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  • Apple narrows iOS loyalty rate gap with Android in Q3, retention rates at all-time high

    I think Google’s “loyalty” could be reread as, “cheap people are still cheap, some are now aware they use Android.”
    Why so derisive?  Not everybody needs a flagship phone.  Low to mid-range is more than enough.  Do you drive a top of the line luxury car, and if not why not?  Are you cheap?
  • Complex iOS 13 exploit allows viewing of contacts without unlocking iPhone

    This has happened to 1 of my 2 XS phones. I pull it out of my pocket and the camera is on. Phone is very hot. Not liking that at all because one of the times it was in there 40 minutes while I drove to work. The battery was already half gone from full charge. So not sure what is causing it but I am damn sure it was off, as I do with both phones, before putting in my pockets.
    Steve Jobs says you're using your pocket wrong.
  • Apple loses ground to Samsung in European smartphone market

    KidGloves said:
    Apple is selling the 256GB iPhone 8 for more than a 512GB Galaxy S10. There's your problem right there for Apple.
    In a world where top-line Android phones are decent all-round machines, Apple is seen a being greedy. As a 30 year Apple user who has bought tens of thousands of pounds worth of Apple gear in that time, I'm getting totally fed up with the high prices and limited choice in each segment such as desktop Macs.
    In the past, it was worth it as Windows was a nightmare world I didn't want to enter into. Now though Windows and Android have got to the point of being passable. I might just make the move.
    There used to be an old saying that went something like... “You get what you pay for.” If you’re happy with “just good enough,” then have at it. 
    Which is why Apple loses ground to Samsung.  The majority of people want a product that is good enough.  If the price is right and the phone does what they need, then it is good enough.  Sure they could spend a lot more for some bells and whistles but then it's too much.  It's common sense.  Why do you think people should be buying products that have more than they need?
  • Latest 'Shot on iPhone' uses iPhone XS to highlight football in American Samoa

    I'll be going on family holiday soon and have organised a director, director of photography, executive producer, assistant and a bunch of expensive camera accessories so I too can take advantage of the iPhone's video capabilities.
  • Microsoft's next Surface product might be just pocket-sized

    This is a stupid idea, until Apple does it.