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  • Google surpasses Apple as world's most valuable company

    As a long term AAPL share holder, getting very frustrated with the company. It's very sad that the company is view as sole hardware company when there's a huge software company in the back making the hardware and the whole eco system possible. Combine that with minimal growth between major release cycle, this is the main reason we're sitting at 10PE. Instead of spending billions in buyback, yes we know shares are suppress but it always has been for as long as I can remember. So the question become how much can you really buyback ?? Instead use those billions to put your giant software company to works. As an example, BIDU market cap as of this writing sitting at 54B. Use the billions to partner up, make a investment, or dare I say ?? start your own search. Go knock on Googl or FB door. How many company can say that you have a billion device running your OS. Use that to your advantage, AppleSearch, AppleFaceBook. There’s a large loyal user base, why not put it into good use. Hardware wise, go vertical and secure your supply line. With 60% of rev coming from iPhone, secure the major components, display, mem, Achip. There are more then enough demand coming from within to have subsidiary that manufacture any of those major component. Open fab next to Sammy. Dear AAPL, There are so many different things can be done with all your money, please go spend it. Please do not be so conservative, we know you're going to bat 100%. For those that failed, we will understand but if you don't swing you will not hit home run. Yours truely.
  • Samsung tells Galaxy Note 7 users to turn off, stop using device

    roake said:
    jayjay28 said:
    tzeshan said:
    jayjay28 said:
    This huge Samsung mess should serve as a warning to all of you guys out there whose portfolio has significant percentage in aapl shares.
    As a long term share holder myself, looking at this mess I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like IF this happen to iPhone.  For so many years, I've read so many complains (including myself) why so low PE on an extremely profitable company comparing to other tech company.

    Well, the short and simplify answer is exactly what we're seeing here with the problem happening at Samsung.  Despite unheard profit margin for a hardware company, aapl is still a hardware company.  Yes, it take great software to make these hardware run but the hardware still bring in the most of the revenue and profit. 
    This nightmare scenario is very real for any hardware company, a new manufacture process, a supplier fault etc. Some of these problem will not show itself until product is enmass.  By that time it only need small number of incident in millions to bring down a product line.   

    Unlike company like googl, fb, amzn, msft etc.  Think about what it will take to dethrone anyone of these company, which is why they command high PE.

    Anyway, just thinking out loud.
    Are you a shareholder of Google too?  Do you know Google is jumping into the hardware business with the Pixel XL which has much bigger battery than iPhone 7 Plus? 
    Yes I hold share in googl as well.  But what does Pixel and bigger battery than iPhone got anything to do with what I say ?? Googl can venture into anything they want, their revenue/profit is coming from search/ads base. These hardware, Pixel, OneHub, Nest, and many others are "Hobbies"  side project that doesn't even make a dent in their total revenue.

    My point is bottom line appl is a hardware company with more than 60% of revenue comes from iPhone alone. Even for the world most profitable company, in hardware business it carry more risk than a software company.   I would love to see appl venture into software territory and be less dependant on hardware.  Aapl has over 1Billions devices running IOS, there no other company in the world can say that.  Take advantage of this loyal user base, diversify into AppleSearch, AppleFaceBook, AppleWhatEver software related, let's be less dependent on one hardware product line.

    Perhaps you think Apple is a high-risk investment In their current model, despite what all the analysts and shareholders say, but how about you keep your Samsung and Google stocks, and I'll keep my Apple stocks, mmkay?

    Perhaps I'll reconsider when Apple lets me down, but that ain't happened yet.

    But thumbs up for crawling out from under your bridge to create a brand new account to altruistically warn us of your foresight about Apple.  I don't suppose you happen to have stocks or, dare I say, a job at a certain South Korean company who is about to lose $19 billion in short-term revenue and worsening devastation to their bottom line in the long term... hmmm?
    If I think aapl is a high-risk, I won't have held it since $14.  That's right, go scroll back on your chart and see how long ago that is and don't forget to factor in the split.
    And this new account you're referring to ??? Why don't you open your eye and look, my account was created before you did.  I don't post on board for this very reason, some people can't hold a proper conversation but to jump down your throat and name calling.

