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  • Cellebrite says it can pull data from any iOS device ever made

    aplnub said:
    Anyone know how Apple goes about figuring out the exploit in a case like this?
    As I understand it they attack the secure element through the USB port.  One assumes Apple has not found the exploit.  It is possible, likely even, that it is in hardware such that by sending signals across the USB wires that violate the USB protocol the hackers are able to induce a hardware malfunction that can then be further exploited to gain access.  

    This assumption is backed up by the change in iOS 12.3 that physically powers off the USB port after the phone has been locked for a time (30 minutes?)

    When dealing with hardware “off” is not always quite as absolute as one might wish, but I believe this puts an enormous crimp in their attack vectors. 

    The most interesting part of this story is that we get to see first hand the cat and mouse game that is just another day at the office for state sponsored  cyber warfare.  
  • Apple shifts iOS 14 development strategy to cut buggy releases

    marktime said:
    That’s ridiculous. Unfinished code or known buggy code should never be checked into the daily build. That’s software development 101. Something is seriously out of control if developers have been checking stuff in prematurely.
    This is the problem with Agile processes.  You end up with one line drawing masquerading as requirements which leads to shipping code that was barely tested.  

    This can actually work if you have REALLY good QA. But QA is ALWAYS the first thing to get cut when the schedule runs out of time.  

    Agile does deliver software MUCH faster than waterfall where you spend a year writing design documents that are outdated and wrong before you ever start coding.  But like everything else in life there are trade offs.  

    If Apple went to a 3 year release cycle on iOS it would be absolutely rock solid.  But you still wouldn’t be able to browse the web while you were on the phone.  

    TANSTAAFL - There Ain’t No Such Ting As A Free Lunch. 

    This is why it has taken a decade to build new manned space capsules.  Conversely it is why 346 people died on 737 Max jets plummeting from the sky.  
  • CNN to compete with Apple News+ via own news subscription service

    Mmmm.  Fake News.  Tastes like chicken.  

    I do not wish to pay to be force fed lies.  But with viewership plumbing new lows they do need some revenue stream not based on advertising.  
  • Apple confirms 16-inch MacBook Pro 'popping' sound is software issue

    I really don’t get this arm waving because Apple no longer provides discontinued technological relic ports. 

    Perhaps I got it all out my system when everything went to USB.  But seriously, would you like an RS-232 plug to go with your micro USB?  Can you make do with a DB-9? Or are you a purist and want a DB-25?  How about a parallel port for your 40 year old 16 inch printer?

    Hubs!  They cost about $5 and you can plug anything you want into it!  Not really an unbearable compromise to not have your computer case festooned on 3 sides with plugs you’ll use once every 8 years. 
  • Zagg reportedly developing charging mat inspired by Apple's failed AirPower

    Everything I’ve ever bought from Zagg has been defective.  The last thing was a customer return that wasn’t even repackaged cleanly.  

    I won’t be buying anything from them again. 
  • Hackers release 'unc0ver' 5.0 jailbreak tool that works on iOS 13.5

    It seems to me the only reason to jailbreak an iPhone is so you can run valid and useful apps that go against the political views of Apple.  

    For example I think Alex Jones is somewhere between scam artist and a psychopath.  But banning the info wars app was a political basses suppression of speech that no company should legally possess.

    If Apple banned the Chinese spyware iPhones would just be banned from China the same day.  No great moral dilemma about poor Apple’s right over their hardware and to control what people use it for.  

     No organization is beyond corruption. This is why the US Constitution is written as a THOU SHALT NOT document for government.  

    It is past time to level the playing field for living people vs corporations.  If you want sole control of the App Store you don’t get to ban people you don’t like.  Plan B is you don’t get to have the sole App Store.  Plan C is Tim is going to federal prison for a few decades.  

    One way or another the problem of discrimination against unpopular opinions would be fixed.   
    elijahgbrian greenmrmacgeek[Deleted User]
  • AT&T to pay $60M in settlement of FTC data throttling case

    I am SO VERY SICK of criminal corporations saying “It wasn’t proven in court we lied; violated the terms of our contracts; and stole hundreds of millions of dollars from tens of millions of people.

    The US Attorney General should implement a rule that NO settlement shall ever be reached with a corporation unless they publicly admit they violated the law and this out of court settlement is SOLELY to preserve capital they would otherwise lose in the court case they could not possibly win.

    A corporation is primarily an investment vehicle.  It’s second and arguably more important use is to protect the people running it from going to prison for a thousand years for crimes against humanity! 

    Yes, this particular time no one died.  But we’ve seen the exact same slithering behavior from the auto industry when people did die.  And the one thing Boeing has NOT done is admit that they intentionally lied to the FAA and killed 383 people just to sell more planes.  And not  to put too fine a point on it the VP directly and personally responsible for all this will NEVER lose one cent or spend one decade in federal prison.
    forgot usernameGabyllamadysamoriaStrangeDays
  • 'Scoob!' coming to iTunes on May 15, bypassing theaters and rental windows entirely

    It only makes sense. When the biggest best experience possible was 500i on a 25 inch screen, theaters made sense.  

    Now when even people well below middle class routinely have 4K on a 48 inch screen, going to a theater to
    * Pay $10+ per person.  For the “privilege” of
      * paying $30 for popcorn and a drink
      To then  
       * listen to people talk
       * and babies scream
       * with your feet sticking to the floor

    ALL WHILE YOU HAVE TO PEE from your $11 96oz drink...

    The math just doesn’t work anymore. 
  • HTC latest to ape Apple with AirPods knockoff

    This is HUGE NEWS!!!

    I had no idea HTC was still in business!

    The things you can learn on the internet before sunrise.  We do live in amazing times.  
  • Microsoft 365 subscription offers AI assistance in Word, PowerPoint

    I’m sure this will be just as dysfunctional under Apple OS as it is under Windows.  

    The ONLY thing that ever made me miss micro$oft office was when my cheap-o employer switched us all to office365.  

    Doesn’t work in Chrome.  Sometimes works in Edge.  Has rendering errors in internet explorer.  

    We didn’t need coronavirus. We already had the office365 virus.  