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Quote: Originally Posted by piot Did you know the figures before you read the article? I didn't, but that doesn't make something news. I see now this was posted in the AAPL investors forum so that makes more sense. I just saw it on the fr…
Quote: Originally Posted by SudoNym Is that really a text message icon in the upper right? Is that safe to use while driving? I think you're supposed to dictate it / have them read back to you. It seems likely to distract you though, he…
I'm confused as to the point of this article. Apple did indeed out-spend Google, although the difference was practically insignificant. Is this news? It seems just like an Apple Press Release. edit: Seems that as AAPL investment news this makes mo…
Quote: Originally Posted by architecton I'd also like an OBD port next to the aux... Usually in your passenger footwell under the dash, and the irony being that the original head unit shown almost certainly had aux input. They were pretty…
The 5 dots signal indicator really doesn't work in that second image. Because it's on its own line and carries no contextual information it looks odd. They should have stuck with the old signal indicator and faded out 'LTE' somewhat IMO. Not a des…
Quote: Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton That does not prove your argument because its an appeal to emotion. Your argument has been illogical from the start and remains so. But let's entertain your hypothetical scenario to see where it …
Quote: Originally Posted by TitanTiger Catch me up here...why wouldn't the Sunn album (or any album for that matter), purchased from iTunes not work on your phone? Virtually every phone and music player out there can play AAC files now. And…
Quote: Originally Posted by Dunks This needs far more coverage in the media. For all the "lack of innovation" that Apple gets accused of I, for one, am extremely happy they get the structural stuff right, their internal review processes work …
Quote: Originally Posted by iMember some lag virus stealing data Android Did you just put together all the bad words you could think of in a random order?
Quote: Originally Posted by SolipsismX This isn't a good argument because boot times are composed of what needs to be loaded for the OS to be up and the HW (CPU and storage, mainly) that it's been booted from. With the current Chromebooks thi…
Quote: Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost You're trying to make it sound as though people who pirate have a reasonable excuse for doing so; that's how you're defending pirates. By saying you think it's a non-issue is also trivialising the crim…
Quote: Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost A Chromebook waking from sleep will be slower than an iPad or iPhone. Who cares? Clearly Gatorguy was talking about cold boot, which you'd want to use if you were going anywhere without power for a…
Quote: Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost 'In my experience most pirates are pirates because they can't get what they want for a reasonable price, not because they are fundamentally opposed to paying.' ?That defence of pirates. There is as…
Quote: Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost There is no need to boot an iPhone; therefore, it's substantially quicker. I'm pretty sure chromebooks support regular sleep modes just like Macbooks etc too. That's what iPhones also do. I've not …
Quote: Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost Your Chromebook may boot faster than any tablet you've used, but it certainly is slower than an iPad or iPhone. Did a bit of googling. iPhone 5s boot time is about 20 seconds from cold. Chromebooks…
Quote: Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton Exclusive content doesn't prevent you from buying content from iTunes, so it cannot be, by definition, a "fresh barrier" to buying into Apple's content delivery service. It doesn't prevent anyone wh…
Quote: Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost Pirates are thieves, plain and simple. There is comprehensive accessibility to music now, hugely more than was the case before iTunes. Not only that, but the music is much cheaper, too. I find your def…
Quote: Originally Posted by Marvin Now take it one step further and admit that the malware has made it to user's devices in large numbers where in the case of iOS it has not and that answers the following point. Have I not 'admitted' this be…
Quote: Originally Posted by SolipsismX I know Top Gear eventually aires on BBC America although I'm not sure when. Doctor Who aires the same day as it does in the UK and Downton Abbey hits PBS months later, but as far as I know there are zero…
Quote: Originally Posted by SolipsismX Assuming this is accurate you could spend a couple hundred on a Chromebook and still get access to all your media from a USB thumbs or HDD. …