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  • Google surpasses Apple as world's most valuable company

    People can spin it any way they want, but this is just not good news. The market currently has absolutely no confidence in Apple's ability to generate value from future growth opportunities. And, we can criticize or chuckle at Google all we want (I often get in on it too), but they have a narrative that the market is buying in droves. As it currently does with Facebook and Microsoft as well.

    Kudos to them.

    Apple truly can and must do better on conveying some sense of who or what it wants to be 2, 5, 10 years out. This is not rocket science. Every major company does it in some form or the other. That's a huge part of what CEOs are paid to do. It involves much more than talking about "industrial era taxes", "dollar versus yuan", etc.

    I realize a lot of people here do not own AAPL and therefore couldn't care less, but for those of us who have been very long-term shareholders of the company, this news hurts. There is simply no need for such underachievement. It's bewildering.

    (And, please spare me the vacuous stuff about "Wall Street casino" and such; those are simply sound bites).

    Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

    Market multiples are often broadly and on company-specific basis just a reflection of sentiment from the collective crowd.  The sentiment from the market today on Apple is that nobody has any confidence in their ability to navigate this road bump and continue to grow.  I don't get this hardware vs software crap..... apple has been sitting on tens of billions of cash for years, they could have diversified their revenue stream but chose not to.  Why should management get a pass now for doing nothing when many people have for years said they law of large numbers and saturation would catch up to them.  Guess what Tim Cook, it did, you just had your head buried in the sand.

    I have no idea what Apple wants to be in 5 years nor does anyone on this board nor does the market.  Their primary product growth is negative/shrinking (according to mgmt), why should the market give them a market multiple when mgmt can't articulate a vision for what they will be in 3 years let alone 5, something every other company on earth does???
    apple iigsjackansih2p
  • Google taking Nexus smartphone program in more iPhone-like direction - report

    jdnc123 said:
    The 'Google is bigger than Apple' story is all over the headlines I see right now.  Should be good for employee morale at Apple.  Many likely had a chance to choose between the two companies and the unlucky ones chose to join the company that was $200-300 billion bigger just a short few years ago.  What a historic and epic mistake on their part from a challenge and compensation perspective.  Yippy, talented engineers get to work on making the iPhone marginally better which nobody notices or cares about anymore.

    Seriously, if Tim Cook does a big hoopla event for another incremental design change to the iPhone, he should be replaced.
    Do you really think Apple employees give a shit whether their company is the most valuable company on a given day? I sure heck hope not. That's what AOL employees were obsessed with in the late 90s. Every employee had a stock ticker on their desktop and were constantly checking the share price. Where is AOL now? Buried inside of Verizon.

    Btw, 90% of Google's revenue still comes from advertising, 80% from Google's own sites. And their "other bets" stuff takes in hardly any revenue but is full of lossss. And yet Apple's the "one trick pony" too dependent on iPhone. Fuck that.
    UMMM, if they get stock comp, they care like hell.
  • Google surpasses Apple as world's most valuable company

    poksi said:
    I figured this was going to happen when Google shot up after Facebook announced earnings. Wall Street loves so-called services companies right now, especially ones with little exposure to China.   Not sure there's much Apple can do about that. I hope Apple management doesn't overreact and start doing dumb things (like buying Time Warner) just to try and change the Wall Street narrative on the company.
    Doing the "dumb" things is exaclty what Apple should do, not because of Wall Street, but because of the future sustainable growth and existance. They need to find new revenue streams based on huge and loyal customersp database. So far they've been sitting on pile of cash and moving in other departments like snails...
    Exactly, the idea that they could sit around with all that cash, do nothing and that iPhone market opportunity would just keep growing and growing was absurd.  This slowdown was easy to see years ago (many called for it) and one would have expected Apple would have been hard at work diversifying their revenue stream.  By the panic in Cook's voice on the conference call, my guess is they haven't done anything that was obvious and rested on their laurels too long.
    poksianantksundaramapple iigs
  • Google taking Nexus smartphone program in more iPhone-like direction - report

    lkrupp said:
    jdnc123 said:
    Well, it was fun while it lasted, but starting tomorrow, Apple will no longer be the most valuable company in the world after Google beat earnings and the stock is up $50+ after-hours, if it holds.  No lamenting the global economy, or currency or any other lame excuses, they just keep growing earnings.  Vision and execution is trumping a huge void of vision and a whole heck of a lot of stubbing their own toes at Apple.  Best Tim Cook could do was blame the macro environment.  Good companies just execute.

