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  • European politicians on the cusp of requiring USB-C in all smartphones

    Still cannot for the life of me figure out how this helps anything…. How often are people switching back and forth between iPhone to Android/other?  I could maybe see if the turnover was 100% every year, but it’s not…. I’m just not seeing where the “excess e-waste” is coming in here?  Heck, I was actually okay with ditching the charging cables and bricks with iPhones - we’ve had a standard plug for quite a while now, I don’t need new charging equipment every couple of years if the old ones still work fine!
  • Early 2021 Apple Silicon iMac said to have 'A14T' processor

    “...and Apple is already designing a new "A15" series.
    What?!?!  Already designing the A15?!?!  I’m shocked!  Shocked, I tell you!!!

    I though they just woke up one morning in September every year and said to themselves, “ya know, I think I’ll design the next generation A-series processor over lunch today...”.  :p
  • Coalition for App Fairness unites developers to fight Apple's App Store fees and policies

    Even though I haven’t used it since Apple Music launched, I finally said “ya know, I should delete my Spotify account...”. 

    So I did.

    And the Tile that I’ve got...  yeah, definitely not upgrading to their Premium subscription...  when the built in battery dies, I’m done with them. 

    Getting more than a little tired of the crud from Spotify, Epic and Tile.  I get the “we need to stay profitable to stay in business and the 30% cuts into our margins” thing...  but these three companies are just coming across as scumbags.  There is so much to the App Store beyond just hosting that they pretend doesn’t exist that costs money to develop. There’s the software and hardware development costs, the developer tools (last I checked, Xcode didn’t just magically appear out of thin air...), the hosting, the advertising, the financial transactions...  their PR likes to pretend that these things don’t exist and that Apple is just taking 30% of pure profit for themselves....
  • New watchOS 9.5.1 update includes bug fixes & improvements

    spheric said:
    Battery life has been abysmal on my Series 6. Here's hoping.
    Yeah, the battery on my Ultra has gone a little wonky the last few weeks since 9.5. Hoping this fixes whatever caused that. A reboot helped a bit, but definitely seeing more drain than I had been seeing during the day. 
  • GM ditching CarPlay could go bad, complain car dealers

    I had been highly considering a GM EV recently - decent price, decent performance for what I would need it for. Then this news broke and I went “nope”. 

    And then a week later they announced they were discontinuing the model I had been considering so it made the choice to not buy even easier.
  • You'll need an iPhone 14 to see all of AT&T's 5G network

    B-Mc-C said:
    Here in Orange County, CA, I get regular AT&T 5G, not their 5G+ faster stuff. After reading the recent articles about how great T-Mobile has gotten, and knowing their 5G UC is supposed to be amazing, I tried the new 90 day test drive last week. My plain old AT&T 5G is 150mbps, T-Mobiles 5G UC was 41mbps. The upstream was abysmal, coming in at 2Mbps on T-Mobile vs 24mbps on AT&T. I have tested this in many areas around here and the results are similar. You really do get what you pay for. Very excited about this even faster midband and love that it will be restricted to only the latest devices.
    Odd. I just ran SpeedTest on the T-Mobile UC network.  Got 541 Mbps download, 30.5 Mbps upload. Wonder if it’s network congestion or setup. 
  • Disney now accepting pre-orders for Disney+ streaming service

    jbdragon said:
    I never get why anyone would Pre-order for Digital content? What, you think they'll run out?
    If I was to guess, it was so that their payment servers don't get crushed on launch day.  My wife signed up for the 99 cent Hulu deal last fall and it was insane - it took her a few days before she actually was able to successfully complete her purchase.
  • How to turn off in-app rating requests in iOS 17

    Had this happen a few weeks ago. Downloaded an app for the first time and within seconds of me opening the app it was asking for a review and feedback. I immediately gave it one star and the feedback was “don’t ask for feedback about your app before I can even use the silly thing”.
  • AirPods & Apple Watch market share insight opens debate on consumer choice

    thedba said:
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but do other watches work with an iPhone through an app? If someone wanted a Garmin or a Fitbit, wouldn't that work on an iPhone?  
    I’ve had Garmins for years and they’ve never had any problem working with my iPhone. Is the integration as seamless as my AW?  No, but the Garmins are sports watches with some smart features vs a smart watch with some sports features.  Heck, it’s an LCD screen with a few buttons so it couldn’t do all the “smart” things my AW does!  But as far as working with the Garmin app on my phone?  In the 8 years I’ve been using it, zero problems. 
  • Apple Watch won't get third-party watch faces anytime soon

    Having used the Garmin watch face store, I don’t blame Apple in the least. There are some horrendously designed faces in there and a number of them are battery drainers.  That’s not to say that there aren’t some decent ones, but the bad ones seem to outnumber the good ones. 