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  • Microsoft blames European Commission for global CrowdStrike catastrophe

    As I understand it, applying the update makes Windows stop working, resulting in the blue screen. This is not something hard for someone at CrowdStrike to test -- all they had to do is apply it to a test computer and reboot. Is it possible they released it without doing that?
  • 2022 iPad Pro M2 review: Six months later, powerful and still stale

    No reason at all to replace my 2018 iPad pro (5 years old). Except for the screen, I don't think I would know the difference between that and the latest version, and the screen on the 2018 is still more than adequate.
  • Apple rumored to be testing macOS for M2 iPad Pro

    Everyone knows that iPadOS does not begin to take advantage of the capability of the iPad pro's. Even Apple knows that, obviously. So what are they to do? How much more can iPadOS be tweaked to give it the versatility and power it should have? It makes perfect sense to me that Apple would port a (severely modified?) version of MacOS to the iPad. In fact, I'll be surprised if they don't -- what other option is there for them? They certainly cannot start with a completely new OS, and it seems to me that iPadOS has constraints built in that will not allow it to address the enormous capabilities of the new iPad Pros.
  • Giant 30-inch iMac, iPhone 15, OLED iPads: Apple's roadmap for 2023-2024

    I have 2 iPad pro's from 5 (!) years ago, the smaller and larger ones. So far, there has been absolutely no need for me to upgrade -- only small things have been updated. I hope this newest (OLED?) upgrade will be significant enough to justify buying it and replacing the older tablets. In the same 5-year time period, the Mac and iPhone have seen real, worthwhile updates.
  • Rumored 15-inch MacBook Air release could be in April or May

    I have a 2017 12" Macbook, which still works well, running the latest Ventura. I really wish they would bring back a 12" machine -- its size is ideal for traveling.
  • GM ditching CarPlay & Android Auto for Google-built infotainment system

    Remember MCX (Merchant Customer Exchange)? It was going to be used at many major stores and did not allow Apple Pay or other contactless payments. It didn't last long.
  • Design failure in Apple's Time Capsule leads to data loss

    I replaced the 2tb hard drive in my Time Capsule with a 4tb one. It's been working fine for ~6 years, perhaps because I'm not using the 3tb hard drive that came with some of the TC's. With an adapter, it would be easy to attach a small drive or an ssd instead of the large hd. A ssd would generate very little heat, and the TC might last for years.