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  • White House calls Apple and Google 'harmful' in bid to cut app store fees

    Somehow everybody gets asked except for consumers. As a owner of Apple products,  I do not want my privacy and security compromised because some lazy developers want to have open skies. They should attempt to build some decent apps. 
  • Telegram CEO claims Apple is delaying update that will 'revolutionize' messaging

    These app developers are right. As a game developer who created over 20 games on the app store (often tied to theatrical releases) I can only applaud these developers protesting. It's time this gets addressed. Apple's become a shit company with good hardware.
    Another whinging developer. Set up your own phone company and App Store. Game developers do not add anything much to the benefit of the world. Get a proper job.
  • TikToking Apple employee fired over medical leave, not videos

    Apple seems to becoming very ham fisted in managing its staff..
  • How the new Mac Studio fills a crucial gap in Apple's desktop lineup

    How’s this for an nonsensical statement “ There's certainly a case to be made for Apple to add a new 27-inch iMac to its lineup, but it wouldn't have met the need of many users that the Mac Studio caters to.”

    Ok there’s some (no evidence for many) that want something like the Mac Studio and its component style. But the history of strong sales of the integrated 27” iMac makes a strong case for a demand for a M1 27” iMac and probably a higher demand than for Mac Studio. The business market was a strong buyer of 27” iMacs for its appearance and easy upkeep and no cables. Apple writers seem to be ignorant of business when they make statements such as the foregoing one. 
    foregoneconclusionmac_dogrobin huberwilliamlondonSpitbathStationGreyfotoformatwatto_cobra
  • Why ISP email services are terrible, and what to use instead

    I use iCloud email as it is ISP independent. The downside is that my emails can be treated as spam by some recipients. Apple is unhelpful in remedying this issue. 
  • Apple's new iCloud+ tiers are too much for consumers, too little for professionals

    Over the years Apple has never really got cloud storage. 
  • Ultimate showdown: New Apple Pencil USB-C vs old Apple Pencils

    I use the Apple Pen (2nd gen) reasonably often. But there is no way that I can write neatly because there is no friction between the pen and the surface of the iPad 
  • So far, Apple is struggling to market Apple Vision Pro

    logic2.6 said:

    The theory I learned when I studied marketing as part of a computer course at college…

    With all due respect, there might be more of an issue with the quality of your computer course “marketing theory” than with Apple’s marketing.
    I have arrived at the same conclusion. 
    9secondkox2Bart Ywatto_cobra
  • Apple manufacturing now uses 13.7 gigawatts of renewable energy, will hit carbon neutral b...

    sdw2001 said:
    DAalseth said:
    This is very good news. Sounds like they are doing it the right way too, with renewable energy sources, not by buying offsets. 

    There's no evidence that either is better for the environment.  Renewables have their own massive problems.  From wind turbines to solar panels, they are arguably worse for the environment than burning fossil fuels.  

    But those adherents to the modern religion of so-called "climate change" don't care about the environment.  They care about global wealth redistribution and political power.  That is, in fact, what the entire movement is about, whether or not average people know it.  

    Some may ask if climate change is a hoax. The answer is yes.  The theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming is not a hoax (though it is unproven), but climate change as a term is absolutely a hoax.  The notion that burning fossil fuels and cattle farts will cause catastrophic warming is entirely unsupported.  Warming from human activities is a moderate problem at worst, and is not well-understood.  There are simply too many known (and unknown) variables at play.  The problem should be carefully studied before we settle on any course of action.  

    Those screaming about the "climate crisis" are proof positive that the entire thing is a political slogan.  It's used by politicians to push "solutions" that magically involve more taxes and control.  Apple is smart in knowing where ball is going right now.  It is on-brand for them to do this.  They are going to make damn sure they are in the Most Favored Players club on this one.  
    The problem has been well researched and studied with the result showing plenty of actions are needed. This is plainly obvious to all but to a few wearing blinkers 
  • Apple's iOS 18 to streamline task management with unified events and reminders

    Who uses Reminders? Haven’t bothered for years.  