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  • Compared: Fortnite on the iPhone XR versus Note 9

    According to my understanding, the newest iPhones, while they don't have ProMotion technology (intelligently changing framerates between 23.97 and 120 Hz automatically based on content), can still go up to 120 Hz, just not with the added benefit of automatic adjustment.
  • Alleged screenshots for Music and TV apps in macOS 10.15 surface

         As someone who has developed (as a hobby) iOS and Mac apps and pays attention to the 1st party Mac apps, I think that these "screenshots" seem very suspicious. First, notice all of the discrepancies between the two app windows.

         First, the title bar, which normally extends completely horizontally, stops at the sidebar in the purported Music app screenshot while it continues in the normal fashion for the purported TV app. More revealingly, there are navigation buttons on the top of the sidebar in the Music app. That simply doesn't make sense from a UX standpoint and Apple is not exactly known for sloppily throwing things together (in fact, Apple has a reputation for quite the opposite).

         Second, the search bars are in completely different locations, and they both appear as native AppKit search bars, not the UI search bars that we've seen in the Marzipan apps so far. If they were both in the same location I would be tempted to dismiss this as improvements to Marzipan, however these two suspicious facts about the search bar placement alone seem very... concerning.

         Third, certain aspects of the sidebars look like typical macOS sidebars (such as section titling) while others look like Marzipan sidebars. Maybe some massive improvements to Marzipan have been made, but a lack of details in the TV app's "genre" section seem rather odd. Why do only four genres appear? Has the person who posted these mysterious "screenshots" been downloading movies/TV shows in these four categories alone? And if they have, wouldn't they retract those details as well? Something is off here as well.

         Fourth, those music controls look suspiciously like they were lifted off of iTunes and airbrushed in a little bit. The entire interface there distinctly clashes with the overall interface of the apps. And the left and right parts of the interface are distinctly different.

         And fifth, why retract when the content could have been set to its default state? That could be a sign of authenticity or a lack thereof. This last point is the least conclusive.

         In conclusion, though, this seems to almost certainly be a series of false screenshots (and I have a feeling the related iOS screenshots are also fake, although they were posted in a separate 9to5Mac article). We'll see next Monday.
  • 'Gaming disorder' on iPhone & other platforms recognized by World Health Organization

    georgie01 said:
    Just because an addiction may have a physiological element doesn’t make it a disease. Addictions like video games are little more than a choice. A choice is not a disease. The choice may have a physical element, but resisting urges (which always has a physical element) is called self control. By saying these things are diseases we reduce the significance of choice, that ‘it’s not my fault’. The victim mindset is ruining cultures that adhere to it. It seems to me not exercising self control in the face of temptation should be considered a disease. 
    I was recently at a seminar that touched upon the matter of addiction and I was surprised to learn that there is, actually, a psychological basis for computational addiction and that there is even a diagnosis in the DSM-V on the matter. The doctor speaking explained that only some individuals are at risk but that for some people simply looking at pictures of video games (he pointed out "Minecraft" and "Fortnight" in particular) could result in massive dopamine spikes. And, assuming that
    apple ][ said:
    I'm pretty sure that the guy who died in an internet cafe somewhere in Asia after playing for 5 days straight had some sort of addiction. :#
    is true, it can have some pretty detrimental effects. That obviously seems like an extreme case, bordering on the impossible, but the fact remains that there is a grounded psychological basis for addiction to all sorts of things, even things that we normally wouldn't expect.
    planetary paulspice-boy