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  • Ultraviolet video streaming service shutting down on July 31

    So how stable does Vudu seem? $2 to convert my old DVDs to cloud digital copies doesn’t sound bad...but that doesn’t link it to a iTunes library, just the Vudu library, from the sound of it, right?
    Movies that are owned by a company participating in Movies Anywhere will sync to all retailers you have linked to Movies Anywhere.  So, link Vudu and iTunes to Movies Anywhere and anything you buy in either one will appear in the other, including Disc-to-Digital... assuming they are participating in Movies Anywhere.  I have a substantial library of DVDs and a handful of BluRays.  I opted to use Vudu's Disc-to-Digital offering and love it.  It can add up if you have a lot of movies but it is far less expensive than re-purchasing them directly.  The upside is you now have both a physical and digital copy and even if Vudu goes under, you have the iTunes version which is labeled as "purchased" by Apple - and you can download it.

    There are a few caveats:

    1) Not all movies will "convert".  For example, Disney and it's subsidiaries don't allow for conversions.
    2) To convert from SD (DVD) to HD (BluRay) it is actually $5.  Same to same is just $2.
    3) Paramount, Lionsgate and MGM do not participate in Movies Anywhere at this time so if you convert one of their films is will not show up anywhere but Vudu.  Hopefully they'll jump on board soon.
    4) To get the free 4k upgrade on the Apple TV, you have to buy a HD or 4k movie on iTunes and any HD movies later updated to offer 4k will be upgraded for free.  You can also buy 4k elsewhere and iTunes will honor that as well if they have a 4k version.  So Disc-to-Digital HD will not get you a free 4k upgrade in iTunes.
    Thanks, I signed up and discovered that...Not all the movies you can convert in Vudu are supported by the Movies Anywhere linking service. And not all your movies are supported by Vudu either. 

    That being said, for 2 bucks I'll convert my old DVDs to the service and get rid of the discs (I'm done carrying around boxes of media)

    So it sounds like you're saying any Vudu scans that are supported by MA and are added to my iTunes library are added their *permanently*, even if MA goes away? Surprised Apple would offer that. 

    Little confused about the 4k upgrade. Are you saying that if you buy any old random 4k title on iTunes (unrelated to your Vudu scanning), that Apple will then upgrade all of your eligible purchase history items to 4k?

    Yeah, it's not very clear and took me awhile to sort it all out.  Obviously, all of this could change one day but I doubt it will.  Regardless, I have a 4TB drive where I save all the movies from iTunes.

    The movies are considered purchased at all retailers you've linked to Movies Anywhere.  It sounds crazy but it's true and a fantastic win for consumers.  You can test this by un-linking a retailer you don't really care for and see that all the movies stay in that library.

    As long as the movie is part of Movies Anywhere, anything you buy from any retailer will be matched to the same quality you purchased it as by any other retailer you have linked to Movies Anywhere.

    - The only way to get 4k on your AppleTV 4k is to buy it directly as 4k or HD from Apple with iTunes or the Apple TV.  Any HD title you've directly purchased from Apple will be upgraded to 4k for free if that title becomes available as 4k.  It will remain HD until a 4k version is added to the store.  This applies to all HD purchases you've ever made directly from Apple.    

    - You can also buy a 4k title elsewhere (including digital code redemptions) and that will also carry over as 4k to the Apple TV as long as a 4k version is available at iTunes.

    - Currently, SD will never be upgraded to anything, anywhere.

    Hopefully these examples will help clear it up.  This example assumes you buy from Vudu (this includes Disc-to-Digital) but it can be any other retailer as well like Google, Amazon, Microsoft or Fandango.  Note that SD is DVD and HD is BluRay but you can upgrade a DVD to HD for $5 with Disc-to-Digital.:

    Buy from Vudu      Movies Anywhere   Sync to iTunes
    SD      Available   SD
    HD      Available   HD
    4k      Available   4k (if avaialble)
    SD/HD/4k      Not Available   Nothing

