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  • I looked through what I have but couldn't find an Apple logo. I have the Mac OS logo, an OS X logo and a Quicktime logo, all eps. No Apple.
  • [quote]Originally posted by river-wind: We need to make sure that the people who are still suing MS for anti-trust violations are informed of this. Does any one know of how to contact these guys?Here is part of an e-mail I got. [quote]The J…
  • [quote]Originally posted by graphiteman: Can we Photoshop the images, or are we only allowed to use iPhoto?Just because you edit it in PS doesn't mean you can't use iPhoto to upload it. I'm in a digital photography class. I've learned that no ma…
  • Man... if they want to combine computers and art, they should find an artist to do the art part. (Most of) Those were crap.
  • [quote]Originally posted by MacAgent: I saw that same thing several months ago...Ya, I know. He posted that on the MacNN forums a long time ago, when he was going through that "Look, I suck at PS!" phase.
  • Ya, IE correctly displays pngs as long as it's embedded into the web page. By default, it doesn't know what to do with them if you try and open them in their own windows. Every windows browser I've seen completely fails on
  • I thought there was an app that could do something similar to it back in the 10.0.x days. I don't know what it was called and it doesn't seem to be on VT anymore. Sorry.
  • All directories are visible from the command line. Many folders are hidden in in the Finder and I suspect that's where your problems are. You have several options for accessing those config files. First, know they are in /etc/httpd/ My favorit…
  • [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg: Uhhhhh....I downloaded it, installed it, set the config, and it doesn't work at all. I followed the directions, don't know what the hell I did wrong. Does this work for everyone else? I couldn't set…
  • Yaay! This is wonderful news! My middle button actually does something now.
  • This isn't a new bug at all. It's been around since the Public Beta at least. There is fairly good evidence that this is actually going to be fixed in the upcoming update. We can only hope. It's gotten a lot more feedback in the last few months t…
  • [quote]Originally posted by Hobbes: And can you drag them back into the Dock? Or do they just bounce off?Yes, they go back in the dock. [quote]From the movie, it looked like OS X was trying to guide you toward the edges of the screen quite a…
  • [quote]Originally posted by Hobbes: Xeo, do those windows currently float above all applications, like the Dock? Or do they act like an app's unminimized windows?Always on top.
  • [quote]Originally posted by Mithras: That is truly wacky. I'm curious, if you've selected Genie instead of Scale, do they Genie in-place? What might that look like (nudge, nudge)?So far, there is no way to minimize-in-place from large to small,…
  • I think it would make sense if you Command Double-click the title bar and it would minimize up under the cursor so you could easily pull it to a new location. On the same line, Command Click the yellow widget would do the same thing.
  • [quote]Originally posted by BuonRotto: If it brings up a contextual menu and can be "stuck" to the screen edges, it could be pretty useful. The part that seems buggy is that it goesto the Dock first with no option to "minimize in place" or anythin…
  • I will confirm... it is NOT a bug. It is more of a toy. I don't know if it will make it to final or not, but it is definitely SUPPOSED to be there. You can do it with every window. You can right click it and bring up a contextual menu. You can "t…
  • Here's the deal with the movies. They were made before Christmas. They were sent to AI before Christmas. They were supposed to be posted at AI before Christmas. They were not posted because of Apple legal. Recently on the MacNN forums, people…
  • [quote]Originally posted by :-): Hi I want both OS X ang 9 on my 30Gb HD, how should I partition my HD? I've heard someone say that the OS must be in the first 8GB of the drive, is that true?The 8GB thing is only for Beige G3s and Wallstreet Po…