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  • What's Apple's Vision Pro killer app?

    I have no idea if this kind of thing is Apple's "target market" or not but here we go...

    I think this field in general will explode for the training realm. I'm not into gaming and hardly ever watch a movie.

    I fix locomotives for a major railroad.

    A month ago I was in a class for the newest class of diesel locomotives. It was a two-week class, because these units are incredibly complex. A week or so before the class, I spent a day going through most of the class tasks with a VR headset. I think the ones we used were Oculus if I recall. It was a VR headset and a controller for each hand. I was able to go through a pretty realistic environment to remove and replace various locomotive components all in VR. It was very well done. Myself and others in the class were literally turning virtual wrenches, using virtual power tools, and so on. And we could do it SAFELY!!! Some of these components carry significant risk. We're talking 25,000 psi fuel pressure (no, that is not a typo). And 19,000 psi of tension force on piston components.

    In the VR world, I could go through those tasks multiple times, SAFELY, until I was comfortable with it, without worrying about a mistake maiming or killing me.

    Translate this to the world of medicine for instance. Imagine a surgeon being able to practice surgery in VR without needing a cadaver. Or a paramedic responding to a nasty car crash and mangled patients and doing the training all in VR.

    This type of thing is where I believe the future of VR is headed.
  • Students failing college AP test due to unsupported HEIC iPhone photo format

    Wrong, Eric.

    The iPhone SHOULD default to sending JPG photos any and every time a photo leaves the iPhone, with the sole exception being photos destined for iCloud storage/backup. I hate HEIC, it screws up all kinds of stuff. Apple has a decades-long history of implementing changes like this with a "shoot first and ask questions later" mentality, or removing functionality and labeling it a "feature."

    And to say "the problem is a test maker that hasn't bothered to check if their web app works with iPhones for three years. Period." is incredibly disingenuous and, quite frankly, shows your blatant ignorance. This is happening in large part due to the COVID garbage. 
  • Apple cancelled encrypted iCloud plans after the FBI complained

    In other words, don't back up your device(s) to iCloud. Problem solved. I never have and never will. I back up my phone directly to the computer, via encrypted backups. And my internal disk and both Time Machine disks are encrypted as well. My data is mine and mine alone.
  • Apple Pay coming to all 1,850 US Target locations, 7,000 Taco Bell restaurants

    I'm very curious if Target will integrate this with their own two RedCard programs. They have a regular branded MasterCard and a separate RedCard which directly debits from your checking account. With either of those payment methods, you get an additional 5 percent off your purchase. My wife and I use our RedCard at Target all the time, and it is integrated into their iPhone app along with their Cartwheel discount program. The cashier simply scans one barcode on my phone or AppleWatch and boom, it does it all. Does the Cartwheel discounts, the 5 percent RedCard discount, any other e-coupons, any gift cards I've added to my phone, and done in a few seconds.

    If they can make that all work with ApplePay, even better. But I will say it's very slick the way it is at Target.

    And no, I have no connection to Target other than a satisfied customer who is trying to get them to build a store near my house.
  • Analysts mostly nonplussed by DoJ suit, and believe Apple will win

    Like it or not, this will hurt the Biden administration more than Apple.


    Trump can run ads and have talking points like “Now Joe Biden wants to take away your gas stove, your reliable gas-powered car AND your iPhone!"
  • Nomad leather cover for Siri Remote review: Fixing Apple's missteps

    How are you so unorganized that you lose a remote?
    Clearly, you don't have kids...
  • Apple TV with faster processor, 'Find My Remote' tech could launch in 2021

    crowley said:
    How on earth would you trigger the find my remote when all the buttons are on the remote?  Might there be a button or some sort of UI on the next Apple TV?

    Also, being able to find the remote is just about the least of all the problems I have with the remote.  I hope that isn't the only thing they're adding.
    Probably by using your iPhone, Apple Watch, computer or iPad, or HomePod. I would imagine a "Hey Siri, find my Living Room Apple TV remote" would do it.
  • iOS 16.4 will support faster 5G on T-Mobile

    I wonder if it'll make anything better in Nebraska on T-Mobile. Right now in the Cornhusker State, T-Mobile is roughly analogous to two tin cans and string.
  • Apple stops online sales of Hermes AirTag, possibly over quality problems

    A $450 luggage tag?!?

    A fool and his money are soon parted...
  • Tim Cook 'probably' leaving Apple in next ten years

    Rayz2016 said:
    mr lizard said:
    I’d be very surprised if Jeff Williams wasn’t next in line. 

    I am surprised though that Cook was drawn on this question. Apple’s de facto playbook is to ‘no comment’ absolutely anything they don’t want to discuss. The fact that they entertained this question means they weren’t just happy to answer it, but that they purposefully wanted this information out there. 
    Well, it’s no surprise that he’s going to retire, but they want to get ahead of the doomsayers by making it known that the company knows he’s going to retire.  

    My guess is that he’ll step down after the car is released. 
    Nah. It'll be after the next AppleTV is released. In other words, 10 years is about right...