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  • Make your new Mac more useful with these essential apps

    Forget Pixelmator. If you've got a Mac and you're looking at graphic design software other than Photoshop you should be looking at Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer. Photo is comparable to Photoshop and Designer is comparable to Illustrator (And they're working on Publisher which will be comparable to InDesign). The apps are cheap for what they do, don't come with a subscription, and having used both Pixelmator and Affinity Photo, Affinity is hands down a better app. Don't get me wrong, I like the guys behind Pixelmator and I wish them luck. But I'd much sooner push somebody towards Affinity's products.
  • Spotify speaks out against Apple's 30% commission fee -- again

    Spotify is literally the largest streaming music platform despite fact that all they really bring to the market themselves is an exclusive deal to help Joe Rogan spread misinformation. I could not possibly care less about their concerns. 
  • Apple facing new $5.5 billion App Store antitrust lawsuit in the Netherlands

    What these politicians fail to realize is that as soon as you take payment processing out of Apple’s hands, you take refunds out of Apple’s hands. Suddenly these companies are allowed to lie cheat and steal from people as soon as they get their credit card details, and it’ll be up to the credit card companies to refund for scams, which they often won’t do. 

    Get ready for a figurative tsunami of seniors getting scammed by third party apps. 
  • Apple held secret meeting with developers in 2017 to push app subscriptions

    I wish Apple would just allow bloody upgrade pricing! I’m more than happy to pay for a new version of an app if a new version is out. But The whole subscription model thing assumes that I use all my apps every month, which I don’t!

    subscriptions work for music services because there’s always new content available. Subscriptions work for video because we rarely want to watch things over and over. 

    I dont need my word word processor or graphics app to be a subscription service because I might go months without using either one, then I might use it every day for a few months. I would rather just buy it and use it until it isn’t compatible with my device/OS. 
  • Senator Warren wades into Apple's Beeper fight with irrelevant antitrust rhetoric

    Warren has some good positions on some things, but she seems to think that you can’t become a big player without abusive business practices. 

    Apple may not be perfect but they’re better than everyone else in big tech. 

    iMessage has a ton of security stuff going on on the back end that Warren doesn’t understand. And that’s a shame senators should want to learn about complicated things like security, but she clearly doesn’t. 
  • Plugin now required to use most Pantone Colors in Adobe products

    Pantone is one of those companies that makes absolutely insane amounts of money on the products that they sell. But as with everything, Capitalism decrees that any and every publicly traded company needs to keep making more money than they did last quarter. If they don’t then they’re seen as a failure. 
  • Russia bans officials from using iPhones in U.S. spying row

    100% this is because Russia can’t hack their own employee’s phones and Putin wants to know who is plotting to take him out. 
    There are no other phones that Russia could be giving all these people that would be more secure than an iPhone. Certainly none that wouldn’t be affected by sanctions. 

    And using Android just makes them all a much easier target.

    100% this is because Putin wants to be able to read all the unsecured texts etc. 
  • Google's RCS messaging is coming to iPhone in 2024

    I’m a little surprised by this, but wouldn’t be surprised if this was Apple’s way of getting around the EU’s gate keeper law, they’ll just say messages supports RCS therefore if RCS meets the EU’s requirement so does the messages app. 
  • Apple to unveil AI-enabled Safari browser alongside new operating systems

    I’d love a feature that automatically recognizes when people have gone to a scam website. There’s a few easy things that could be done. Check for any UI elements that seem to be flashing, or changing in size to confuse the user. Have the browser check the page for terms like virus, compromised, Apple Security (when not on a website known for talking about Apple or security). There are an increasing number of scams targeting seniors and a lot of them rely on the fact that seniors often browse the web in full screen mode and when you’re in full screen mode, it can be very difficult for elderly people to figure out how to get out and so they’ll often get sucked in to calling the scammers. 
  • Apple employees fear MR headset could be an expensive flop

    At 3 grand I think it’s gonna bring a lot of people into the Apple Store to check it out, but they’ll make more money on iPhones sold to people who decide to upgrade just because they’re there than they’re will from people buying the headset. 

    I think it feels weird for Apple to launch a device that so many people won’t be able to afford. (Even if people can’t afford a Mac Pro they can still typically afford some kind of Mac.)