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  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    When programs are simple, bugs are relatively easy to find and squash. But by all accounts, the TextBlade firmware is amazingly complex (which it would have to be in order to support its revolutionary capabilities). Adding a feature to code_block_A seems simple enough and could be perfectly fine on its own (like the BASIC word-jumble upgrade example). But then code_block_B expects code_block_A to work more narrowly and that causes a bug.

    But more realistically, in a project this size, code_block_B is fine with it, but code_block_C depends on B, and D depends on C and...Z depends on Y, and it is code_block_Z that expects code_block_A to work the old way and throws a bug.

    And then 1 out of a hundred testers trips over this bug, but it is nearly impossible to reproduce. But WayTools cares very much about this level of quality, so they can't just let it slide. And they can't just revert the code, because now code_block_J and code_block_Q rely on code_block_A working the *new* way. So it takes weeks to find a way to reliably reproduce the bug, and more time to fix it, and then more time to test it, which uncovers more edge cases, which requires weeks to reliably reproduce the bug, which requires...
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    Is anyone else besides MK working on the code rewrite? Is this a solo project at this point?

    Its fairly obvious that he’s the only one doing PR for WayTools. If he’s the only one working on the firmware, and he’s as timely and disciplined about coding as he is about updates...
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    weirdosmurf - hundreds of TextBlades from production-tooled molds and processes have shipped to paying customers.  
    Reiterating my point about there being 2 types of customers: saying that you've "shipped to paying customers" implies that the TREGgers own the TextBlades that they've received. But they don't. 

    1) They are still under NDA; no matter how lenient the NDA is, if you truly own an item you aren't bound by an NDA. 

    2) From what I understand, people in the Test Release Group are not permitted to sell their TextBlades to someone else. Or give them away. Can they even loan them to people? (My understanding was no, but I could be wrong about this.) That is not ownership.

    3) If I understand correctly, WayTools can also require TREGgers to return their TextBlades. Even if WayTools isn't likely to do so or never intends to do so, it still means that TREGgers don't own the TextBlades in their "possession".

    I'm just trying to make it clear to everyone that this "shipping to hundreds of customers" statement doesn't mean that those customers have had their orders fulfilled. They are still in the "customers waiting for their orders" category. Saying that they are "happy customers" or "paying customers" or whatever is highly misleading.

    Note: please do not refund my order.