    Edit:  Google +$70 dollar now, it'll be a tens of billions gap starting tomorrow, but wont even be close at to who is the biggest and baddest company in the world soon with Cook leading Apple.
    And my response will be the exact same thing YOU said when Apple passed up Microsoft and Google to become the most valuable company. YOU and your ilk said, and I paraphrase, “It means nothing. Microsoft and Google are still better than Apple will ever be. Just because Apple is worth more now than Microsoft or Google doesn’t mean its bigger or better. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Apple sux!”

    Yes, YOU and your ilk said those very things when AAPL raced by MSFT and GOOG. Are you now going to say it now does mean something that Google passed up Apple? Really? You are going to say that? And keep a straight face too?
    There has never been a company in the history of the world that has lost as much market cap as Apple in the midst of a broader bull market.  

    FACT.  That is on Apple and Tim Cook.
  • Google surpasses Apple as world's most valuable company

    freerange said:
    ROFLOL - good one!

    One day advertisers are going to wake up and realize that most of them are pissing their money away with this company.
    I don't think so. For example: In the last year I've had all my old apple products no longer run youtube as Google changed the code to force ads. When I use youtube on newer apple products the ads are much longer and more invasive then in the past. Google basically has a monopoly with youtube and can dial up the advertising as much as it wants - it could double or triple the ad revenue ad in a moments notice and I think that's what they did last year. No one talks about youtube but I use it every day (and and my family are I'm very casual lightweight users). Just to support this I googled and found an analyst snippet "We believe the aggregated revenue contribution from YouTube AND Google Play has risen from 4% of Gross Revenue in 2010 to 15% in 2015 and should reach 24% by 2020, given the higher trajectory of growth versus core search"
    And they only paid $1billion for youtube.  Apple was sitting on WAY more cash than Google at the time and could have bought it instead.  They didn't and are now catching up in video.  Those that try to insinuate Apple mgmt havent made mistakes are simply mistaken.
  • Google surpasses Apple as world's most valuable company

    poksi said:
    Doing the "dumb" things is exaclty what Apple should do, not because of Wall Street, but because of the future sustainable growth and existance. They need to find new revenue streams based on huge and loyal customersp database. So far they've been sitting on pile of cash and moving in other departments like snails...
    So you just want them to buy growth. Wall Street might love that but most people would probably just say Apple is so out of ideas and innovation that the best they can do is buy growth (and probably destroy the culture along the way). Look I remember 2013 when there were rumors that the board was looking to replace Cook (most likely BS) and everyone was freaked out because Samsung was The Next Big Thing™.

    But honestly when aren't people freaked out about Apple? There's constant worry and concern. On the one hand you have investors, analysts, tech press constantly looking for the next iPhone or complaining about the lack of innovation (because Apple, unlike Google and others keeps its R&D secret), on the other hand you have people saying Apple is spread to thin and they need to focus more, none of this VR nonsense just give me my Skylake MacBook Pro already. Basically Apple is a victim of its own success.
    Apple management gets paid hundreds of millions of dollars to figure this stuff out.  If they all just rode the wave of Steve Jobs genius - and it appears increasingly likely that is the case - how about they give some of that money back??
  • Google taking Nexus smartphone program in more iPhone-like direction - report

    Well, it was fun while it lasted, but starting tomorrow, Apple will no longer be the most valuable company in the world after Google beat earnings and the stock is up $50+ after-hours, if it holds.  No lamenting the global economy, or currency or any other lame excuses, they just keep growing earnings.  Vision and execution is trumping a huge void of vision and a whole heck of a lot of stubbing their own toes at Apple.  Best Tim Cook could do was blame the macro environment.  Good companies just execute.

    Edit:  Google +$70 dollar now, it'll be a tens of billions gap starting tomorrow, but wont even be close at to who is the biggest and baddest company in the world soon with Cook leading Apple.