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Quote: Originally Posted by Gatorguy Still the early FUD has probably killed Google Glass as it's currently designed. The nuclear dork levels of the early adopters killed Glass. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&…
Quote: Originally Posted by jungmark I didn't see a complaint about the OS. He can't upgrade OTA since he doesn't have enough space. And I agree with his assessment that space is an issue. Is it that there's not enough space because the OS i…
Quote: Originally Posted by DanielSW It irritates me no end to see you people complain about a great new OS just because your dinko old devices don't have enough room for it. As if you expect Apple to pander to you slackers. NFWP. Get over it…
They should let all Emojis react to these. I want to change the colors of the little cars and animals and stuff.
Quote: Originally Posted by jason98 $1.29 songs are killing iTunes. Labels now pay for being too greedy. So are the movie rental prices. I can easily afford $7 or $8 rentals, but it's annoying. I recall the early VOD selections on DirecTV. Th…
Everytime I think we have the worst politicians in the world here in the USA, the blithering mental cases in Russia spout off about something. Thanks, Russian lunatics! I may even bother voting today!
Quote: Originally Posted by cali People hated me last time for this but: WHY THE Hell did Jony feel it had to have a classic design? I wanted an iPod/iPhone/iPad scale revolution. I had a watch that looked like the ?Watch ten years ago. It's…
Hell, I like it for the programmable watch face alone. Nearly bought a Pebble 2, but the "iWatch" rumors were getting thick, and I wanted something color because 21st century. All the neckbeard tech geeks and grandpa naysayers can all go over in t…
Last article I read with actual data had the female percentage of the tech workforce at several big players within a couple points of the female percentage of tech graduates. You can't compare your workforce to the general population, you have to …
Quote: Originally Posted by Rogifan I see now most of Apple's competitors are running social media campaigns around #bendgate. The Next Web claims Apple is actively looking into the issue and will replace any phones returned to their stores. We…
Quote: Originally Posted by ottobot Has anyone considered a class action lawsuit? You mean has anyone considered an action that will only enrich some lawyers and distract Apple even more? Not anyone with a functioning brain.
Quote: Originally Posted by RicMac To all the sniveling whining crybabies - one word; downgrade. Downgrade to iOS 7 and everything is just the way you think they should be! Oooo! Another Internet tough guy!
Holy cow, the tech geeks are out in force on the internet today, dumping as many steaming shits of pig ignorance on every Apple article as they can. Attack Apple. Attack Apple devices. Attack Apple users. Rage pathologically against any use case not…
Holy moly, the Android geekbots are in full "Android invented every possible concept in the known universe from the dawn of time until the end of time" overdrive mode on every Apple article. The Asperger-rage and shaking of tiny, impotent fists has …
Quote: Originally Posted by Rogifan I see AAPL is down another 1% when the likes of Google, Microsoft and Amazon are all up on the day. Another analyst coming out and throwing cold water on the "iWatch" and that Apple's product cycle peaked wit…
Even the Android fans I know with Sammy phones don't seem to care what Samsung is doing. They pray at the altar of Google. Ha ha! Cult! Derp!
Yay I guess or something. Some sort of fan of sports might enjoy this.
Quote: Originally Posted by sog35 I could preach to you about proper capitalization....but I won't. OK, I'll preach to everyone about not caring about typos or even flat out errors on internet comments. Just stop it. This is not peer reviewe…
Quote: Originally Posted by Lord Amhran I must be the only one who didn't like this.... I'm sure others didn't like it. It's just that no one cares.
Quote: Originally Posted by sog35 So where are all the clowns that say Apple ads suck? They're busy fapping to loops of Samsung ads.