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  • Apple fails bid to get 'Think Different' trademark restored in EU

    If you’re an American company, good luck getting a favorable ruling in the EU no matter how right you are. 
    You and I "think different".  :-)
  • Jamstik Studio Review: more than just a midi instrument

    I may add:

    1)  That tuning crank is magnetic. It is stored in a hole - shown on the photos but difficult to see. Other hex screwdrivers of the size will work, too.

    2)  A benefit of the headless design is that accidental detuning is less likely to occur.

    3)  Yes, the Jamstik Studio plays nicely. As a guitar, it would benefit from more controls, as addressed by the Jamstik Classic. (A work-around would be to use the controls on your guitar amplifier.) As a MIDI controller, the signal strength could be stronger out of the box. There is at least one video on YouTube addressing that.

    4)  There are other concepts of MIDI guitar.

    5)  On using MIDI over Bluetooth in general: if you don't use the Jamstik app, you may need to install the (free) "driver" that Korg created for the purpose. In Apple's App Store, it reads "Bluetooth MIDI Connect".
  • iCloud storage leads the pack across Apple's entire services ecosystem

    I have raised my iCloud+ space from 200GB to 2TB last week. I want all my Apple devices to have access to "everything". I'm installing the iCloud app on my most recent Windows devices, and I have had iSync Premium on my Android devices for a few days now.

    I did hesitate, as I'm also paying for several other cloud services (most of them amounting to 2TB each), but each cloud seems to have its own pros and cons. Like being tied to a given ecosystem or being neutral.

    I have noticed that macOS can only sync the Desktop and Document folders with iCloud, but I'd love to have Downloads added. My work-around: creating a Downloads-[computer name] folder in Documents, and agreeing with myself to move everything from Downloads proper to Downloads-[computer name] to have it in my on-line pool.
    On the other hand, I may want to move certain folders away from Documents. Think of purchased content related to making music. I'll have to check that.

    The freeing of local storage did play a role: I'm considering a 2013 MacBook Air with 256GB in use.

    And yes, a "mirrored" situation is supposed to be in place already with my Windows devices and OneDrive.
  • Apple Maps vs Google Maps - smartphone mapping titans battle it out in 2020

    I relied on Apple Maps (and haptic feedback on my Apple Watch) twice while touring on my bicycle.

    The first time, in the Netherlands, it kept switching back from Walking to Driving directions, and it led me to a motorway bridge (bicycles not allowed). I had to make quite a detour to find a ferry.

    The second time, in Germany, I was keen to stick to Walking directions. It sent me up an unrideable hill-track into an abandoned firing range. Had to backtrack for quite some time (not too much of a distance) and manually find a way around. (Roaming charges applied at that time.)

    I've read that Apple is updating Maps, adding Cycling as a means of transportation. Until Apple haa become aware that in (at least) this part of the world Cycling has its own network of both forbidden and dedicated roads, we cyclists can't rely on Maps. (In the UK and Germany, many closed railway lines have been converted to cycling ways.)

    Moreover, Apple seems to use map data from Tom Tom. For a Dutch company, Tom Tom is unbelievably unaware of cyclists, seemed to treat us as drivers of impeded cars.

    So it's Google Maps for me. Using Bluetooth earbuds for directions. Besides, I have noticed that iPhones outlive Android smartphones when using GPS.
  • End of Galaxy Note 7 predicted to help Apple, but 'big beneficiaries' could be other Android device

    I wouldn't change operating systems (even ecosystems) when one device happened to prove unsafe.

    Some people may undoubtedly change over to Apple, but those with investments of time or money won't lightly do so - I assume.