    There are some weird one-offs where specific versions of a film won't carry over even if they are Movies Anywhere.  For example, if you get an Unrated edition on Vudu and iTunes only has the Theatrical version, that movie will not sync to iTunes, even if it's part of Movies Anywhere.  This is really uncommon though.  I have over 400 movies and only two have done this.
  • Ultraviolet video streaming service shutting down on July 31

    So how stable does Vudu seem? $2 to convert my old DVDs to cloud digital copies doesn’t sound bad...but that doesn’t link it to a iTunes library, just the Vudu library, from the sound of it, right?
    Movies that are owned by a company participating in Movies Anywhere will sync to all retailers you have linked to Movies Anywhere.  So, link Vudu and iTunes to Movies Anywhere and anything you buy in either one will appear in the other, including Disc-to-Digital... assuming they are participating in Movies Anywhere.  I have a substantial library of DVDs and a handful of BluRays.  I opted to use Vudu's Disc-to-Digital offering and love it.  It can add up if you have a lot of movies but it is far less expensive than re-purchasing them directly.  The upside is you now have both a physical and digital copy and even if Vudu goes under, you have the iTunes version which is labeled as "purchased" by Apple - and you can download it.

    There are a few caveats:

    1) Not all movies will "convert".  For example, Disney and it's subsidiaries don't allow for conversions.
    2) To convert from SD (DVD) to HD (BluRay) it is actually $5.  Same to same is just $2.
    3) Paramount, Lionsgate and MGM do not participate in Movies Anywhere at this time so if you convert one of their films is will not show up anywhere but Vudu.  Hopefully they'll jump on board soon.
    4) To get the free 4k upgrade on the Apple TV, you have to buy a HD or 4k movie on iTunes and any HD movies later updated to offer 4k will be upgraded for free.  You can also buy 4k elsewhere and iTunes will honor that as well if they have a 4k version.  So Disc-to-Digital HD will not get you a free 4k upgrade in iTunes.
  • Apple updates COVID-19 screening app with updated symptoms, mask tips

    lkrupp said:
    apple ][ said:
    When I am outside walking around, I see quite a few people who are wearing masks, but the masks are not covering their noses! The mask is below their nostrils!

    I can only imagine that these are the same kind of people that use their phones in portrait mode when shooting video. You can't fix stupid I guess.
    Yes, you can’t fix stupid and it’s why we have the tin badge dictators we have controlling our lives at the moment. What really irks me is how these assholes will be patting themselves on their backs claiming they saved the world from Covid-19 when things settle down.
    Oh, boo hoo. I suppose you'd be happier if we all went about things as if nothing was happening, overloaded our hospitals, and ended up with millions more dead instead? "These assholes" are literally saving lives by slowing the spread of this thing to a level we can realistically deal with. You big babies are not helping.
    A pair of underwear and thick pair of denim jeans can’t stop a fart from stinking up the room, but these homemade masks are supposed to stop a virus from spreading? Riiigghhtt. 
    Well, if you crapped yourself with no underwear or jeans on it'd get everywhere.  Just like if you cough or sneeze without a mask it will spread more easily.  The idea is to protect others from you if you have it and don't know it.  So yeah, of course homemade masks are not 100% effective but they're better than nothing.
  • Edge with Chromium for macOS lands Jan 15 with preview available now

    ElCapitan said:
    I have tested it throughout development and it is not bad at all. Noticeably slower than Safari, but it is probably full of debugging and instrumentation code, so that verdict will have to come at release.  For some enterprise type sites it appears to work better than Safari, but that should really come as no surprise.

    If I need a 3rd party browser other than Safari, I am more inclined to trust that to Microsoft than anything Google. 
    Try Brave Browser. They built on Chromium and works well on all platforms.
  • Apple updates COVID-19 screening app with updated symptoms, mask tips

    A pair of underwear and thick pair of denim jeans can’t stop a fart from stinking up the room, but these homemade masks are supposed to stop a virus from spreading? Riiigghhtt. That
    That's about the stupidest comment I've ever read on this forum.  A fart is a GAS, composed of molecules, whereas viruses are PARTICLES.  Look up the difference.
    I 100% agree, but just for clarification, I didn't say that about farts... redraider11 did.