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  • Try USBOVERDRIVE it's a $20 shareware program.
  • I waited till 55 so that I could be mature enough to responsibly use my G5. Enjoying my Mac experience to the max. I can't really comment on OS9, but I definately am impressed withOSX. Enjoy your Mac.
  • Try Crucial.com I bought 2gigs for my G5 around 10 months ago. After having a few problems with what I thought to be kernal panics I took the computer back to the Apple Store. They found 1 bad stick of ram, so they removed the pair. I waited approx …
  • What you really need to do is go to an Apple retailer, and spec out what your ideal machine would be in each segment of the whole product line, and then try each one individually. You might find that a far more expensive machine on your initial purc…
  • OK everybody know that they have built, and opened the bridge, why doesn't everybody cry me a river, and get over it!
  • The native display resolution of the 20" ACD is 1680x1050. Any other resolution will not display properly on the screen due to its wide screen aspect ratio.. All LCD displays are designed to run on their native resolutions.
  • Having bought, and returned more than my share of technology products, I have found that my 18 month old 20" cinema has saved my eyes more than its cost over other similarly sized monitors. Both on a pc, and Mac.
  • ibook g3 900 mhz totally tricked out to the max with an Airport card, and my pride and joy, a 1.8 dual G5 that got 2 gigs of ram added to it. Hooked up to my 20" ACD. Desktop heaven for me!
  • It might be alarming thinking about a huge debt owed when graduating, but the return on investment is still a lot better when you consider what you would make working at Walmart without that degree. One of my two children just graduated from a state…
  • I would bet that there are around 188 retail store locations that were designed for high tech retailing available around April 10. Maybe Apple could get favorable lease terms? You could display a lot of ipods in the area that a 42" plasma screen ta…
  • Like any service you get, it's only as good as the people you deal with. I have three accounts with Verizon Wireless originally through two local dealers. When I had a billing issue with Verizon the dealer that I got the phone with the billing probl…
  • Sounds like the big "Boss" probably found out that the web interface was being created on a Mac!
  • Everybody here on both sides of the political aisle that espouse their views as do it my way or the highway are good examples of why this country needs a viable third pary. Kerry's retort that he voted for the $87 billion appropriation is correct. …
  • Just remember how to to tell when a politician is lying: His lips are moving. Both of these bozos will say what ever they can get away with to get elected. Bush is going to be far more conserative throughout his campaign as he is the sitting preside…
  • Being neither a republicocrap or a democrapper, I am totally pissed off having to endure another 8 months of this vitriol coming fom ALL of the political pundits from both parties while they maneuver around trying to inflict another hit on the oppos…
  • Can't forget Don Imus, and his sidekick Charles McCord!