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  • Editorial: Apple's AirPods, iPhone 7, Series 2 Watch out... journalists

    Just as we lost keyboard with iPhone, losing audio jack will be soon forgotten.
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook calls doom and gloom 'huge overreaction,' turns sights to India

    I think it is worth remembering when the touch ID was introduced what the market reaction was!

    Over the last four decades nobody thought apple products were that revolutionary, in the beginning. (1)PC (2) Window (3) mouse  and you know the rest.  
    Real problem for apple is the relentless pursuit by its imitators which try to bring products before they are ready which explains why Cook is so secretive.

    Revolutionary products take time to develop. Secretive does not equate non-innovative.  

    Remember Coke has not had second "successful revolutionary product" How about Clorox? Look at their valuation compared to apple.
  • Billion-dollar Didi deal seen as sign Apple's automotive interests go beyond just Maps

    This is an extremely well thought out investment. It aligns with Apple's long-term commitment to all things green.  If one wants to reduce pollution due to emerging middle class in china who has a love affair with cars, then the best thing to do is reduce, not the number of cars (which is aspirational) but its daily use. China is a better market for a car on demand than the US.  Other things are also important in terms of use of apple pay and car-play etc. but in the long run, this will benefit the environment in China which everybody should rejoice.
  • Irish cabinet votes to appeal EU's $14.5B tax penalty on Apple

    I think that the Irish Parliament and Apple have known all along that the ultimate tax collector would be the US and not the EU. The EU has known of this tax arrangement for a long time and is being vindictive about what happened in the US for the EU-centric companies such as BP and VW.  In all this brouhaha, Ireland has shown class and grace under pressure. My greatest respect for the country and their values! Perhaps other parties should take a note!!
  • How Donald Trump's election as U.S. President could affect Apple

    This is a true democracy. So we have to live with Bush, Obama, and now Trump.  This country is not ruled by personalities but by the collective wisdom.  Unfortunately, full tilt to a Republican side would increase the pressure on companies like Apple because they are the "Law and Order" party not afraid of trampling on individual freedoms. But this too shall pass as it has over the last 240 years.
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook & Didi Chuxing's president tour Beijing Apple Store

    What makes the most sense for Apple to do, is to buy a European Car manufacturer for strategic reasons.  Something like Ferari with recognizable brand name and expertise in business. Ferari is clearly a luxury brand like iPhone. This way both internal and external design geniuses of both the companies can be tapped to create a car that everybody would love to have. Cost would be an issue requiring different models so that people can afford to buy or share!