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  • Apple exploring the possibility of moving iPhone manufacturing to United States

    the more excuses we hear about how hard/expensive it is the more reason we should be working hard to make it happen. not having self sufficiency in critical high tech devices in our own country is a HUGE risk if god forbid we ever have a world war again.  people need to understand assembly cost is a very small portion of the cost of our devices.  the majority of the cost is component cost, R&D, and marketing costs.

    we always have the options of bringing in large numbers of immigrants that are dieing to come to the US and have special development zones that have lower minimum wages for a transition time. it's a win win for everyone.   along with special economic zones where have massively reduced tax rates for factories brought back home.

    we also can consider imposing taxes on goods from other countries that have ridiculously low minimum wages. that will force other countries to stop exploiting their people for politician and elite profits at the same time helping to make our country more competitive. 
  • Hillary Clinton's tech platform backs Apple positions on encryption, privacy, innovation, patents,

    sorry this lady a complete kook.  apple's main business iPhone has only 15% market share.  Spotify has double the paying users as apple music.  impossible to cry monopoly here.  
    apple ][
  • Apple refuses to back GOP convention because of Trump politics

    At this point I honestly would be happy to support tim cook for a presidential run as I think he'd do a fantastic job, but this is my last straw for him as CEO. Apple better be looking hard for a NEW CEO as it's clear by now that Tim doesn't have the product vision to keep apple ahead of the rest of the world. Apple needs a CEO that is more talented and better at creating visionary new products than a CEO who is focussed on making political statements.  

    Apple should be welcoming a president that can help them make more inroads internationally on a more fair level.  Look at all the troubles they are having with taxes and ridiculous lawsuits in china. Taxes and blockage of doing business in India.  All while as a country we let china and india freely flood US markets with goods and services.  
  • Apple refuses to back GOP convention because of Trump politics

    bulk001 said:
    zoomcrypt said:
    At this point I honestly would be happy to support tim cook for a presidential run as I think he'd do a fantastic job, but this is my last straw for him as CEO. Apple better be looking hard for a NEW CEO as it's clear by now that Tim doesn't have the product vision to keep apple ahead of the rest of the world. Apple needs a CEO that is more talented and better at creating visionary new products than a CEO who is focussed on making political statements.  

    Apple should be welcoming a president that can help them make more inroads internationally on a more fair level.  Look at all the troubles they are having with taxes and ridiculous lawsuits in china. Taxes and blockage of doing business in India.  All while as a country we let china and india freely flood US markets with goods and services.  
    What products out there that are so superior to what Apple is doing are you referring to? I am not a fan of the Apple Watch but it has done better than any other high tech wearable out there. I wish for a more powerful laptop with better graphics card but when I look at the monstrosities that my co workers have on the PC side I am happy to have my MBR. My neighbor has a Gallaxy and I'll take my iPhone everyday of the week over his device and my iPad has been working great for the past 2 years and will no doubt give me 2 more. Now Larry Page is apparently investing in flying cars and Bezos is going to Mars but I'm glad that Apple hasn't seemed to express an interest in these areas but maybe you want them to? I do wish Siri was smarter and that Apple maps had lane assist like Google Maps and would love the MacPro to be on a yearly upgrade cycle and FCP 7 to come back (along with Shake and Aperture) but overall these are small complaints compared to Apple's innovation and solid products that mostly just work. Or are you like these analysts who always want a new form factor for everything - not because they are more functional but just to be be able to say they look cooler than the last version?
    i didn't say anything was superior. not sure what you are talking about. I'm a full apple product user as well as a developer that makes a living thanks to apple's app store. but my opinion at this point is the competition is closing in fast to apple and cook is not the leader our beloved apple deserves. I made excuses for him for the last few years and thought he did a masterful job managing the company, but it's pretty clear now he does't have that full magical ability to look around the corner as apple likes to put it.  And I do think it's VERY hard to find someone better, but I strongly hope the board is looking relentlessly.  Apple deserves a visionary leader on the levels of the zuckerberg/bezos/musk/page.  cook is one notch below.