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  • Despite what you may have heard, don't write off the iMac just yet

    I am one of those who gave the M1 iMac a pass waiting for a 27 inch or larger iMac to replace my 2017 27” iMac. However, I could not resist getting the M3 iMac even though I had to give up some screen real estate. I have no regrets. The machine is a work of art, a fast work of art, a quiet work of art. For example, It handles my Steam library with ease. 

  • Analysts mostly nonplussed by DoJ suit, and believe Apple will win

    Had the duplicitous Spotify and Epic Games developed, designed, and produced their own phones and built out their own platform, this would not be happening. However, they want to squat on the platform Apple built, a platform that is very popular with its users. 
  • Apple teases more Immersive Video dinosaurs for Apple Vision Pro coming soon

    The immersive videos are absolutely completely incredibly mind blowing.
    Agreed! And I want to see something other than dionsaurs. Why not an immersive tour of Apple Park? Or Yosemite? Or a flight along the Monterry coast? Or to get really adventuresome an immersive view of Machu Picchu? The possibilites are endless. 

  • How to install Steam using Whisky on Apple Silicon Macs

    "First, download and install the Windows version of Steam> Do this after you've set up and run Whisky and GPTK."  =  First set up  and run Whisky and GPTK. Then donwload and install the Windows version of Steam. Is it possible to get a link to the "previious article"?
  • Apple teases more Immersive Video dinosaurs for Apple Vision Pro coming soon

    neoncat said:
    rue said:
    The immersive videos are absolutely completely incredibly mind blowing.
    Agreed! And I want to see something other than dionsaurs. Why not an immersive tour of Apple Park? Or Yosemite? Or a flight along the Monterry coast? Or to get really adventuresome an immersive view of Machu Picchu? The possibilites are endless. 

    Or, you know, take a trip to those places instead of wearing a goofy face-mounted iPad for masturbatory sizzle reels. 

    The success of the AVP will be in its ability to apply spatial concepts to everyday computing—expanding and improving the process of working with information. The recent stories of the AVP being used in operating rooms is a great example of this. Stupid 3D videos for the easily distracted? Come on now. What a waste of the technology. 

    Or, you know, get up on the wrong side of the bed and make a foolhardy comment. Not everyone has the time or wherewithal, like you evidently, to traipse all over the globe further contributing to climate change. I haven’t been to Paris for a few years, but I would like to go to the Louvre again. Imagine an immersive stroll through its galleries. See the Mona Lisa without a jostling crowd. The device is capable of more than operating room kit. 

  • Apple Vision Pro will be the platform for the killer VR app, not Meta

    " if you thought Apple TV+ was largely an effort to compete with Netflix in selling subscriptions to access large quantities of low quality shovelware entertainment, you were no smarter than all the analysts!" That's right!  ---- I think that there may be a market for spatial video that does not require writers, actors, and expensive production. Think of all those unable or unwilling to travel but who might enjoy an experience in foreign, exotic, or simply different locales. I would enjoy a walk through the Scottish highlands, a stroll through the streets of Paris, Istanbul, Beijing, or many other city. I would like an experience that puts me in a canoe in the Boundary Waters, or on a raft in the Grand Canyon. Such videos do not require a story line, a narration, or other intrusion, only the ambient sounds. 
  • Three things Apple got wrong with the Vision Pro launch

    tht said:
    rue said:

    My experience with the Vision Pro has been a positive one and has improved as I have become more familiar with it. I made my order online on the morning that orders opened. The Light Seal that I was fitted with has worked flawlessly. The Zeiss optical inserts I ordered (readers 1.5-1.75) have also functioned flawlessly. After reading this article, I tried the Dual Loop Band; however, I found it uncomfortable and cumbersome to adjust. The Solo Knit Band is a remarkable bit of engineering, which allows the user to easily adjust it with a slight turn of a knob. It holds the Vision Pro on my face comfortably and securely and makes it easy for me to put on and remove the device. Like a new pair of shoes, the more I use it, the more I like it and the more comfortable it is. Of all the words published about the Vision Pro, I have seen few descriptions of the actual experience of using one. So here goes. I use my AVP between 1 and 3 hours every day. With it, for example, I can position a virtual viewing screen in the middle of my living room. I am currently watching a Foundation episode each day. The experience is vivid, expansive, and beautiful. I find that I turn my head slightly from one part of the screen to another part depending on the action, but the screen stays fixed in my field of vision. I can pause the video and with the battery safely in my pocket I can get up and walk around the room and even behind the screen, which looks like a large sheet of frosted glass. I can even take a tape measure and measure the screen, today it is 6 feet by 12 feet. While I am up I might as well get a mug of coffee from the kitchen, which is a neighboring room. The cameras on the VP accurately allow me to see and navigate my environment. I see the cat napping on the floor, I pour some coffee from this morning’s pot into my mug, then I get some soy milk from the refrigerator (I like my coffee white), and I put it in the microwave to reheat it for a minute. When I look back through the door to the living room, I see the huge screen still positioned there with the paused episode visible. I return to my seat with my mug of coffee and before restarting the episode, I activate the cinema setting and the room goes dark around the screen and I am in a theatre. I also use the AVP as a monitor for my computer, and that too works beautifully. My appreciation for the device grows daily.

    Hopefully you wrote this post in the AVP. 

    Appreciate you writing of your experience. 
    I did while mirroring my computer to the AVP since I have yet to pair a keyboard to it and since I don't have a need to do so.