Got your MBP C2D? Let us know....



  • Reply 61 of 173
    kzelk4kzelk4 Posts: 100member
    So, the people who received theirs, any mooing, and does it seem to have any heat issues like the macbook pro core duo?
  • Reply 62 of 173
    dsosbdsosb Posts: 52member
    I ordered a 15 inch MBP 2.1 ghz with 2 meg RAM and got a 17 in yesterday with all the other correct specs. I don't want the 17 inch! Now I have to get it returned and wait for another one. The bad part is the person I ordered it for already has put files on it. AAUGH!!!!!
  • Reply 63 of 173
    Originally Posted by Kzelk4

    So, the people who received theirs, any mooing, and does it seem to have any heat issues like the macbook pro core duo?

    My impression so far is that this thing is about as silent as a comuter can be, I can hear my old iBook over this as I sit here and type (+/- 3 feet away). Up to now all I have done is move a mountan of pictres, video clips, and music from from my iBook to here, but it chewed through all of the imports and never felt notiible on my lap. Again, using my G4 iBook as a benchmark: much cooler. The screen is glorious.

    There are two thngs I noticed: I am not sure if I am just used to my iBook and am too far removed my my old power book, but I keep hitting caps lock when I type and haven't gotten used to the keyboard (although the backlighting is fantastic when you run out of Halloween candy and have to turn all the lights out). Also, the power brick is a monster. Without the 3-pronged cord that attaches, it would take up 1/2 a power strip. I have plugged in at airports and coffee shops where this thing wouldn't fit without unpluging everyone else. Al in all, small concerns.
  • Reply 64 of 173
    aiolosaiolos Posts: 228member
    had my MBP C2D 2.33ghz 2 gigs, 120gig for a day, and it rocks 8)
  • Reply 65 of 173
    tony1tony1 Posts: 259member
    For those of you who've received their 17's, any regrets about going with the larger of the two? In-other-words, clunky and unnecessary? Just curious.

  • Reply 66 of 173
    nice, thanks mowenbrown. i hope you and everyone else who already received their new mbp will keep posting your impressions for the rest of us still tortuously waiting. i'll live vicariously through your least till i get mine.
  • Reply 67 of 173
    Originally Posted by fongyuen

    nice, thanks mowenbrown.

    My girlfried is working on a political capaign out west, and fedex'd me a couple DVDs of video clips/pictures they took. So it's not work in the strictest definition of the term, but I couldn't resist. So I just finished using iMovie & iDVD to work something up for the people back in the DC office to watch at the staff meeting tomorrow. I am stepping up from an iBook G4 that wasn't too too juiced....but, all I can say is WOW. The difference was amazing. Granted, it wasn't Avid - but the differences in the times it took to do things like pulling in the clips, cutting, pasteing, arranging, et al was amazing. Although, it felt like the process of burning the final product longer.

    For the others that are waiting - I have a question: How are you planning to transfer files? I avoided the apple app that comes with OS X, because we have a single user account that both of us share on the iBook and i didn't want to migrate the Mail files (hers) Calendar (hers), but would like to get the address book, play lists and photo albums. I Have already moved the music and my work stuff using an external drive, but would like to selectively pull some of that stuff. Suggestions?
  • Reply 68 of 173
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by Kzelk4

    So, the people who received theirs, any mooing, and does it seem to have any heat issues like the macbook pro core duo?

    I reached under mine a few times, and it was never too warm - it is noticably warm on the left hand side, but still fine with bare legs. Maybe it would get a lot hotter if I really stressed the CPU or something.

    I kind of regret not going for the 200 gig drive, though, as I will have to choose between some of my video collection and a bootcamp partition with the 160 gig drive.
  • Reply 69 of 173
    On the truck for delivery. Will be picking up after work. Christmas is finally here...
  • Reply 70 of 173
    ah, lucky you, i still have to wait till friday!!
  • Reply 71 of 173
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    On the truck for delivery. Will be picking up after work. Christmas is finally here...

    What was you estimated delivery date? Mine was Nov 2 by 10:30am even though they said that it might get delieverd today. First this morning they said that it was out for delivery but then within 15 minutes, they updated the status to dest sort facility. Since the estimated delivery date is Nov 2, they cannot guarantee that it will be delivered today, if the driver gets time, it will be delivered according to fedex, it is already on vehicle..
  • Reply 72 of 173
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by abhay

    What was you estimated delivery date? Mine was Nov 2 by 10:30am even though they said that it might get delieverd today. First this morning they said that it was out for delivery but then within 15 minutes, they updated the status to dest sort facility. Since the estimated delivery date is Nov 2, they cannot guarantee that it will be delivered today, if the driver gets time, it will be delivered according to fedex, it is already on vehicle..

    Well I know that FedEx is going to be a pain for me. I live in an appt and it's hard to get things delivered w/o a sig. I guess I can go pick it up or try and leave them an authorization.

    If it comes UPS...the driver and I have an understanding. He'll leave it on my patio. Anywho...super excited for next Wednesday!
  • Reply 73 of 173
    Originally Posted by abhay

    What was you estimated delivery date? Mine was Nov 2 by 10:30am even though they said that it might get delieverd today. First this morning they said that it was out for delivery but then within 15 minutes, they updated the status to dest sort facility. Since the estimated delivery date is Nov 2, they cannot guarantee that it will be delivered today, if the driver gets time, it will be delivered according to fedex, it is already on vehicle..

    Yeah I forgot. About 10 minutes after I posted that last message, the FedEx man came! The thing looks sweet! When you get the package, it feels like there's nothing in it! I haven't turned it on yet because I had class at 11am, so I'll have to wait till I get off work at 5 to start the festivaties! I got mine around 10:15 abhay...
  • Reply 74 of 173
    The Towson apple store now has the 15" 2.33ghz in stock, i went and picked it up today. I'm about to go to class so i haven't had a chance to even take it out of the box.
  • Reply 75 of 173
    well i got mine yesterday, 10/31, it was shipped on the 29th as well. it was estimated to be here on the im pretty happy. and im typing this post on the MBP as well...its awesome! i love it, but it really distracts me in class.
  • Reply 76 of 173
    Ordered mine on 10/27, website quoted me a shipping date of 11/2. and I received the computer today, 11/1.

    2.16Ghz C2D

    160GB HDD

    2GB RAM

    Pretty darned good step up from my 1GHZ TI Book, the last computer I bought 4 years ago.
  • Reply 77 of 173
    This thing is freakin SWEET....

    (MBP 2.33Ghz, 2gig, 160...)
  • Reply 78 of 173
    Does anyone have the glossy screen version? They don't seem to have them in stores, and I'm curious as to whether they're the same as the Macbook glossy screens, or different/better.
  • Reply 79 of 173
    Seems I'll be getting my glossy screened model Friday. Not sure if it's different from the Macbook version, though.
  • Reply 80 of 173
    kzelk4kzelk4 Posts: 100member
    I currently use an iMac (first mac...never going back to windows besides the occasional game through bootcamp) and I was thinking about picking up a laptop for school next year. (the iMac technically is my dads so it's either laptop or iMac next year). Anywho, just wondering for those of you that own a laptop and actually use it for class for notes and what not, is it better for note taking in class? I am just so used to writing with a pen, I dunno how it actually works out. Also, do you use it for anything else in class besides note taking? Thanks.
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