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  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    Is anyone else besides MK working on the code rewrite? Is this a solo project at this point?

    Its fairly obvious that he’s the only one doing PR for WayTools. If he’s the only one working on the firmware, and he’s as timely and disciplined about coding as he is about updates...
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    weirdosmurf - hundreds of TextBlades from production-tooled molds and processes have shipped to paying customers.  
    Reiterating my point about there being 2 types of customers: saying that you've "shipped to paying customers" implies that the TREGgers own the TextBlades that they've received. But they don't. 

    1) They are still under NDA; no matter how lenient the NDA is, if you truly own an item you aren't bound by an NDA. 

    2) From what I understand, people in the Test Release Group are not permitted to sell their TextBlades to someone else. Or give them away. Can they even loan them to people? (My understanding was no, but I could be wrong about this.) That is not ownership.

    3) If I understand correctly, WayTools can also require TREGgers to return their TextBlades. Even if WayTools isn't likely to do so or never intends to do so, it still means that TREGgers don't own the TextBlades in their "possession".

    I'm just trying to make it clear to everyone that this "shipping to hundreds of customers" statement doesn't mean that those customers have had their orders fulfilled. They are still in the "customers waiting for their orders" category. Saying that they are "happy customers" or "paying customers" or whatever is highly misleading.

    Note: please do not refund my order.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    Mims - your post 1069 repeats substantively the same content as your post 1026.  It’s thousands of words.

    In the guidelines for this forum, rule 12 is “Don't spam ... substantively the same content.”  Please respect that spirit to allow productive discussion.

    I'm pretty sure that Mims submitted post 1069 first, which got held up in moderation (probably because it has links in it). Mims then posted 1026 (without the links) for the sake of speed (since you demanded it), which got cleared immediately. And then 1069 was released from moderation afterwards.

    I.e. Mims was not spamming. Stop trying to make them look bad on a technicality.

    Edit: Oops...I didn't see 1077 before posting this.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    weirdosmurf said:
    I appreciate you’re trying to thread a needle here with your use of the word “customers”. You’re clearly using it to further the narrative that the “product has [technically] been successfully shipped to customers...”
    Building on this point--I have serious issues with WayTools saying that they've delivered product to "customers". There are 2 types of customers: customers who are waiting to have their orders fulfilled, and customers who have already had their orders fully satisfied. WayTools saying that they've shipped to customers conflates the two.

    Yes they've shipped to TREGgers--who are technically still in the former category--but their statement implies that they've shipped to the latter category and is highly misleading.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    dabigkahuna said:

    1. They gave lots of estimates. Some with more narrow windows, but still estimates.
    I don't feel like you know what an estimate means in a business context. For example, if a contractor gives an estimate for a project, and I take them up on it and pay them, they can't just unilaterally change the price afterwards and claim "It was jut an estimate! I was surprised by something so now it is going to cost more!"

    In this case it is shipping date and not price, but the point still stands. And offering refunds is not good enough, just like it wouldn't be good enough in the contracting example. Like if a contractor had my deck half-built, you wouldn't just say "Just take a refund!"--I'd be well within my rights to demand that they actually finish the job instead of refunding me with the job not done.

    Edit to add: To say it more concisely, you can hold someone to an estimate in a business context even though you wouldn't in a social context.