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  • Apple stock getting hammered after international market crashes

    In other words Buffet with one interview dropped the value of his other half? Genius.

    the stock market doesn’t measure anything accurate aside from the level of delusion and panic of the world’s richest sociopaths. 
  • How iOS 18's Web Eraser content-blocker morphed into a distraction-hiding tool

    Advertising is responsible for so much of why the internet is terrible. It also costs wester economies billions each year just in seniors getting scammed by scammers leveraging Google and other companies automated systems to put criminal content directly in front of vulnerable people. 

    (My mom has recently been trying to help an elderly woman who clearly has mental health issues because she blew 100 grand over the course of a year in a pig butchering scam with someone who connected with her in the comment section on YouTube. Why did this even happen? Not because it was unpreventable, but because YouTube’s engagement numbers are driven in part by scam accounts. Does the woman bare some responsibility? Sure but she clearly doesn’t have all her wits with her, but now she might end up homeless because she’s no longer getting old age, all because YouTube didn’t bother putting in any protections that remove scammy content. )
  • Apple in talks to bring ad-supported Apple TV+ option to UK, US

    The ads in the App Store and Apple News+ are bad enough (honestly I tend to use Feedly more than News+ for that reason.) if ads start creeping into Music and TV+ they I can just switch over the pirating those. At this point TV+ is the only streaming service I still bother paying for. But I will not go back to constant advertising. 

    Ads are for people too stupid to figure out how to get around them. I have better things to do. 
  • The best alternatives to Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and more

    The leaving out of Pixelmator Pro seems odd to me. Affinity Suite is great, I will sing their praises from the roof top but especially if somebody doesn’t want to do design work and but just wants to do retouching Pixelmator Pro or cool effects or whatever it’s fantastic for that. Even for illustration it’s got a lot of tools.

    Also I feel like you had some screenshots for the iPad versions in the screenshots which suggests this article is for both Mac and iPad but you left out Procreate which is an indispensable app for illustration.

    Also it would be worth mentioning Procreate Dreams for people who use Adobe After Effects. It’s not a total replacement but it can handle a lot of cool animations and integrate with video. 
  • Apple's AI plans involves 'black box' for cloud data

    tipoo said:
    Sounds like a paid sub feature to me 
    My guess is like private relay this gets bundled with iCloud+ this is the sort of top feature where cost doesn’t matter what they want is users and they want users to associate this with their iPhone and see it as valuable. But they also can’t give it away to people who will take it for granted. So liking it to iCloud storage or to Apple One is a safe bet. 