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  • Microsoft touts Surface success, claims more MacBook switchers than ever

    So basically. If they had 15 people switch last year and now they have 20, the can say more and more people. The problem is they can't disclose the numbers because you would just laugh at them. Report the actual sales if you want to show how much better people like your product. 
  • Microsoft Surface blamed for NFL football playoffs meltdown

    The 6 surface owners clearly showed up on this site to come to their defense. Selling like hotcakes?!
    mchumm3rawilliams87calimwhitebrakkenanton zuykovlatifbpwilliamlondonMacPromejsric
  • Rudy Giuliani says warrant illegal since agents already had data 'from the iCloud'

    There is literally no reason for this to be an article on AI.  Because he used the term “iCloud” in his argument?   And the last three paragraphs of the article - general commentary on Apple’s work with government requests - have been covered, ad nauseam, in other pieces.  

    Stay out of politics, please.
    I have to side with tnet-primary on this. Even the wording of the headline indicates an intent to ridicule the man for the inclusion of the definite article. For perspective, the man is in his mid-70s and could be some of you guys’ great-grandfather. For most of his career he probably had a secretary handling the technology of communication, like typewriters, faxes, telex and such. Not being as savvy technologically doesn’t make him a clown nor dumb.

    He could probably run rings around any of you in matters of the law, especially criminal law.
    His legal arguments have been terrible throughout all of this. Everyone not sucked into the GOP alternative reality void that heard his case knew not a single judge could rule in his favor. That includes right wing conservative judges with lifetime Trump appointments and nothing to loose but their reputations. He was thrown out of court in 60 case nationwide by mostly Trump supporting and Trump appointed judges. I think 3rd graders do better a job pleading their cases. 
  • Editorial: Apple is neither doomed nor saved now that Jony Ive has moved on

    red oak said:
    Cook really dropped the ball not having a succession plan in place.  It’s nuts having this group now report to Williams.  Nuts.  Ive was there for 25 years and your telling us he did not groom a successor for arguably the most important function within Apple?   This is a breakdown in corporate responsibility 

    Almost as bad as having the head of HR run Retail 

    Ive has evidently been checked out for years.  Why did Cook not get better ahead of this? 
    Not really. According to another interview, Ives has be working in his private design studio for 3 years now and at that point not been involved in the day to day. The transition has already occurred and has been well tested. 
  • Apple employee's job threatened over viral TikTok video

    The problem is that if the person help stole it can contact them directly, they clearly know who they are and possibly where they live. If this person took this Apple employee’s advice to heart and then decided to take an aggressive stance and ended up getting shot or worse, who do you think will be sued for 30 million dollars? Well, she doesn’t have it, so Apple will be the target. 
  • Apple shifted orders from Foxconn to Luxshare to assist $275B China deal

    Bosa said:
    cpsro said:
    Maybe Cook can help India expand its local technology industry?
    Maybe he can help the U.S. in this.
    It will be hard but possible if the business environment such as taxes are made friendlier , but certainly not with current tax you to death  people in charge . 

    Not a political statement but just stating a fact 
    Taxes are not even a real factor. In fact if it were you wouldn’t have individuals amassing over $200 billion each. 

    The issue is that our citizens haven’t made the $3.15 an hour they make to build iPhones in China in over 25 years as it went up up $4.75 in 1996 and then $5.15 in 1997. The last move was to $7.25 in 2009. Think about that. People working jobs that pay minimum wage with poor conditions and no benefits saw their worth increase by $4.10 over 25 years. That’s about a 16 cent raise per year. Trust me inflation was a lot more that 16 cents. 

    For instance, a Honda Civic started at $11,000 in 1996 they start at 22,000 now. 

    Playing taxes down at average rates it’s $417 per month plus insurance, gas and maintenance. So, maybe about $647 monthly for one of the cheapest cars on the market. . 
    Keep in mind their take home if they are lucky enough to get 40 hours a week is $987 so they would have $340 left for fun stuff like shelter, food, and medicine. 

    Ironically, the ones currently in office have fought the others to provide support for those who have not made out like bandits over the last too year while everyone else suffered. They have done what was needed while the others did nothing but fight for power and get rich. 
  • Apple rejecting apps is unfair competition, declare rejected app developers

    elijahg said:
    rhbellmor said:
    Like my wife always tells me when I complain about some design feature or lack of in my new car, she tells me to design my own car.  The developers are free to design their own smartphone and App Store like I can start my own car company.  I like Apple protecting me and my smartphone.  When Apple stops doing that I’ll go back to a dumb flip phone!
    So no one should ever complain about any design feature in anything because that person should just design their own product instead? Best tell Apple to close the beta programs then. And shut down Github while you're at it, too.
    They are not a consumer requesting a feature. They are a business who wants to the government to for another business to do business with them no matter what. Apple makes zero from the COVID tracking app the developed with Google to ensure it was cross platform, secure and unable to be highjacked by criminals and scammers. 

    Apple gets to decide who uses their goodwill and consumer trust. That is especially important when there is a real threat making it easier for scammers to exploit users if given the chance. That is likely who these people are and they are mad that Apple cut them off at the pass. 
  • iCloud Private Relay flaw leaks users' IP addresses

    Or perhaps an easier 'fix'... stop using Safari.
    Yeah, use Chrome that installs a hidden server on your computer that transmits even when you are not using the browser. The IT department at the hospital I worked at had a fit because people kept downloading it and Google had redesigned it so the only way to block downloading it was to impact the function of the network. 
  • Epic must pay $245M after luring customers into 'Fortnite' purchases

    Keep in mind that the majority of their customers are outside the Apple ecosystem. The reason they are fighting to bypass Apple goes much further than 15 or 30 percent commissions. Apple rules forbid this type of activity and since they control the refund process they Epicq likely couldn’t perform business as usual. These actions likely double or triple their revenue. So, it was never about 30 percent, but stealing 300 percent more. 

    Side loading and alternative payments is a terrible idea and here’s the reason. 
    badmonkwatto_cobraJaiOh81Fidonet127Bart YravnorodomCluntBaby92macxpresswilliamlondonkillroy
  • FAA announces agreement with AT&T, Verizon on 5G expansion

    Please note that the 5G profile in France and similar countries in the EU are different because they use a fraction of the power US companies implementation ascribes to. 