensive hotel room and you've got $10-15000. While that might be chump change to a moron, I think rich people like write-offs and free shit as much as the next person. Do you think all rock stars light their cigars with hundred dollar bills? It's pretty standard for executives (and really all workers) to get their airfare and other business travel expenses covered by the company (or foundation). Even if they are "multimillionaires".

    Other than that, I didn't imply that Bono's "in it for the airfare", just that part of the $10 donation is going towards that. Try reading before replying.
  • Reply 50 of 85
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins

    Um, yeah. Because multimillionaire Bono's in it for the airfare. Riiiiight.

    Guess no good deed goes unpunished, eh?


    Sorry, that came off as harsher than I intended, and you do raise some good points.

    Its just that we walk a fine line here, between wanting to do good and becoming so cynical about doing good that we shrug and go "Why bother?".

  • Reply 51 of 85
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by Superbass

    Well, a $5000 first class flight ticket, plus the fact that's not a business expense (so he maybe pays 70% percent from income tax), plus limousines and probably a pretty damn expensive hotel room and you've got $10-15000. While that might be chump change to a moron, I think rich people like write-offs and free shit as much as the next person. Do you think all rock stars light their cigars with hundred dollar bills? It's pretty standard for executives (and really all workers) to get their airfare and other business travel expenses covered by the company (or foundation). Even if they are "multimillionaires".

    Well, that's um... an interesting display of theoretical assumptive cynicism. Bravo. \

    If I was Bono reading this, I'd go "Wankers. Why do I bother?".

  • Reply 52 of 85
    Yah, enough with the Bono flaming. He helps out others in need and he gets flamed for it. I think that's lowly and sick.
  • Reply 53 of 85
    Originally Posted by TBaggins

    Sorry, that came off as harsher than I intended, and you do raise some good points.

    Its just that we walk a fine line here, between wanting to do good and becoming so cynical about doing good that we shrug and go "Why bother?".


    Sorry for the response. I agree on becoming cynical, and I'm not trying to impart a "why bother?" attitude, just that in a big PR deal like Bono and Oprah and Apple getting together to make iPod buyers contribute to civilisation, they're not actually contributing all that much other than raising their consumer profile. Just look at Bono meeting with world leaders every 2nd week to talk about all the world's problems - is George Bush going to ban guns in america or allow generic aids drugs because he's talked with Bono? Does Bono think so? Is this a good deed by Bono or self promotion?

    Buying an iPod isn't making people care more, give more of their time, or donate their money. They're buying an iPod. If anything, it eases peoples' conscience in a totally passive way, and possibly prevents them from doing something meaningful because they've "done their part" by purchasing a new piece of plastic. I'd prefer if Bono and Oprah would encourage people to participate more actively than "buy iPod for the same price, feel good about myself and my allegiance to friendly apple and friendly bono and oprah." Using hyper consumerism to help people in need seems to me both dangerous and the easy way out of caring.

    Speaking of which, check out and for many ways you can help without buying plastic toys.
  • Reply 54 of 85
    Originally Posted by Superbass

    ...A friend of mine recently quit working at United Way in Canada when he found out that only about 30% of money that enters United Way leaves it. He now works for Amnesty which has a closer to 50% figure.

    I was also disappointed to find out that the same thing is true of the American Red Cross.

    The Salvation Army does a much better job of keeping it's overhead low and getting more of the money to the people that need it.
  • Reply 55 of 85
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella

    Because the drug manufacturers don't have enough money to fund this kind of research.</sarcasm>

    If ANY industry should be expected to donate it is the pharmaceutical industry.

    Yeah, and Africa is such a great place to conduct un-monitored drug trials. Corrupt governments, militia gangs and millions of sick, starving people. This (product) RED thing is fantastic in concept but a little poor in how it's been thought through.

    Don't get me wrong here; assisting Africa to stop the horrible suffering of her people is something that we must do , if we don't it will be to this generations eternal shame that we did nothing even though we could. It's just figuring out the best thing to do is the incredibly difficult part. Throwing money at the symptoms hasn't worked in the past - in fact a lack of well funded organisations is not the problem - there is enough money and now there seems to be enough will to change things... But that will iis external to Africa, the change has to come from within and at the highest levels - that will is not yet powerful enough to drive real change.

    This whole campaign isn't really about money at all, it's about increasing awareness. How many people know that 1 person every 3 seconds dies in Africa? Well, it's true. Research it if you don't believe me.
  • Reply 56 of 85
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Apple is a company, not one single person. They could afford to take a hit. It's not like they're operating under a blue tarp attached to 4 poles.

    Saw an interview with Bono. He said he said (RED) is not a charity. They've planned it to be a sustainable business model. He does not want companies to sacrifice profit. He wants more companies to sign on with (RED) products and the only way they will is if (RED) is a successful business that's profitable for its members.

    No Apple cannot take a hit. You don't understand the stock market do you.
  • Reply 57 of 85
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Yeah, and Africa is such a great place to conduct un-monitored drug trials. Corrupt governments, militia gangs and millions of sick, starving people. This (product) RED thing is fantastic in concept but a little poor in how it's been thought through.

    (RED) cannot solve all of Africa's problems and its not trying to. If it even helps a little bit that's more than what's been done in the past.
  • Reply 58 of 85
    I'm shocked no one has brought up that this RED is hellofa much much much much much better color than that bloody brown-with-icky-green-edge SquirtingZunePune.

    ZUNE = FRACKING P*OWND BIATCHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!1111one!!11oene!!!!

    *yes, yes, I know, Zune plays videos and stuff. But it just shows the color sensibility that is innate to Apple while Microsoft struggles with brown Zunes and such.
  • Reply 59 of 85
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by DeaPeaJay

    Yah, enough with the Bono flaming. He helps out others in need and he gets flamed for it. I think that's lowly and sick.

    Agreed. But some folks will always see the cup half empty, rather than half full. \

  • Reply 60 of 85
    Originally Posted by cwinnipeg

    personally, I think apple should be donating money from ALL iPod sales.

    ie: $5 for 2GB, $10 for 4GB, and $20 from 8GB.

    sure because they really need the positive PR right? Besides its not like their a business or anything...
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