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- chuckvader
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Quote: Originally Posted by NoahJ There is more than one logical reason for anything that is done. Larger screen size does require more battery life, however, it also provides a larger internal area for the phone to hold a battery that…
Quote: Originally Posted by anonymouse Well, no, battery life was a problem on Android phones before LTE, and getting bigger was how they solved the problem. With LTE, though, many of them needed to get even bigger. Bu…
Quote: Originally Posted by AZREOSpecialist Samsung is hilarious with this nonsense… Here is a company with $14B in the bank threatening another company with 10 TIMES as much money in the bank. I hate Asian companies, I really do. The…
Quote: Originally Posted by mstone Well to clarify what I meant was the large phones such as the current releases of high end Android smartphones (not including the Note which is almost a tablet) are decidedly too large to fit comfort…
Quote: Originally Posted by Tallest Skil Yes. It already does. It does? Are you sure? Last I read, Apple was not implementing this feature by licensing Google's materials. Is Apple setting up its own streetview-style d…
Quote: Originally Posted by anonymouse But, that's why these Android phones are big. They need a large battery to get through the day with LTE, that requires a larger case, and the screen is big to distract from the fact that th…
Quote: Originally Posted by jason98 First of all, the new iPhone due to its longer case will not fit a shirt pocket (though my current iPhone-4 fits just right). Second, the existing iPhone-4(S) had enough real estate for a …
Quote: Originally Posted by Terry Todd you answered my question in #2 ... but even you say you're not sure .... I say i'm not sure because even the android Youtube has advertisements in the same form as the browser-based Y…
Quote: Originally Posted by Quadra 610 Obviously. Anything to do with Apple will impact the industry substantially. It's Apple. The industry *needs* Apple. It's shaped and directed by this one "fruit" company from Cupertino. …
Quote: Originally Posted by akira69 Am I the only one that is disgusted with both this apple mapping program and googles in terms of scale? Why can't these guys include a simple reference scale at the bottom, like any other map in th…
Quote: Originally Posted by Terry Todd I know all about the on going fight between Apple and Google.,, also know that Apple will be offering new aps for youtube ( with ads), and a new type of open source street maps.. but need to…
Quote: Originally Posted by anonymouse But most of them still don't want to haul around a small tablet in their pockets or purse. "Bigger is better" is just a testosterone fueled misconception that even most men grow o…
Bar none, the dumbest and worst explained AI article I've read thus far. Quote: Some of the biggest losers out of the new iPhone launch will be competing smartphone makers who have existing 4G LTE handsets on the market. Mosk…
Quote: Originally Posted by daylove22 Except one thing, it cannot do phone calls as well as other phones as the call quality is below average. Not true at all - "The in-call quality of the Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III was…
Quote: Originally Posted by anonymouse Find it as offensive as you want. The American companies aren't stealing IP from the South Korean companies. And, please, let's not pretend that South Korea hasn't benefited enormously from…
Quote: Originally Posted by fatusmiles Competition is everywhere and consumers are likely get the benefit. Consumers are happy with the product then the company gets profit. This is a give and take economy. I don't understa…
Quote: Originally Posted by lamewing 1. The U.S. has kept supporting S. Korea since it gave us a military hold in the region, not because we are nice guys. We didn't save the S. Korean people, we stopped Soviet expansion in the region…
Quote: Originally Posted by lamewing No. Apple doesn't want competition, but they need it or they become a monopoly. History suggests? History shows that Apple had no choice but accept competition. There is a difference. Quot…
Quote: Originally Posted by lkrupp What are you talking about? We already have this situation. You choose iOS and an iPhone or you choose a blatant copy of it. That's your choice today. What we want is true choice, not picking t…
Quote: Originally Posted by jragosta And, yet, even with the Galaxy SIII, there are multiple different variants. Not to mention, of course, the fact that Samsung mentioned in their 'crisis of design' memo that they were releasin…