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  • Mail, iCal, Address Book and Keynote are all parts of my daily regimen. iCal may be the weakest of the iApps, but it along with the others gets the job done with a style and ease Microsoft cannot approach.
  • At the retail store I formerly worked at, The Mouse BT had about a 50% return rate for reliability, failure and lag reasons. While The Mouse is a good product, I cant recommend the bluetooth version to anyone. It's a wonder DV forge still makes t…
  • great looking design, but a shame to see the mini go Too bad I really dont need one, already having a 1GB shuffle, and a 40GB 4G.... ... already ordered an engraved black nano for my girlfriend however
  • Looks like a predictable and desirable upgrade to me. That its an evolutionary, not revolutionary product means that there'll be no shipping delays and we'll actually have stock in a relatively short period of time. With the customer getting …
  • Anyone else get the feeling that this should have happened alongside the release of OSX back in 2001? That coincides nicely with the struggle for the G4 to break the GHz barrier. If the OS9/OSX boundary in the Apple Lithosphere coincided with th…
  • Quote: Originally posted by archer75 What the hell are you talking about? I see no restrictions being placed on it, quite the opposite actually. Quote: Released just few days ago, the dual-core chips include a hardware copy protection schem…
  • Quote: Originally posted by pnbarnes Where can we watch the keynote live? In California... at the conference....
  • Quote: Originally posted by archer75 I think you're reading too much into it. How is this any sort of a loss of control? Why does there even need to be control? Well yes, I am suffering from an extreme case of paranoid conjecture. Since my co…
  • Quote: Originally posted by archer75 Apple may have an emulator that will allow all of thier mac software to run on the a new x86 version of OSX with no performance loss. This would allow for a smooth transition.…
  • Quote: Originally posted by archer75 Check out this article: That article-let is a statement of an idea, not containing any tangible fact. I do agree that if such a transition were to occur it's…
  • I see nothing in any of the articles that represent tangible proof that Apple is announcing a transition of the Macintosh product line to Intel based chips. The reporters seem to extrapolate from the small amount of evidence provided an implausible …
  • Even with an architecture change, you'll find the new powerbooks, whenever that may be - to be evolutionary, rather than revolutionary - over the current ones, both in terms of performance and form factor. It may be 15 years old, but the folding…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Chikara Since apple has released tiger this month, rather then attending macworld in july. Do you think they wanted to give some space, to introduce new powermacs/powerbooks in July's macworld. The Powerbooks aren…
  • if its portability you need, go for the powerbook and 20" combo. The Powerbook is not perceptibly slower than the iMac in most real world uses. The 12" is also specwise, competitive to the 15" so you aren't sacrificing anything beyond lofty ra…
  • I've had mine now for about 4 hours, its all set up and running amazing. It's a consderable improvement over the 867 MHz model I had previously, The same machine, only much faster, cooler running.
  • Quote: Originally posted by Invader Zim The iBooks should get Bluetooth 2.0+EDR support, a scrolling trackpad, more graphics VRAM for CI support, 8x Superdrive. and then what distinguishes it from a powerbook? The price point would rise b…
  • i'm sick of lifting emacs, so damn heavy.
    in eMac Comment by sorhed February 2005
  • LCD screens which easily trump the old 17" Apple Cinema Display can be had for around $350 CAD, if you know where the good PC deals are (if you're in the GTA, and you dont, email me). Even the Apple authorized retail stores, at least in Toronto, …
  • "to be released by the end of November." Whad'ya mean November doesn't have 45 days?
  • It's not the machine, its the user. No, my 12" screen isnt big enough to conveniently do design work: but it suffices just fine when I'm on the go. of course, no serious design pro would be satisfied with any LCD monitor on the market anyways,…