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  • Apple updates COVID-19 screening app with updated symptoms, mask tips

    A pair of underwear and thick pair of denim jeans can’t stop a fart from stinking up the room, but these homemade masks are supposed to stop a virus from spreading? Riiigghhtt. That
    That's about the stupidest comment I've ever read on this forum.  A fart is a GAS, composed of molecules, whereas viruses are PARTICLES.  Look up the difference.
    I 100% agree, but just for clarification, I didn't say that about farts... redraider11 did.
  • Apple updates COVID-19 screening app with updated symptoms, mask tips

    lkrupp said:
    apple ][ said:
    When I am outside walking around, I see quite a few people who are wearing masks, but the masks are not covering their noses! The mask is below their nostrils!

    I can only imagine that these are the same kind of people that use their phones in portrait mode when shooting video. You can't fix stupid I guess.
    Yes, you can’t fix stupid and it’s why we have the tin badge dictators we have controlling our lives at the moment. What really irks me is how these assholes will be patting themselves on their backs claiming they saved the world from Covid-19 when things settle down.
    Oh, boo hoo. I suppose you'd be happier if we all went about things as if nothing was happening, overloaded our hospitals, and ended up with millions more dead instead? "These assholes" are literally saving lives by slowing the spread of this thing to a level we can realistically deal with. You big babies are not helping.
    A pair of underwear and thick pair of denim jeans can’t stop a fart from stinking up the room, but these homemade masks are supposed to stop a virus from spreading? Riiigghhtt. 
    Well, if you crapped yourself with no underwear or jeans on it'd get everywhere.  Just like if you cough or sneeze without a mask it will spread more easily.  The idea is to protect others from you if you have it and don't know it.  So yeah, of course homemade masks are not 100% effective but they're better than nothing.
  • MacBook Pro 'popping' sound bug returns in new 16-inch model

    The way I initially read the title of the article incorrectly would have made for a much funnier article.
  • Edge with Chromium for macOS lands Jan 15 with preview available now

    ElCapitan said:
    I have tested it throughout development and it is not bad at all. Noticeably slower than Safari, but it is probably full of debugging and instrumentation code, so that verdict will have to come at release.  For some enterprise type sites it appears to work better than Safari, but that should really come as no surprise.

    If I need a 3rd party browser other than Safari, I am more inclined to trust that to Microsoft than anything Google. 
    Try Brave Browser. They built on Chromium and works well on all platforms.
  • Apple TV+ review: 'See' is no 'Game of Thrones'

    I'll want to see this one, but I can see one plot point that I want explained before seeing a single episode.  How can people who can't see tell that a couple of babies, who presumably have the same lack of communication skills that real world babies do, can see?
    Reading books.
    That's the part I can't sort out. Who taught them to read?