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  • What Safari REALLY needs is to get serious about allowing users to force Safari to open any and all windows in tabs no matter what. Even with all of the settings set to open new items in tabs, it's still anybody's guess sometimes if a link or whatno…
  • Actually, it's Eric, not Erik. *heh* My version of the Finder is a bit pro, yes, but I'd like to see Apple push more features forward with the option of using them or not depending on what you're looking for. For example, like how right now you c…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Not Unlike Myself shidoshi ...this is why they built spotlight. They update *all* the apps with it upon Tiger release... Uhm, not really. Even if Apple went with Spotlight for searching inside of iPhoto, that still…
  • Quote: Originally posted by MacCrazy Yeah I've found iPhoto finds photos which only partially match the word typed. Here's the problem with iPhoto 5's searching: * Keyword and search box searches cannot be combined. Thus, you can't filter …
  • How about a fix for iPhoto 5, so that searching actually works properly. I'm surprised and disappointed that Apple still doesn't have a fix out for that yet.
  • Safari is nice, but for as long as it has been out, it still seems like beta software to me as time. There is still NO way in the prefences to turn off link underlining, for example, without using a style sheet - something you average user might not…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Amorph If the 1.67GHz 7447B is the best CPU they can put in the machine, what do you want them to do? It's not like they're holding back on you. Here's the problem that I have - if this were a recent thing, Motorola…
  • Quote: Originally posted by scavanger Any word on whether or not the screen's were updated? Thats the one major sticking point outside of the 167mhz bus, that is stopping me from buying a PB. I've compared the Rev C's with other laptops, and its …