    I'm saying Appl is missing out on an opportunity.  With over 1 billions IOS devices out there, this put them in a very unique situation where they can start to diverse into non-hardware business.  If on your next IOS update, Appl added a search function that utilized their own newly developed search engine that compete with Googl. Or they added a social media type that compete with FB???  If they do added these apps or functions, you're telling me you won't at least try it ??? With over 1 billion IOS device, they already have a huge users base to start with.  Plus with the enormous pile of cash on hand, I think Aapl will have high chance of succeeding. Diverse into non-hardware business = more revenue = less dependency on 1 product line.  What is so wrong about diversify and making even more money ??

    I say Aapl should diverse more into non-hardware business, that make me a secret Korean worker ?? You're so smart, I'm so proud of you.

  • Samsung tells Galaxy Note 7 users to turn off, stop using device

    tzeshan said:
    jayjay28 said:
    This huge Samsung mess should serve as a warning to all of you guys out there whose portfolio has significant percentage in aapl shares.
    As a long term share holder myself, looking at this mess I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like IF this happen to iPhone.  For so many years, I've read so many complains (including myself) why so low PE on an extremely profitable company comparing to other tech company.

    Well, the short and simplify answer is exactly what we're seeing here with the problem happening at Samsung.  Despite unheard profit margin for a hardware company, aapl is still a hardware company.  Yes, it take great software to make these hardware run but the hardware still bring in the most of the revenue and profit. 
    This nightmare scenario is very real for any hardware company, a new manufacture process, a supplier fault etc. Some of these problem will not show itself until product is enmass.  By that time it only need small number of incident in millions to bring down a product line.   

    Unlike company like googl, fb, amzn, msft etc.  Think about what it will take to dethrone anyone of these company, which is why they command high PE.

    Anyway, just thinking out loud.
    Are you a shareholder of Google too?  Do you know Google is jumping into the hardware business with the Pixel XL which has much bigger battery than iPhone 7 Plus? 
    Yes I hold share in googl as well.  But what does Pixel and bigger battery than iPhone got anything to do with what I say ?? Googl can venture into anything they want, their revenue/profit is coming from search/ads base. These hardware, Pixel, OneHub, Nest, and many others are "Hobbies"  side project that doesn't even make a dent in their total revenue.

    My point is bottom line appl is a hardware company with more than 60% of revenue comes from iPhone alone. Even for the world most profitable company, in hardware business it carry more risk than a software company.   I would love to see appl venture into software territory and be less dependant on hardware.  Aapl has over 1Billions devices running IOS, there no other company in the world can say that.  Take advantage of this loyal user base, diversify into AppleSearch, AppleFaceBook, AppleWhatEver software related, let's be less dependent on one hardware product line.

    adonissmu[Deleted User]
  • Samsung tells Galaxy Note 7 users to turn off, stop using device

    This huge Samsung mess should serve as a warning to all of you guys out there whose portfolio has significant percentage in aapl shares.
    As a long term share holder myself, looking at this mess I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like IF this happen to iPhone.  For so many years, I've read so many complains (including myself) why so low PE on an extremely profitable company comparing to other tech company.

    Well, the short and simplify answer is exactly what we're seeing here with the problem happening at Samsung.  Despite unheard profit margin for a hardware company, aapl is still a hardware company.  Yes, it take great software to make these hardware run but the hardware still bring in the most of the revenue and profit. 
    This nightmare scenario is very real for any hardware company, a new manufacture process, a supplier fault etc. Some of these problem will not show itself until product is enmass.  By that time it only need small number of incident in millions to bring down a product line.   

    Unlike company like googl, fb, amzn, msft etc.  Think about what it will take to dethrone anyone of these company, which is why they command high PE.

    Anyway, just thinking out loud.