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  • check here : too bad... no macbook before june 20th, all the ibook seminar ending before june 20th : check "ibook" here :
  • Quote: Originally posted by Hobbes Apple will support PPC Macs for many years to come (at very least 3-5, and probably for a decade or more) A decade or more??? Leopart (2006) will be PPC and intel, 100% 10.6 (mid 2008?) will be, mor…
  • The powerbook was always the first to move to new processors. (G3, G4) The main reason invoqued by apple for the switch to intel is the non existing powerbook G5. And now they would just say : "hey, here is the new ibook on intel. Powerbook? they …
  • Quote: Originally posted by Yixian I'm buying an Intel Mac for the sole purpose of running games on Windows. ... I can't wait. So why don't you buy a PC?
  • most of the time, while "on the go", one CPU will be more than enough... and a dual core does not use two times the power of a single core! there are a lot of stuffs shared by the two core...
  • Quote: [i] But (and it's a big BUT), 3D graphic acceleration still isn't supported - that leaves out any gaming (which is all I wanted out of it), because everything else I get from the Mac does me very nicely, thank you. [/B] but it may be i…
  • dual boot sucks... the best is just virtual PC as it is now, but 100x faster! it's so easy! drag and drop between the two desktop, launch windows in 5sec, switch from one to the other very easily, etc... that's all I want : a better VPC!
  • as i said in another thread : my guess is (remove $1 for each): - 700 : 12" ibook shared graphic card - combo - 850 : 12" ibook better - 1000 : 13.3 ibook good - 1200 : 13.3 ibook very good - 1500 : ultrathin 12" powerbook - 1800 : ultrathi…
  • Quote: Originally posted by OfficerDigby iBooks $700-800 and PB's somewhere lower than $1500 (to catch the me's). But then they need another line to catch the self-stlyed "Apple Pro-Users" who want the satisfaction of the $2500 PB's along with…
  • Quote: Originally posted by pyriX I dont think so - iBook is $1500AUD, 6 months salary for me. Are you sure you have a job??? $1500AUD is less than two months unemployement compensation in australia. edit : Ah, OK... 14 years old... you s…
  • My guess is : iBook : 13.3 (A thinner 13.3 ibook would perfectly replace both the 12 and the 14... ) and maybe a 15.4. Powerbook : 12 much thinner, 15.4 and 17
  • Quote: Originally posted by ct77 Mine is 4 1/2 years old -- a G3 500 MHz dual-USB silver iBook. (...) but honestly, my iBook is eminently usable for day-to-day work as a full-time student. Just try an ibook G4, you will see a BIG difference…
  • Xserve moving among the first??? completely stupid!
  • but only dual core yonah will be available in january. so the step will be to big for the mac mini compare to ibook and Pbook... i still beleive that all the G4-based computer will switch between january and march.
  • I think developers will continue to make app's for Mac OS X, because I think that apple will allow all PC makers to use Mac OS X in the near future. That is the next big transition. It is the right time (when Vista will be launched), as PC users wil…
  • in terms of software apple should make the transition as long as possible... if half of the macs are PPC and half intel, the developpers will have to go to universal binaries. Once they have launched their software in universal binaries, most of …
  • how do you know that no apps or game are ready for intel? I gess apple will anounce new macintel in january, along with "more than a thousand recompiled apps"... Apple need to push intel mac on the market in order to hurry up the "slow" developer…
  • Quote: Originally posted by dilett I used to run a business from a laptop, and I know others who do the same. Just because they are not very fast doesn't stop then being fast enough. What i meant if that what you can do with a powerbook, you …
  • Quote: Originally posted by eswank Think about it: why would Apple want to upgrade the computers that sell the least first? -E You said it, because they sell the least! The powerbook's sells are poor, because it's not powerful enough! More…