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  • Apple Hardware Engineering VP DJ Novotney exits for Rivian

    Haha … you obviously don’t listen to their earnings calls or read their financials.

    TSLA is the most profitable car company, by far! I don’t own a TSLA and frankly I find their interiors quite spartan. However, many are willing to accept that and ❤️ their cars because of all the things TSLA does well … software updates, ALL electric, FAST and for the hope they deliver on Level 5 autonomy.

    When they do … Profits go to the moon! 🚀

  • iPhone 15 users can see battery cycle count & more in Settings

    I’m with the slow charge crowd. Anything that overheats your battery diminishes battery life … fast charging, wireless charging, sunlight, anything. Also, I try and protect my phone from drops, hard bumps or even vibrations. This also might diminish battery capacity. The electrolytic material is just too fragile in liquid form.

    I keep my iPhone 14 Pro battery in the 20% to 80% range and slow charge. I don’t leave the device plugged in over night. I quickly charge in the morning if I don’t have enough charge, or intermittently charge during the day. 

    I wish we could buy cases that protect the phone AND allow it to cool better. I’m open to any great reco’s.


  • AirPods recovered after Find My tracked down thieving hotel employee

    I hope that LOSER lost his job. I hope the hotel doesn’t give a reference for his next job, or does and tells them he’s a thief!

    I hope the thief realizes that when u have nothing, stealing doesn’t get u ahead faster.

    I want to put AirTags on all my stuff. I hope everybody else does too and together we can make being a thief “impossible”.

  • TSMC says efforts to rebuild US semiconductor industry are doomed to fail

    Part of the reason TSM is so successful … is that they have built a massive supply chain in Taiwan of tiny companies specializing in pushing semi fabrication tech forward in one particular way. Think not of a bunch of “minnows”,  but a bunch of “piranhas” who are hyper competitive in delivering technological excellence in one tiny part of the process. Add all of this up and TSM leverages it for their final result and our now “World Class” and ahead of Intel.

    Read, “The End of the World is just the Beginning, Peter Zeihan” (June/2022).

    It’s not enough for TSM to built a final fabrication facility in the USA, they need to build “the entire supply chain in the USA.”

    The CCP is acting belligerent. They could decide to be a “team player”, but no! They are the greatest benefactor of US led Bretton Woods and for what? To bite the US hand that they’ve been feeding from?

    Fuck the CCP! Long live the Chinese people. The future looks bleak for them!


  • AirPods Max active noise cancellation pared down by newest firmware

    :D dewme said:

    “As such, I would be inclined to prefer that users have some level of control over not only the level (strength) of noise reduction but also the types of “noise” the ANR is focused on reducing. All ANR is not created equal because not all noise sources are the same. Blocking out harmonic and narrowband sources is different than blocking out impulsive and broadband sources. The ability to reduce the overall sound intensity level compared to a desired source like music or speech or ambient background noise is also a major consideration.”
    Best suggestion so far! Whatever AAPL’s reason for changing the ANC, they should give the user control and then they avoid ALL issues!
    Better for AAPL, they don’t get bad press or sued (class action, whatever) and better for the user, we get an opportunity to customize ANC for our particular use case!  Everybody wins! A negative is turned into a positive!

    If AAPL has both MCP and Tron working for them, they should listen to Tron, he fights for the users!
