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Quote: Originally Posted by stevetim As an Apple TV owner I can tell you this looks like it will blow apple TV away. I still don't understand the lack of browser support on the apple tv. If they don't take Apple TV out of hobby status ... the…
Quote: Originally Posted by Quevar I suggest everyone do the following and encourage your friends to as well: Uninstall Flash by moving the "Flash Player.plugin", "flashplayer.xpt", and "NP-PPC-Dir-Shockwave" out of the "/Library/Internet Plug…
Im all for open source blah blah blah... But 10 years til html5??? Really apple?...
Quote: Originally Posted by rtdunham so they're morally wrong but we shouldn't denounce them? What? Why don't I understand? Oh! Because that doesn't make sense. Dont hate the player, hate the game
Camera or it will be doa. Blame this on the rumor mill.
Quote: Originally Posted by Psych_guy The idea is 2001. The point made is that MS is about 8 years behind and copying Apple still. Think of it as the start to the Kentucky Derby. Apple left the gate when the gun went off. MS had to wait a…
This could go on forever and probably will... On one side we have Republicans who are basing decisions on opinions, fear of the unknown and Ideology. On the other side we have democrats basing decisions on numbers, examples from around the world an…
Quote: Originally Posted by JLL Apple allows other apps to look in the iTunes data (and iPhoto, Address Book, iCal, Mail). Palm could make their own syncing app if they want to - RIM did it. and that is why RIM is where they are and Palm is…
The man is certainly ill.
For the 100th time, add DVR and I'm sold....
Quote: Originally Posted by djames42 Indeed. Remaining Treo/Tungsten users are going to have to scramble to find a new solution. All three of you. Thats funny
Didnt the photographer steal that idea from the Matrix movies?
Quote: Originally Posted by gmcalpin Add DVR functionality at the current price point, and I'm sold. Ditto for me. Ive always said, if iTV could replace my horrible Tivo id buy it in a second.
Quote: Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 There is an absolutely wild patent that Apple has where they use infrared sensors together with the capacitance sensors to detect "hand shapes" as your hands hover over the screen. In this scenario to switc…
I really dont see the appeal of the [rumored] apple tablet... But then again, I said the same thing about the iPhone...
"U.S. carriers reportedly saw a prototype of the device, only to reject it." reason?...
I cant believe the injection of politics in this thread. The GOP are some bitter folk.
I splurged and got myself the high end Apple earbuds and found no real difference in sound quality. The rubber ball shaped buds do fit in my ear better but certainly not worth the price.
Quote: Originally Posted by trumptman I love Apple as much as the next guy the reasoning in this survey is crap. It basically measures if people are interested in purchasing right after the release and no on way ties that interest to sell through…
Quote: Originally Posted by bigmc6000 The issue is that it's still not an essential service - Apple makes over 30% profit on everything they sell and this is much, much higher than their competition but nobody is going to take them to court for e…