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  • Apple could be out $20 billion a year if Google loses DOJ antitrust case

    Honkers said:
    So stupid. There is no antitrust when you have options. Apple provides them in settings. 
    If the options were that important then Google wouldn't be paying Apple $20bn for the default position.
    Gotta have something. So apple offers it by default. Google pays more than anyone else can and they get the spot. 

    It’s like a Super Bowl commercial. Lots of potato chip companies out there but only big dogs like Doritos get the Super Bowl commercial. 

    Nothing wrong with making money to show one companies product before another’s. They all still can be used. No barrier. Up to the user. A government dictating to a company that they aren’t allowed to profit from competition on their platform or ruling on what defaults to set or when and how to set them is micromanagement and simply not in the governments purview. 
    It's not at all like a commercial.  Watching a commercial is a zero requirement, zero commitment, entirely passive endeavour.  Having a default set for a user is a barrier to a user changing the option.  The fact that Google values it so highly shows exactly why it is so valuable to be set as the default - because most users will never change it, and probably never even think to change it.

    Apple are monetising their users' lack of knowledge about how to use Apple's own products, and given Apple's public stance on privacy that is especially galling when they've sold out to a corporation that is one of the biggest private data collectors around.  This is exactly the kind of stuff that stands to get Apple in trouble as a platform owner and gatekeeper to services.  They need to be seen to be agnostic or they'll get raked.
  • Sofia Coppola says Apple canned her Edith Wharton series over 'unlikable' lead

    williamh said:
    Seems like a good enough reason.  Can't say I'd like to watch an unlikable male lead either.  Is Apple under some obligation to fund projects they don't want?  What's the point of the article?  What's next?  Perhaps an article about projects that are canned due to crap writing?
    It's news man.  You don't have to agree or disagree with it for it to be news.

    Pretty poor reason in my opinion.  Lots of great films have unlikeable or unsympathetic anti-hero leads, and Custom Of The Country is a great book.  But sure, Apple gonna Apple.
  • Apple's 'carbon neutral' claims are misleading, say EU groups

    mjtomlin said:
    do they not understand what carbon neutral means? It means you do something to offset the carbon emissions you produce. You effectively “wipe out” the carbon you put into the atmosphere.
    Do you not understand that such "offsets" are very frequently tantamount to meaningless virtue signalling given that they capture very little carbon?  The article talks about it, give it a proper read.

    Apple talks a big game about good things that they do, and some of their initiatives genuinely sound great, but if their carbon neutral claims are being majorly bolstered by buying permits to pollute then that's the definition of greenwashing.
  • A bride-to-be discovers a reality-bending mistake in Apple's computational photography

    Lol, some saying this can happen by accident even with film photos, others saying it must be computational photography, others saying that's impossible and must be faked using photoshop.  And everyone so insistent that their conclusion must be the correct one.  I'm sure you're all experts in possession of all the facts.
  • How Apple is already using machine learning and AI in iOS

    If Siri is learning she’s a damn slow learner.
  • Bending Spoons lays off entire team behind Filmic Pro

    If you’re developing an app — run the numbers and determine up front what it will take for you to stay in business.  If that means a sub model, then tell me now before I invest in your app.
    All they need to do is something that's basically impossible and then you'll be happy.  Got it.
  • 'Several people' could be the next Apple CEO, reveals Tim Cook

    Xed said:
    1) Dua Lipa is asking good, deep questions in the interview. Better than journalists usually do.

    2) I've never seen curb spelled as kerb before. It's not wrong over all, but since it's quoting Tim Cook, an American, I'd say the quote should use the American spelling.

    Article author is British, BBC is British, Dua Lipa the show host is British.  I think either is ok.

    Maybe the quote was copied from a BBC transcription or closed captions?
  • Boy petitions Apple to change 'nerd face' emoji

    If the kid wins I’m sure he’ll never get bullied again.
  • Apple Vision Pro now expected to ship in March

    eriamjh said:
    Apple would never piss money away on a Superbowl ad for anything.
    Surely not serious?
    Cesar Battistini Mazieroradarthekat
  • Chase could be a potential partner for Apple Card

    My Chase Savings account is 4.1%, though that is UK rather than USA.  *hint*hint* Apple.
    Bart Y