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  • Leaked M1 Ultra Mac Studio benchmarks prove it outclasses top Mac Pro

    You don’t, but I do care about performance per watt. Perhaps many others do too?

    Why should I pay for something to heat my home, when I don’t have to? Why should I work beside a computer that makes a ton of noise?

    Sure, I want the computer that’s the best “value”. Price, speed, noise, heat and portability are parts of the calculus I use to determine what I buy.

    I bought the MacBook Air with  silicon. I installed a thermal pad on the CPU and now I get performance equivalent to the MacBook Pro 13”. Boom!

    Maybe you just care about performance and price? Good for u.


  • Apple Hardware Engineering VP DJ Novotney exits for Rivian

    Haha … you obviously don’t listen to their earnings calls or read their financials.

    TSLA is the most profitable car company, by far! I don’t own a TSLA and frankly I find their interiors quite spartan. However, many are willing to accept that and ❤️ their cars because of all the things TSLA does well … software updates, ALL electric, FAST and for the hope they deliver on Level 5 autonomy.

    When they do … Profits go to the moon! 🚀

  • Chip shortage to get worse before it gets better, says Intel CEO

    You created quite the “House of Cards” there … let me tug on a few cards where u got your facts wrong … Intel won’t be manufacturing their GPU’s, TSMC will! Doh! So now, any advantage you were attributing to Intel for GPU’s … doesn’t exist! In fact, it’s worse because they will be competing with AMD & NVIDIA for access to GPU chips @ TSMC.

    Let’s tug on another two cards … sure, Intel can make lots of CPUs (compared to AMD) and the benchmarks are telling us, we r getting “less” than from AMD. They better be priced as the “value leader”. Whoops … so where are Intel’s sky high margins going to come from?  Making CPU’s for Apple? Haha … why would Apple want to fund their competitor. They used to do that with “Scamsung”, I’m sure that lesson has been learned, deeply. Do u need a refresher?

    Your House of Cards is tumbling to the ground! 😭

    I bought my first computer in the mid 80’s, remember the Amiga? I’ve seen lots of stuff, my friend. 


    bleab said:
    omasou said:
    The end of the headline should read... FOR Intel.

    The CEO is probably so happy that he can blame further delays on the pandemic instead of Intel's inability to innovate and compete.

    I've always thought this whole Apple Car thing wasn't so much about "the car" but instead about the hardware, i.e. silicon and the software. Apple doesn't want to sell cars they want car makers to use their hardware and software. What's the point of this side trip? The point is if Intel doesn't figure it out Apple will eat what's left of their processor business for mobile and embedded devices.
    The Intel bashing is wishful thinking delusion. Thanks to the combination of Apple's small market share, terrible ARM chips by Qualcomm and MediaTek and the lack of capacity for AMD at TSMC who prioritizes mobile chips, Intel has 80% market share. Despite all of the "Intel is doomed" nonsense, this isn't going to change. Even if Apple Silicon double's the traditional macOS market share, it will still be barely over 10% and less than the ChromeOS market share for the past year. And while it seems that the Apple blogs have become AMD's biggest cheerleaders since Apple announced that they were leaving Intel, the truth is that the chip shortage has affected AMD even more. It is the reason for the latest XBox and PlayStation console shortages. Most OEMs and DIYers who want to use the latest AMD chips can't get their hands on enough to make more than a few models so they are resorting making new devices with the 10th and 11th gen Intel chips that they have on hand instead. Thanks to AMD making the decision to spin off their foundry, the main thing that keeps them from being truly able to rival Intel is TSMC's needing to make a combined 300 million iPhones and iPads a year, plus fill orders for the hundreds of millions of Qualcomm and MediaTek chips that go in Android and ChromeOS devices. Meanwhile Intel can dedicate their entire foundry output to their own chips.

    Not only that but expect Intel to make inroads in the discrete GPU game in the next 2 years. AMD is going to continue to be stuck behind iPhone, iPad and Mac chips at TSMC. Nvidia is going to be held back by the combination of the bottleneck at TSMC and low yields at Samsung Foundries. So when the Intel discrete GPUs launch 3Q2021 they will sell by virtue of being pretty much the only option that people will be able to practically buy. So this whole idea that losing the 20 million CPUs that they sell Apple a year was going to set off this chain reaction that was going to bring Intel to their knees was always magical thinking, just as were the claims that iPads were going to kill off Microsoft and the endless "now THIS is what will finally kill off Android!" claims that have only recently stopped. While they certainly want it, Intel didn't need Apple's business before 2005 and they don't need it now. 

  • Yahoo Finance app pulled from Chinese App Store

    GeorgeBMac, YOU sir, need to catch up on what’s going on in China … try googling the “Evergrande Crisis” … China’s Real Estate Market is currently the biggest Ponzi scheme in the history of humans and it’s already starting to collapse. They have routine blackouts and they are threatening war with Taiwan?

    Those are just a few of the current issues … if you think we got problems, haha, look around! I’d rather deal with Western Problems and “fight for the truth” … than live in a state where TRUTH is completely suppressed!
  • AirPods Max active noise cancellation pared down by newest firmware

    They did this with the AirPod Pro. They made the ANC worse in it after a firmware update. Why do they keep doing that?
    To improve battery life?

    Damned if u do and damned if u don’t? Apple losses both ways?
  • iPhone 15 users can see battery cycle count & more in Settings

    I’m with the slow charge crowd. Anything that overheats your battery diminishes battery life … fast charging, wireless charging, sunlight, anything. Also, I try and protect my phone from drops, hard bumps or even vibrations. This also might diminish battery capacity. The electrolytic material is just too fragile in liquid form.

    I keep my iPhone 14 Pro battery in the 20% to 80% range and slow charge. I don’t leave the device plugged in over night. I quickly charge in the morning if I don’t have enough charge, or intermittently charge during the day. 

    I wish we could buy cases that protect the phone AND allow it to cool better. I’m open to any great reco’s.


  • AirPods recovered after Find My tracked down thieving hotel employee

    I hope that LOSER lost his job. I hope the hotel doesn’t give a reference for his next job, or does and tells them he’s a thief!

    I hope the thief realizes that when u have nothing, stealing doesn’t get u ahead faster.

    I want to put AirTags on all my stuff. I hope everybody else does too and together we can make being a thief “impossible”.
