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  • Quote: Originally Posted by BUSHMAN4 War is never good between companies and whether all these claims and responses are fact or fiction the APPLE or aNDROID customer are not going to see any benefit out of it. I disagree. I think competition b…
  • It makes sense in a lot of ways. Offer more choices, get people to start on a nano-phone (or whatever you'd call it) and move up to the higher end iPhone. Apple has done similar things with it's other lines: Macbook leads to 13" Macbook Pro to th…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Robin Hood Even if Apple manage to make the world's best, most intuitive mobile phone, bar none, they will still have an uphill battle to get it into the hands of customers... Due to the way the mobile phone market wor…
  • With all Apple's touch screen patents and the rumors of a phone too... could the screen turn into a touch sensitive dial pad when it is in "phone" mode... and a QWERTY keyboard when ou want to send emails while on the road? A phone, mobile email …
  • It seems some of the analysts also think it's just a matter of time as Apple doesn't want to let Sony start stealing their thunder. From NewsFactor Network article: Yankee Group analyst Michael Goodman contends that it is only a matter of time…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Cory Bauer Did y'all see this article and images? No numberpad. You dial using the clickwheel to select numbers on the screen. That sounds frustrating as all hell. I think that would be frustrating. But it just …
  • I think a slick interface like Front Row... controlled with a click wheel would be great. Instead of videos, music, etc... the interface could show contacts, phone settings, and more (plus music and videos I guess too). Have the phone look like an i…
  • With all the cell phone companies throwing MP3 playing capability into thier phones... I feel that Apple has to respond and do what they do best. Great design, great interface and take everything to the next level. How they will do this?, I don't kn…
  • Would Apple really make a phone themseleves? What is the advantage of becoming a phone manufacturer for Apple? While I do like the Nano that slides open to be a phone, creating a phone isn't just a cool piece of hardware with iTunes on it... you …
  • Quote: Originally posted by BRussell Hmm, would that work? The camera on the iMac is right at viewing level because of how you look at the display. Where's the viewing angle with respect to the mini box? More likely, the camera will be integrated…
  • Once the Mac Mini goes to Intel... I wonder if we'll still see a built in iSight camera on it. I imagine a lot of people using the mini in their entertainment center... imagine grandma seeing her grandkids on the TV and talking to them like they wer…
  • According to this is probably just the first of a whole line of phones. I'm guessing (just like the iPod), they'll get better during each iteration. "So what's next for iTunes on phones? We may see one more iTu…
  • Could this iTunes software be added after-the-fact to other Motorola phones? For instance, could a RAZR phone be made into an iTunes phone?
  • Quote: Originally posted by TenoBell I also expected more. The Rockr is just ok. Its still nowhere near the Razr This is probably just the beginning of Apple licensing iTunes for cell phones. To gain momentum before MS can get a foot hold. …
  • Could this "music event" in Japan also be the launch of the iTunes phone? I believe they said it would be a 'world phone' and it is within the 66 day period.
  • Quote: Originally posted by Jambo Not to mention the fact that it has already been discussed here a zillion times before. Stop digging up old threads!! It may have been discussed (I'm sure it's a conservative estimate) "a zillion times", …
  • Wasn't MacWorld in January? I think is already happened.
  • They are running out of time if they are going to release this iTunes phone during the "first half of 2005". I'm ready to get a phone and I wante to see this phone before I settle on something else (and probably regret it once this phone comes out).…
  • I just got a new Newsweek today and the ad also appears in that magazine.
  • Quote: Originally posted by Lucy They may have asked the other carriers, as one carrier could be a little tight for justifying a new phone, and the carriers who they thought would not want the phone, did not want the phone. The RAZR has bee…