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  • Avid iPhone user Donald Trump calls for Apple boycott over encryption fight

    Donald Trump, who is seeking the U.S. Republican presidential nomination, on Friday said consumers should boycott Apple until the company complies with government requests to help unlock an iPhone 5c tied to last year's San Bernardino massacre.

    Trump's off-the-cuff statement came during a campaign rally in South Carolina on Friday, where the outspoken businessman magnate urged constituents to stop using Apple products until the company gave in to law enforcement demands.

    "First of all Apple should give the security for that phone, okay?" Trump said. "What I think you oughta do is boycott Apple until such time as they give that security number. How do you like...I just thought of that."

    The crowd responded with a rousing cheer as Trump dropped more fact bombs, clarifying that the iPhone in question is in fact owned by the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, not the "young thug" that "killed all these people." He was referring to Syed Ryzwan Farook who, with the help of his wife Tashfeen Malik, killed 14 coworkers in a surprise attack last December.

    Seemingly caught up in his own rhetoric, Trump forgot he himself frequently uses an iPhone to post tweets Twitter account. But he was on a roll.

    "Not even his phone, we don't even have to go that far," Trump said. "But Tim Cook is looking to do a big number, probably to show how liberal he is. But Apple should give up -- they should get the security -- you'll find other people."

    Trump most recently tweeted from his iPhone less than an hour prior to this article's publication. Following today's remarks, Trump in a tweet sent from Twitter's Web client admitted to using Apple's products, but claimed to also use Samsung devices, which he would switch to exclusively until Apple complies with FBI demands.

    Trump later committed his Apple boycott message to the digital record in a tweet. But this time he used an Android device.

    Yeah moron, please give up your iPhone!
  • Avid iPhone user Donald Trump calls for Apple boycott over encryption fight

    Kind of funny everyone bashing Trump, yet not saying a peep about Obama. Last I checked, Obama is the one trying to force Apple to create a back door. 
    Idiot Trump is the one said boycott Apple, not Obama!
  • Avid iPhone user Donald Trump calls for Apple boycott over encryption fight

    Any American who thinks Trump should be President is also a clown. You churn out a lot of them in the US. 
    Agree! We have a clown in here so far!