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  • the question is do you spend 200 bucks to have the INTERNAL ram boosted to a single 512 chip....then spend 2-3 hundred on a 512 so-dimm chip to the area near the airport card?? ******************** I just ordered a 512 so-dimm lowprofile for my …
  • Try running Software Update again from System Preferences. It will probably ask you to download and install a couple of security updates before you can upgrade to 10.1.2 ************** That did the trick thanks!
  • I don't think Steve is mad! I think he is increasing the hype! Perhaps this G4 Imac is just the lowend of the line if everyone is busy with the so-called time/canada mistake we'll be to busy to find out what the Big news is. just an idea...
  • ...For those who are unaware, Star Trek was a secret project at Apple in the early 90's to port the MacOS to run on the x86 architecture. The "Trekkies" eventually brought their secret to the higher-ups at Apple and gained permission to complete the…
  • yes, there definitely... DEFINITELY... seems to be a "GLOBAL" or "SPACE" theme to apple's teasers. Hey does anybody know who controls the Iridium satellites now? I seem to remember that someone bought them at the last minute for pennies on the…
  • nd G4Dude, regarding the "tablet not fitting in and having no use", I couldn't agree more. Buy an iBook, people! Jeez. Tablet, my ass. This is just a daydream but what if the LCD iMac was a Tablet that would run on rechargeble batteries and wo…
  • I'm not sure this helps much but I was at a Houston area Compusa last night looking for a piece of software and as always I checked out the bargain rack for demo models and such I ended up buying adual usb ibook cd for $900 + tx for the Ibook and a …
  • [QUOTE]Originally posted by pscates: [QB]1GHz iBook my ass. >>> It's taken Apple over two years to nudge up 300MHz in most of their product (think about it...check the dates, run the numbers, etc.) and now, out-of-the…
  • [QUOTE]Originally posted by pscates: [QB]1GHz iBook my ass. >>> It's taken Apple over two years to nudge up 300MHz in most of their product (think about it...check the dates, run the numbers, etc.) and now, out-of-the…