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Quote: Originally Posted by FuturePastNow Oh yes it is error correcting memory. In fact it's even more expensive than normal registered ECC RAM- the current Mac Pros use fully buffered DIMMs (FB-DIMM). Even better, not all FB-DIMM RAM works in th…
I am getting to tired of this. Adium has become too buggy for me. Version 0.7 was the best, I had no error and the features were the same. Switching to yahoo messenger.....
Quote: Originally Posted by kon_liapis Hello, iI have just downloaded some icons from and I dont know how to install them... Any ideas? They are like empy folders and I hope I wont have to install them manualy! Thanks.... …
Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Me You have to type-in your Address Book contacts. If you have an Exchange account, then Address Book may be able access contacts on the server. If you are using Entourage 2004 to access an Exchange server, then…
Quote: Originally Posted by nickgb3 Personally, I think 3 races is perfectly sufficient, and indeed has an advantage over games that stress an artificial idea of diversity over true distinction between the races they provide. WC3 did the diversit…
Quote: Originally Posted by Gon Dunno what's disappointing about 3 races. It gives you nine different 1v1 matchups already, not to mention combinations. Starcraft has absolutely massive amount of stuff and tricks to discover even for the casual g…
same 3 races. so dispointing, lets see what the gameplay brings new. It seems that is hard to balance more than 3 races or 4 (warcraft 3 was maintained balanced with so many patches).
Quote: Originally Posted by Ebby For me Adium takes a while to update buddy icons, sometimes days. I think it is based on when your buddy updates or something. I cleared my cache once and lost ALL the icons and it took about a week for the defa…
My mistake, problem solved. I had inserted the disc of a Mac Mini, not the Powerbook cds.
I think .mac is very useful but the price maybe could be a little lower.
How come I cannot backup a folder to another folder with Super duper? I mean I have a folder that I want to backup automatically into another folder on a different partition or somewhere else. Why can't I do that?
Check the "Startup Disk" in System Preferences and make sure that you have the macintosh hd set as boot volume.
And the error report from "More Information"
For Tiger as well.
This sounds very weird. Before you moved them to trash, what was the location of those files? On windows files like this are usually viruses or adware stuff, but OSX doesn't have viruses and stuff like this. They could be some system files. Usua…
This looks great. Too bad it is only for Tiger.
Problem solved, I restarted the Powerbook. Numpad was on, though I don't know why the other part of the keypad was inserting different letter signs. Well, no matter, it works now.
I did everything you said and still doesn't work. I created a secondary admin account and the pssword isn't recognised for that also. The password is recognised in all the other processes and applications in which is required.
Quote: Originally Posted by Marvin If the application on the dmg is a .pkg file, you can use Pacifist to install the files: What printer model is it? No, it is not a pkg file. It is a simple dmg d…
I see. I did this. What if I try to copy some DVDs? By copying I don't mean to multiply stuff illegaly. I have 2 DVDs with the wedding of a friend of mine, and she asked me to make her some copies of the DVDs. How can I do this? I mean what type of …